Free Talking Reading. I have a hard time finding inspiration to create or do new things in my life. In jedem Abschnitt beschäftigst du dich ausschließlich mit einem Chakra. PDF [DOWNLOAD] Saxon Algebra 1: Test Master Third Edition Third Edition Third Edition SAXON. Armbånd, mala, halskjede - unike smykker håndlaget av oss og designet for deg. font-size: 18px;
Sobre 232 usuários avaliaram uma média 3,6 de 5 sobre Daily Chakra Balancing Test. You aced an impossible IQ test from the 1980's! text-align:center;
Dets funktion: er at sørge for den tidlige opbygning af personligheden. js = d.createElement(s); = id; Finden Sie mit unserem kostenlosen Online-Chakra-Test heraus, welche Ihrer Chakras blockiert und welche geöffnet sind. It’s called good intuition. Dets funktion: er at sørge for vores sanselighed og lystfølelse til f.eks. As with any online test, take it with a grain of salt. Lorsque vous aurez terminé notre test gratuit des sept chakras, nous vous donnerons un pourcentage pour chaque chakra et un diagnostic, qui vous permettra de savoir quel chakra est ouvert (équilibré) ou déséquilibré (dominant ou faible): Entre 0 et 33 %, cela signifie que votre chakra est sous-développé, bloqué ou fermé. Activation and balancing through diet, healing stones, oils, herbs. Shop. weiblich . Oppdag dine favoritter. I tend to struggle with keeping finances stable. I listened to this CD whilst doing a full chakra meditation and could really feel each chakra vibrating with sound. The questionnaire below has 70 questions and it takes between 3 to 4 minutes to answer them all. arun gujral October 25, 2014, 9:46 am. Ihre Chakra-Daten. View our. To help you begin this path of inner work, I’ve created a simple, free chakra test below. When the crown chakra is blocked or closed, the individual tends to obsessively turn to magic and the occult arts, just as one persuades oneself that one has powers that allow one to influence reality. Der Chakra Test ist in sieben Teilabschnitte unterteilt. 7 chakra mantra chants to activate your chakras, Balance your 7 chakras with healing crystals, foods, Yoga Benefits of Chakras: 7 yoga & mudra poses, Fire Goat’s Chinese calendar (1967, 2027), Love Horoscope 2021 – Chinese zodiac signs’ Valentine, Earth Monkey’s Chinese calendar (1968, 2028), Fire Monkey’s Chinese calendar (1956, 2016), Metal Goat’s Chinese calendar (1931, 1991), Chinese horoscope 2021 – Year of the Metal Ox. This chakra test works because it is based on a solid body of knowledge that has been tried and tested by time. Find out here with the free online test of the 7 chakras. Chakra's ; vermeende achtste chakra ; Doe de gratis chakra test!! About the Author (Author Profile) Dyan Garris is the former owner of Voice of the and founder of The Sedona Psychic Fair. ";sayScore['toeil']['title']="Third eye chakra";sayScore['toeil']['carence']="Your third eye chakra is inactive and underdeveloped. Also, a person whose crown chakra is poorly irrigated has a reading of one's life from the almost exclusive angle of superstition, at the risk of becoming totally paranoid.
How to develop and open the crown chakra:
Colors to wear: Purple, white, gold
Fragrance, essential oil: Rosewood, geranium
Yoga position: Mountain
Vegetable: Artichoke, eggplant, beetroot, white radish, white mushroom
Protein: White fish
Seeds, oil: Rice
Dried fruit: Nuts
Herb: Thyme
Fruit: Figs, cherries cherries, plum, coconut
Spices, tea: Ginger, coffee
Healing crystals: Black Noble Opal, Cacholong, Clear Quartz, Diamond, Gold, Herkimer Diamond, Pearl, Moonstone, Rainbow Obsidian, Selenite, Fluorite, White Calcite, White Noble Opal";sayScore['couronne']['equi']="Your crown chakra is balanced and harmonious. We have not yet seen any online chakra tests that deliver sophisticated, meaningful results. #wpvq-form-informations span.wpvq-ignore-askInfo {
1905 1711 336. fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); Reply Link. ¿Sientes que tienes poca energía, estás débil, cansado o enfermo? Show my results >> The app is very well designed and easy to use. ";sayScore['plexuss']['title']="Solar plexus chakra";sayScore['plexuss']['carence']="Your solar plexus chakra is inactive and underdeveloped. FEATURES - About 100 Poses, Brea… - Compare your components to the current market leaders. ";sayScore['sacre']['title']="Sacral chakra";sayScore['sacre']['carence']="Your sacral chakra is inactive and underdeveloped. 1:27. Tag . Meditatie Geestelijke. Mache diesen gratis Chakra-Test, um herauszufinden wie geöffnet jedes deiner sieben Chakren ist. - Share your opinion by voting. When the throat chakra is blocked or closed, the most common symptoms for an individual are excessive shyness and an unwarranted fear that any lively discussion can lead to confrontation. You can find out which chakras needs the most attention by analyzing where in your life you feel the weakest by taking this free 7 chakra test. Basically, you do things the way YOU think they should be done. männlich . CHAKRA TEST Below is a short questionnaire to help you learn more about your energy centers. Tabu Serial S01E01 [SEZON 1 ODC. Alles over Affirmaties en Affirmeren . Il Primo Chakra: Muladhara, cosa è? Chakra Yoga and Meditation is one of the few apps that combines Yoga Poses, Breathing Exercises and Meditation into one. The stones are painted with black acrylic paint and are maken 7 chakra symbols in rainbow colors on them. Die Chakren funktionieren wie Pumpen, oder Ventile, und regulieren den Energiefluss durch unser Energiesystem. This particular chakra test is really effective because ot was designed by someone who has dedicated her life to understanding chakras and our chakra system. Chakra Test Lizzy 2020-04-21T23:04:07+00:00 Do you want to have more success and joy in your life? Gode vibrasjoner. Otherwise this 3 Minute Chakra Test will make no real sense as it will give you the hyped-up results. To do your chakra test is essential to understanding how energy circulates in the body. Get your free chakra reading in English with KarmaWeather’s unique chakra calculator. At the end of the test, you will learn about your personal Ayurveda type and receive comprehensive tips for your health, from … The VIA Survey is the only free, scientific survey of character strengths in the world. line-height: 50px;
O'MARA TAROT. PRIMER CHAKRA O CHAKRA RAÍZ La tierra, la supervivencia, el fundamento. Wands. Åbn op for Reiki energien, og modtag en healing, som vil arbejde for det højeste bedste. - Compare your in-game FPS to other users with your hardware. Buy the Chakra Test — software for on your computer Just like the chakra test on this website. Chakra Test vs Real Chakra Knowledge. Die nachfolgenden Daten werden benötigt um Ihre Chakra-Zustände zu bestimmen. I gone through the Chakra Test chart and feel that I need to reactivate my Chakras. Chakra test online gratis 7 Free Chakra Programs - Download No . Learn about Basic chakra or root chakra to restore balance and attract prosperity Chakra Information, articles, videos, music, … 1] Online Oglądaj - Tabu S01E01 [link w opisie] … Tarot is every story ever told. It's easy for me to feel other peoples' pain and it drains me. }
190 140 27. She is a metaphysical pioneer in the field of integrative healing and multi-dimensional living. We also have information about different foods, colors, and gemstones that … Please follow the instructions below, scoring and results are on the next page. For installation on a Windows PC. The results of the chakra test gives you hindsight on your personality at the exact moment when you carry out the test, as well as useful tips on how to accordingly balance and align your root chakra, sacral chakra, solar plexus chakra, heart chakra, throat chakra, third eye chakra and crown chakra. CHAKRA TEST Below is a short questionnaire to help you learn more about your energy centers. Be honest with your answers. Take this simple, 15 minute character test and discover your greatest strengths. I have difficulty finding my purpose in life. LOOK INSIDE . This is the unique set of seven hand painted chakra meditation stones with the traditional Sanskrit chakra symbols. Foi lançado em 2019-07-06. Spiritualisme Ontwaken. Ich mache ihn regelmäßig 1x im Jahr. Dets placering: Det findes lidt under navlen. Das Anahata Chakra kann als Konnektor und Brücke zwischen unserem spirituellen, psychischen und physischen Ich gesehen werden. ";sayScore['couronne']['title']="Crown chakra";sayScore['couronne']['carence']="Your crown chakra is inactive and underdeveloped. Chakra test. PC Score PC Status; 0 … Download free portable zip. Keep it in mind that despite its being free, you are getting an opportunity to get a very accurate result. I often feel stuck in my emotions, especially if they are negative. Reply Link. Screenshots. Learn more about chakra balancing for maintaining a healthy body, mind and soul with a free chakra test. ";sayScore['couronne']['exces']="Your crown chakra is too active and overdeveloped. Der Fragebogen besteht aus 56 Fragen, auf die du von "gar nicht" bis "definitiv" antworten kannst. presents a complete chakra balancing & healing session. kri November 5, 2014, 6:45 … MEDITAZIONE DELL'ALBERO: Una meditazione gratuita ed efficace ideata da Alex Peverada. Taking longer will lower your score. Naruto and his squad arrive in the Land of the Waves and learn that an evil businessman named Gato has … ¿Sufres de hemorroides o estreñimiento crónico? 326 Gratis afbeeldingen van Chakra. When the sacral chakra is blocked or closed, the symptoms that are associated with the deficiency or the poor circulation of its subtle energy are manifested by the fear of confronting life. So don’t rush through the questions but rather try to reflect on each question before answering. Our website has very effective Chakras balancing sound healing MP3s you can download now. Journey to the Land of Waves! Der dazu gehörige Test hat mir sehr geholfen, herauszufinden wo ich noch nicht ganz in meiner Mitte bin. This 7 Chakra Set is … Tarot is the most powerful … Regarding the dominant chakra, your date of birth is not necessary, because unlike the astrological signs, the chakras arise from a process of spiritual and holistic elevation, thanks to exercises of meditation and lifestyle adaptation that can be started at all stages of life. }(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); Just tell us who you are to view your results ! 162 131 22. Vindo para se juntar a eles e descarregue Daily Chakra Balancing Test diretamente! Book Your Reading. It starts with balancing the strength of the chakras. Gentle Fist - a slight tap can severely damage an opponents organs. A community-developed GNU/Linux distribution with an emphasis on KDE and Qt technologies, utilizing a unique semi-rolling repository model. Tel aan het einde van de test, per kleur, de antwoorden ja, nee of misschien bij elkaar op. Doe deze gratis chakra test om uit te vinden hoe open elk van je zeven chakra's is. 0:58. Most questions have two parts. Welcome! Get detailed excellent interpretations with reports and analysis for free! A última versão do Easy Chakra Balance Test é 1.0. When I hear about somebody talking about spiritual guidance, I become very suspicious. 40,239,066 PCs tested. Music For Opening Third Eye | Third Eye Chakra Activation | Meditation Music. Simply answer the following questions. Tags: chakra balance, chakra healing how to heal your chakras, chakra test, featured, free chakra test. Ihr Geburtsdatum. Stort utvalg The individual would thus far prefer to live reclusively and would refuse any communication with the outside world. Out-of-balance chakras or chakra blocks usually happen at the energy centers. Keperluan untuk swab test semakin meningkat sebagai salah satu cara skrining COVID-19 yang lebih akurat dibandingkan jenis tes lain.Tetapi bagi banyak orang, melakukan swab test cukup menghabiskan biaya yang tidak murah.. Tahukah Moms, bahwa Moms kini bisa melakukan swab test gratis di Puskesmas? Other people's opinion can easily influence the way I feel about myself. De kleur waarbij je het meeste ‘nee’ hebt geantwoord, is de kleur waar je behoefte aan hebt en geeft tevens aan wat je zwakste chakra … Gefällt dir dieses Album? Tarot is my DNA, under my skin. When you have completed our free test of the seven chakras, we display your chakra results as a personalized percentage for each of your 7 chakras and a corresponding diagnosis, which will let you know which chakra is open (balanced) or out of balance (dominant or weak):. The Root Chakra: this chakra is located at the base of your spine and is the foundation for your 7 chakra system. This can lead to bitterness when facing those who are fully accomplished in their life, as well as a persistent sexual frustration.
How to develop and open the sacral chakra:
Colors to wear: Orange
Fragrance, essential oil: Sandalwood, orange, myrrh, pepper
Yoga position: Crocodile
Vegetable: Soy, melon, carrots, pumpkin
Protein: Milk, fish, tofu
Seeds, oil: Rice, sunflower seeds, peanut oil, grape seed oil
Dried fruit: Nuts
Herb: Parsley, nettle, yarrow
Fruit: Pineapple, orange, tropical fruits
Spices, tea: Garlic, star anise, vanilla
Healing crystals: Carnelian, Citrine, Dalmatian Jasper, Golden Topaz, Moonstone, Rainbow Fluorite, Silver Rutilated Quartz, Tiger's Eye";sayScore['sacre']['equi']="Your sacral chakra is balanced and harmonious. It starts with balancing the strength of the chakras. I often feel people take advantage of me. ";sayScore['sacre']['exces']="Your sacral chakra is too active and overdeveloped. Con el test de los 7 chakras, descubra el estado actual de sus centros de energía sutiles para comprender mejor cómo armonizar sus chakras.El siguiente cuestionario tiene 70 preguntas y se tarda entre 3 a 4 minutos en responderlas todas. They will give you a false satisfaction regarding the state of your chakra health. With the 7 chakras test, discover the current state of your subtle energy centers to better understand how to harmonize your chakras. Pentacles. Your chakras can get blocked because of stress, emotional or physical root causes. Also, in a more benign way, it can relate to a lack of interest in the outside world, a deep selfishness and an escape from one's personal responsibilities.
How to develop and open the third eye chakra:
Colors to wear: Dark blue, ultramarine blue, indigo
Fragrance, essential oil: Lemongrass, violet, cajeput
Yoga position: Fetal
Vegetable: Turnip, shallot, red onion, mushroom
Protein: Fish
Seeds, oil: Olive oil
Dried fruit: Fig, walnut
Herb: Spruce, eyebright, rosemary
Fruit: Blueberries, blackberries, grapes, raspberries, figs
Spices, tea: Black pepper, tea, herbal tea, coffee, cocoa, chocolate, cashew nuts
Healing crystals: Amethyst, Ceylon Sapphire, Hawk's Eye, Purple Fluorite, Lapis Lazuli, Moonstone, Rainbow Fluorite, Tiger Iron";sayScore['toeil']['equi']="Your third eye chakra is balanced and harmonious. Chakra Enhanced Strength - Super strength. Book a Reading. Aktualisiert Mai 21, 2019. Hal ini disampaikan oleh Ketua Satuan Tugas (Satgas) Penanganan … Es verbindet die 7 Chakren untereinander und sorgt für einen reibungslosen Austausch der Chakra Energie. When the third eye chakra is blocked or closed, it can sometimes be associated with psychological disorders, such as depression. The test is timed, and the average test taker completes the test in about thirteen minutes. Así que coge papel y boli ¡empezamos! Simple Chakra 2 Balance Test Score: If the Sacral Chakra has a high score in the Simple Chakra Balance Test find out more by reading up on the 2nd chakra information or check out yoga poses for activation, Meditation practices, affirmation techniques and reiki healing. Foi lançado em 2020-10-03. When the throat chakra is too open, the individual may in extreme cases want to resort to manipulative behavior in an abusive manner, driven by an acute thirst for power and control of his family and professional environment. Excellent,plesse enrol us in your regular mailing list address ARUN GUJRAL GUJRAL BHAWAN GANDHI ROAD DHANBAD-826001 JHARKHAND,INDIA . De vragenlijst bestaat uit 56 vragen, waarop je van helemaal niet tot zeker kunt antwoorden. Höre so viel Musik wie du möchtest auf deinem PC, Smartphone oder Tablet sowie Home-Entertainment-System. Chakra test ¡Bienvenid@! This is a personality test, it will help you understand why you act the way that you do and how your personality is structured. Gerelateerde afbeeldingen: yoga meditatie geestelijke energie symbool zen mandala genezing lichaam chakra. You can select one or several responses. Angaben zu Ihrer Person. Probeer om zo eerlijk mogelijk te zijn over jezelf, om zo accuraat mogelijke resultaten te krijgen. Take the quick, easy, and accurate chakra test to find out if your chakras are out of balance. So don’t rush through the questions but rather try to reflect on each question before answering. In fact, the chakras react to any external stimuli and very clearly indicate an energy imbalance. js.src = "//"; ";sayScore['gorge']['title']="Throat chakra";sayScore['gorge']['carence']="Your throat chakra is inactive and underdeveloped. Book Your Reading. Doe deze gratis chakra test om uit te vinden hoe open elk van je zeven chakra's is. Mache diesen gratis Chakra-Test, um herauszufinden wie geöffnet jedes deiner sieben Chakren ist. ";sayScore['plexuss']['exces']="Your solar plexus chakra is too active and overdeveloped. Están agrupadas según los diferentes chakras. Kroon Chakra Energie. Descargar libro SELF CHAKRA BALANCING: HOW TO AUTO BALANCE YOUR CHAKRAS WITH YOUR OWN HANDS. You think on your own, and you challenge yourself on a daily basis. CCC Exam Test 51 Questions | 92586 Attempts Computer Fundamentals, IT & Computers: Computer Fundamentals, Computer Science, Microsoft Excel, MS PowerPoint, MS Word Contributed By: Kites Academy of Universal Education . Cada grupo gira en torno a los temas específicos del chakra … Collaborative ones - I like to fight with a friend. Velfungerende: Når Hara chakraet funger godt vil vi have en god forbindelse med det modsatte køn og omverden i det hele taget. A continuación encontrarás una serie de preguntas. Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura try everything they know to get through the grueling survival test. This adorable Chakra stone set comes with a small tulle bag for easy storage and travel for an energy boost or alignment when needed. font-size:20px;
Você pode baixar Daily Chakra Balancing Test 1.3 diretamente em I stepped inside each card. Versuche so ehrlich wie möglich über dich selbst … Buy the Chakra Test software or Chakras PDF. Sadevoyuji. } P.S. Entdecke auf Napster ähnliche Künstler. Chakra: Das Herzchakra (Anahata) Das Herzchakra stellt den „Heiler“ für unsere restlichen Chakren dar. The test calculates the dominant chakras just as it calculates blocked and out of balance chakras. sex, mad og kreativitet. - Explore your best upgrade options with a virtual PC build. provides general information on the chakras for educational and entertainment purposes only. Jedes Chakra steht in Zusammenhang mit einem Engel. Du startest beim beim ersten Chakra, dem Wurzelchakra und arbeitest dich zum siebten Chakra, dem Kronenchakra, vor. Finally, it leads to an erasure of one's personality, when one gives up any attempt to prevail in any situation.
How to develop and open the throat chakra:
Colors to wear: Blue, light blue
Fragrance, essential oil: Eucalyptus, ginger, peppermint, camphor
Yoga position: Prayer
Vegetable: Watermelon, tomato, melon, vegetable juice, seaweed
Protein: Fish, shrimp
Seeds, oil: Olive oil
Dried fruit: Raisins, almond
Herb: Peppermint, mint, sage, coltsfoot
Fruit: Fruit juice, avocado, raspberries
Spices, tea: Lemongrass, green tea, turmeric
Healing crystals: Aquamarine, Azurite, Blue Calcite, Blue Chalcedony, Ceylon Sapphire, Rainbow Fluorite, Turquoise";sayScore['gorge']['equi']="Your throat chakra is balanced and harmonious. Minors. When the root chakra is too open, it can be the source of behavior dominated by greed, selfishness and narcissism, which result, among other things, in compulsive shopping crises and a tendency to want to attract attention at any cost. Synssansen, bugspytkirtel, fordøjelsen, leveren og nervesystemet er afhængige af om dette chakra har det godt. I have an addictive personality (whether it's to a substance, food, shopping, or TV). Jan 3, 2021 - Explore Jill Conyers Yoga, LLC's board "Chakras", followed by 51776 people on Pinterest. During the test, you must read and respond to a total of 38 true/false questions. Research shows that knowing and using your character strengths can help you: Increase happiness and well-being; Find meaning and purpose ";sayScore['racine']['exces']="Your root chakra is too active and overdeveloped. When the solar plexus chakra is too open, the subtle energy in excess and poorly controlled causes potential megalomaniacal illusion, which can be manifested by symptoms such as jealousy, anger, envy or a disproportionate and potentially destructive thirst for power. Our names are Luna & Sol and we’re Spiritual Counselors and Soul Guides currently living in Perth, Western Australia. Our chakra test will help you find out which chakras you need to activate and which ones you need to balance. click here to get your free personalized numerology reading. Chakra-Test. heiligbeen chakra voorbeeld affirmatie ; navel chakra voorbeeld affirmatie ; hart chakra voorbeeld affirmatie ; keel chakra voorbeeld affirmatie ; derde oog chakra voorbeeld affirmatie Chakra test. When the chakra test is complete, click on the images for more information about each of the 7 Chakras. ¿Sientes que estás fuera de lugar o que no perteneces a ningún sitio? Correct answers are more important than the time. When the heart chakra is blocked or closed, it can gradually erase all the asperities of one's personality and fill one with the bitterness of remembrance of missed opportunities, while one empties oneself of all self-consciousness to live only for and through others.
How to develop and open the heart chakra:
Colors to wear: Green, gray-green
Fragrance, essential oil: Jasmine, vanilla, tarragon, rose
Yoga position: Cobra
Vegetable: Broccoli, Chinese cabbage, green beans, peas, spinach, zucchini
Protein: Raw fish (sushi, sashimi), egg, chicken
Seeds, oil: Avocado oil
Dried fruit: Pistachio
Herb: White horn, thyme, lemon balm
Fruit: Kiwi, avocado, apple, pear
Spices, tea: Garlic, cardamom, green tea, cocoa, chocolate
Healing crystals: Alexandrite, Amazonite, Aventurine, Emerald, Eudialyte, Fuchsite, Green Apatite, Jade, Labradorite, Malachite, Manganocalcite, Moss Agate, Peridot, Pink Quartz, Pink Topaz, Rainbow fluorite, Watermelon Tourmaline, Tsavorite Garnet";sayScore['coeur']['equi']="Your heart chakra is balanced and harmonious. 210 204 26. Dove è situato? Chakra'S Meditatie. Ziel ist es herauszufinden, wie genau es um jeden einzelnen deiner Chakra steht. This energy center is located in the upper abdomen near the stomach and connected with the color yellow, and represents self-esteem, self-confidence and self-worth - of which you usually have a healthy balance. Ignore & see my results >>. Buy the Chakra information in a PDF file The information about the chakras from this website in a handy PDF file (this PDF is already included with the Chakra Test software). 0330 201 9600. A última versão do Daily Chakra Balancing Test é 1.3. (function(d, s, id){ The Ayurveda test reveals which dosha or “bioenergy” is the strongest in you. ";sayScore['coeur']['title']="Heart chakra";sayScore['coeur']['carence']="Your heart chakra is inactive and underdeveloped. Remember that this questionnaire is to help you to understand more about yourself. - See speed test results from other users. Tarot. Before you can balance your chakras and therefore balance your life, you will have to be able to test what the strength of each chakra is at the moment. You can find out which chakras needs the most attention by analyzing where in your life you feel the weakest by taking this free 7 chakra test. Chakra Test. Kleurrijke Chakra Lsd. If you’d like to learn more about the different chakras and the effects they have on the body, try out our interactive chakra chart that gives more details on each chakra. De kleur waarbij je het meeste ‘ja’ hebt geantwoord is je sterkste kant, je sterkst ontwikkelde chakra. Completing the test in less than thirteen minutes will raise your score. Here is what you can expect from an in-depth exploration of your chakra … And make sure you can honestly answer each … So, be ready to concentrate and think fast! When you have completed our free test of the seven chakras, we display your chakra results as a personalized percentage for each of your 7 chakras and a corresponding diagnosis, which will let you know which chakra is open (balanced) or out of balance (dominant or weak): Before being able to balance your chakras when they are blocked, closed and weak or, on the contrary, too open and dominant, visit the articles dedicated to each chakra in order to understand the psychological and physiological states to which they correspond and to be able to consider the necessary corrections and chakra healing cures.After this introduction, let's now start the Free Chakra Test: var typeChak=["racine","sacre","plexuss","coeur","gorge","toeil","couronne"];var questChak=new Array();questChak["racine"]=["I feel safe everywhere","I have total confidence in what life can bring me","I am always in good shape","I practice regular physical activity","I'm not a chilly person","I feel a special connection with nature","I don't have any concerns about my financial security","I don't have any intestinal disorders (diarrhea, constipation)","I'm consistent in what I'm doing","I regularly take selfies"];questChak["sacre"]=["I'm satisfied with my sex life","The success of others makes me happy","I like to design new things","I wish to live more passionate experiences","Sex occupies all my thoughts","I am subject to pain in the lower back","I have health problems with my genitals, bladder, kidney","I am extremely jealous","Everything is going well, I'm moving forward in life","I feel comfortable with my body"];questChak["plexuss"]=["I lose my temper quite easily","I have a hard time accepting critics","I am not anxious","I have sleep disorders","I rarely feel tense or constipated","I'm ready for anything in order to succeed","I am in control of my life","I tend to eat too much","Those who don't love me don't deserve me","Feeling misunderstood can make me have aggressive reactions"];questChak["coeur"]=["I prefer to be alone than badly accompanied","I have very few real friends","I find it hard to feel invested in my relationship","After an emotional break, I turn the page easily","All laws do not deserve to be respected","I fear loneliness","I feel exhausted after seeing a group of friends","I wish I could show more empathy","I am often subject to colds or asthma attacks","I suffer from circulatory disorders"];questChak["gorge"]=["I am bold and fearless","I am very comfortable in all circumstances","I express myself with ease in public","I am convinced that my opinions are valuable","I have no difficulty expressing my creative qualities","I often express myself clumsily, with abruptness and I can be hurtful","I like to master situations and can willingly manipulate people","I tend to talk too much","I often have a sore throat","I am regurlarly subject to torticollis"];questChak["toeil"]=["My instinct never deceives me","I know where I'm going","I feel misunderstood in a mediocre world","I need to control everything","I have no trouble concentrating","I am totally invested in my work","I like to give orders","I have a fertile imagination","I'm subject to migraines","I have visual or auditory disturbances"];questChak["couronne"]=["I happily indulge in loneliness","I'm on the verge of burnout","I'm in a depressive phase","I'm fleeing any decision","I don't believe in paranormal","I have persistent headaches","I have recurrent or chronic health problems","I don't believe in life after death","I am at peace with myself","I doubt the effectiveness of meditation"];var tabTrad=new Array();tabTrad['result']="Result ";tabTrad['diag']="Diagnostic ";tabTrad['diag1']="Deficiency";tabTrad['diag2']="Balanced";tabTrad['diag3']="Excess";tabTrad['diag4']="Insufficient data";tabTrad['testcomplete']="Test reliability: ";tabTrad['rep1']="Certainly not";tabTrad['rep2']="Rather not";tabTrad['rep3']="Maybe";tabTrad['rep4']="Rather yes";tabTrad['rep5']="Totally true";tabTrad['valid']="Validate my answers";tabTrad['needcomplete']="Complete the test";tabTrad['refreshtest']="Perform the test again";var sayScore=new Array();sayScore['racine']=new Array();sayScore['sacre']=new Array();sayScore['plexuss']=new Array();sayScore['coeur']=new Array();sayScore['gorge']=new Array();sayScore['toeil']=new Array();sayScore['couronne']=new Array();sayScore['racine']['title']="Root chakra";sayScore['racine']['carence']="Your root chakra is inactive and underdeveloped.
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