csr 2 boss times

Mustang Boss 302: $28,500 or 120 G--163: 290: 3500: 400: 3200: The Golf GTI MK1 is a clear winner in this category, especially as it also has a 6% RP bonus and eight fusion slots. However, it must be won in the Rare Imports lot, which means it's a lot harder to come by. Speed Freaks. New info on Tempest 2 Challenge Stuck with Larry’s GTA Spano on Race #17, 692 PP, 1/2 mile, 12.142s. ... Times To Win Boss Cars in CSR2 (With Tempest) by Tim November 15, 2020, 1:42 pm. The best tune I can get for 692PP is 12.111 but it’s very hard to beat and I managed only 12.168 meanwhile. Trending Hot Popular Season 122 – Prestige Cup & Crew Milestone Cars (Inc. Tuning & Shift Pattern) Uncategorized csr2 tempest 3 boss times. in CSR Racing 2, CSR2 Events. Sub-boards: Tune Marketplace, [T1] Tier 1 tunes, [T2] Tier 2 tunes, [T3] Tier 3 tunes, [T4] Tier 4 tunes, [T5] Tier 5 tunes. CSR2 Event Guides – Pagani Supercar Science Event. February 17, 2021 February 17, 2021 No Comment on csr2 tempest 3 boss times February 17, 2021 No Comment on csr2 tempest 3 boss times Before posting: Please check the rules (on the sidebar and in the pinned post on the front page!). It is highly recommended to use Super Boost, 1000pp and Mechanic to win his car. Still Racing. There are five racing crews in CSR racing. For each car you will see a record (the best time in the world), a dinostond time, a position in the rating, a picture, the best settings and shifts (gear shift pattern) for winning online races. They are as follows: WARNING: The hardest high stakes challenge for the World Tour is Aiden. Crew Boss times are KNOWN; Build your car to be faster than the Boss and save your hard-earned cash in CSR Racing 2; Crew Boss Times: T1: KJ’s Rocket Bunny – 13.391 (1/4 mile) T2: Ashleigh’s CLA 45 – 12.015 (1/4 mile) T3: Kurtz Mustung HPE – 10.588 (1/4 mile) T4: Victor Kidd’s Project 7 – 14.180 (1/2 mile) Undoubtedly, the most complete compilation of all requirements in CSR2. Self explanatory, a sheet with all the fastest recorded times of bosses, the cars you can win and some side intel. 263. 29.3k. Chat here to look for players in need of a crew, or promote your own stats to other crews in need of new members! 【CSR2】2020 Corvette Stingray, shift & tune for 10.239 — CSR 2 Legends 20.01.2020 CSR2 ShowDown Best Cars To Use & Tips ... For CSR2 and the CSR games-series. The site contains all cars from CSR RACING 2. We sell cars and currencies in CSR Racing 2. Csr racing 2 tempest 3 boss times If you're looking for time to beat in CSR2 to succeed in regulation, ladder, elite or tempest races, you've come to the right place. Talk about ground breaking tunes, discuss your fastest times, figure out the best way to shifting certain cars and also trade your tunes with others! ALL CARS in one page with search + The site was created in order to be useful and carry the latest relevant information on the game from all corners CSR 2 ALL CARS best tuning and shifts LINK 22: 88: CSR2 Tune for best time. boss times sheet.

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