I’m a big fan of Kodak’s tones – especially in its slide films – so my color simulation is geared towards that warmer look, but you can change that just by changing the WB shift. 5) It’s all! That had a lot to do with my decision to purchase the X-T2. what's your favorite fujifilm simulation/setting? My favorite Fujifilm film simulation settings; The “film look” in digital: what I’ve learned so far; Vintage lenses: perfect imperfection; Love at first click: an ode to the Fujifilm x100f; Series. For X-Pro3 – FujiXPro3-Fujifilm ETERNA BLEACH BYPASS.fcrv And no matter how hard and how much I work, it’s not easy to keep up sometimes. So I’ve had to tweak my color recipe a few times along the way to fit each camera generation – they’re not exact matches, of course, but I believe they have the same overall vibe. And I know there is still content you guys sent me that has not yet been shared. You can even shoot while connected to the printer! In C1’s words to me: > Unfortunately, only perpetual licenses can be upgraded; you would have to create a new subscription if you’d like to use another product type. The most recent addition to FUJIFILM’s simulation stable arrived on most X-series cameras via firmware update in mid-2014. ASTIA/Soft. Like so many other Fujifilm users out there, one of the main things that drew me into the X series system was the quality of their jpg files and the film simulations. I have no idea what was written in the original. While most of the times I use the camera jpgs instead of the raw files, I still run them through Capture One to do some quick adjustments. Click here to share it anonymously! I have imported the JPEG+RAW but … that uses so much disk space. So I am using this weekend of realitive quiteness to catch up. Like the Velvia Film Simulation mode, ASTIA also delivers vibrant colors with extra saturation, but its contrast is softer, making this a good choice for fashion, interiors, and even portraits. It was my favorite slide film and it’s my favorite film simulation because it … Please visit their official websites by typing the specific brand name and adding .com after it in your browser. (3) instax Camera Take pictures with an instax frame! Choosing between them became an extremely time consuming task and it got to the point where I would sometimes spend over half-an-hour with a single photo going back and forth between different looks. The Fujifilm X-Pro2 features the new ACROS Film Simulation mode. FujiRumors is participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites. FUJIFILM X-E series cameras have always been designed to combine quality with portability. I suggest you reset your custom WB that you use for Portra recipe once with a white card (maybe in daylight). Its features include smoother gradation, deep blacks and beautiful textures. Earlier in 2018 I realized that I should really spend less time editing and more time shooting, so I decided to use the jpgs instead of the raw files as much as possible. Something that I realized from using his simulations is that the biggest defining factor in the final look of the jpg is the Auto White Balance shift applied. Disclaimer: Fujirumors has no affiliation with any of the equipment manufacturers mentioned on this site. I plugged your color settings into my xt2 and am going to go out today and try it out. I dig the film simulations onboard. Thanks for sharing with us , Thank you for the feedback, glad you liked it! I’m a fan of contrasty, grainy images when it comes to B&W, so I experimented a bit and discovered that the Acros film sim when shot at high ISOs produces some very film-like grain, which looks much more natural than the grain effect in the film sim settings. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. This unique philosophy reflects Fujifilm’s heritage and color science know-how, nurtured by over 80 years of film manufacturing. This app is exclusively for use with the FUJIFILM instax mini Link printer. I've been asked a few times to share which ones are my favorites. Below you’ll find the different iterations of my recipe for the different camera/sensor generations (there is no X-Trans II version, but you can easily use the X-Trans III recipe for those cameras with some minor adjustments). Fujifilm X-T10 Fujifilm XF 60mm F2.4 R Macro Fujifilm XF 27mm F2.8 Samyang 12mm F2.0 NCS CS Fujifilm 16-50mm F3.5-5.6 II +7 more Comment & critique: Please provide me constructive critique and criticism. If you are a C1 Fuji subscriber and want Pro, you have to buy a completely new Pro subscription, and you lose all of the money remaining on your current C1 Fuji subscription. And you have to define the source with “Source: Fujirumors.com” (working link). Thank you so much for your kind words. Don’t get me wrong though, I’m not a “jpg fundamentalist” – I still use the raf files sometimes, either when the lightning conditions are more challenging or when I want a crazier look just for fun. These JPEG settings allow you to get various looks straight out of camera, many based on film stocks, such as Kodachrome, Portra, Tri-X, Superia, Vista, and many more! ... Fujifilm X-T20 Fujifilm XF 14mm F2.8 R Fujifilm XF 23mm F1.4 R Fujifilm XF 56mm F1.2 R +1 more. And of course there are plenty of situations (especially for those doing professional paid work) where the flexibility of Raw is a must. That being said, it shouldn’t be too hard to replicate this look with the Rafs in lightroom. For X-T3 – FujiXT3-Fujifilm ETERNA BLEACH BYPASS.fcrv For your black and whites do you use the above Acros+R setting as well? I also shoot 35mm film and usually have a roll of Fujifilm Superia 400 in my Nikon FE. And I still import them to lightroom sometimes, if I’m not happy with the jpgs. But … I still find that I want to tweak each image just a bit. I always use the same camera settings on the x-pro1, which are: Auto ISO, Auto DR, Astia, Color -2, NR -2, H: 0, S: 0 (or 1), WB shift R4 B-5. The JPEGs are ephemeral. This would not be the first Film Simulation mode comparison ever done, there are many out there. Thank you! Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. It’s much faster than starting from scratch with the Raf files! I love using the Fuji film simulations – on that Fuji X Weekly article you mention I like using the Portra one although the WB setting is never right for me! The colors and details are just stunning, and as someone who grew up with film photography in the 80s, the idea of having film simulations directly in the camera was just perfect! ( Log Out / Thank you Janice, I’m glad you found them useful! One of the things that I was also hoping to achieve by shooting jpg was to get a more consistent look in my photos, but looking back that never really happened because I kept changing back and forth between all of those recipes! Sometimes I also use a Capture One preset pack called “the classic presets”, it has some great classic film simulations as well. Fuji X Weekly — Film Recipes is a free app that gives you access to over 100 Film Simulation Recipes for Fujifilm X cameras! 26 juin 2019 - I've shared many film simulation recipes for Fujifilm X-Trans III cameras, such as the X100F and X-Pro2, and some of them have become quite popular. ... We've combed through the options and selected our two favorite cameras in this class. Press Enter / Return to begin your search. | FUJI X WEEKLY, Color: +3 (sometimes I’ll drop it to +1 when I want a less saturated look), Exposure compensation: typically between +1/3 and +1, Exposure compensation: typically between +1/3 and +2/3, Exposure compensation: between +1/3 and +2/3, ISO: usually 12800 but sometimes I’ll switch to Auto-ISO with a minimum of 2000 if there’s too much light or if I want less grain, adds a slight fade on the shadows using the tone curve. The ability to see through the viewfinder or LCD is incredible. X-E4 continues that legacy in stunning fashion. Perhaps a warning could be posted next time you talk about C1, so others don’t switch from a perpetual license to a subscription as I did and the get caught in a bad position. So in order to simplify my shooting process and get more consistent results, I decided to stick with just one color simulation and one black & white simulation recipe. Hi Luis, I don’t want to be stuck with just a JPG. If you're a beginner or you mainly use your camera for social media, then the best Fujifilm camera might be an entry level body like the X-A7.If you're a professional who takes pictures for a living, it might be the X-T4 or GFX 100.But if you're somewhere in the middle, we reckon the new Fujifilm X-S10 is hard to beat, adding in-body stabilisation and a fully vari-angle screen. Content Copyright Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. I have a roll of Superia 400 waiting in the fridge, I’ve never tried one yet but I love some of the photos I’ve seen of others taken with that film. Non commercial. You can get as many different looks as you want, none necessarily “better” than the others, just different. Fujifilm states that Classic Negative has harder tonality and higher saturation than Classic Chrome. The ACROS Film Simulation is my go-to favorite … At first I just replicated the settings from my X-trans III recipe using Classic Negative instead of Classic Chrome, but after using it for a while and playing around with some of the new options like Color Chrome Effect and FX Blue, I’ve mostly settled on the settings below. The "Film Simulation" modes in Fujifilm cameras are a major Fuji feature that I've wanted to write about for years now. When you combine this stunning optical performance with Fujifilm's 86 years of experience in color science, the results are astounding. Well, because soon Fujifilm will unleash a product-strom, with the announcement of: And all this goodness will come on January 27. Start Capture One and enjoy :-). VELVIA has a very vivid look. This site was a real game changer, as it allowed me to emulate directly in the camera many of the looks that I was trying to recreate using Lightroom presets. Passionate. Classic Chrome on the other hand is more neutral and subtle. This workflow has dramatically reduced my editing time on the computer and also helped me to focus on getting things right in camera, instead of shooting mindlessly and hopping to fix it in post. Nice photos, i recently tried out film simulations in camera myself, it’s been fun! Thanks for the article and the diverse array of sample photos to give us an idea of what your recipe looks like in different contexts. You can contact Patrick (Fujirumors admin) at: But for amateurs like me who use photography to document their everyday life and the world around them, I strongly recommend giving it a try, I think you’ll be surprised with how liberating it is. These one-click captures augment the image count in … It was love at first sight as soon as I saw Jonas Rask’s images with this film sim, as it seemed to fit my “film-look” aesthetic right out of the box. Crafting and Inspiring Great Imagery / Medium Format. I am also frustrated that after pulling in the RAF to Lightroom I have no way to re-apply that film simulation recipe ot the RAF. That’s my main B&W simulation, I almost never process the raws in those files. I really do my best, but it’s a huge amount of content you send me and that I have to check out. Luís, I shoot with one of Ritchie’s or your film simulation recipes regularly. Have you tried importing the jpgs to lightroom instead of the Rafs? Just discovered your blog, love it! This works particularly well with older legacy lenses, because of their natural imperfections compared to current lenses. Down below you can check out today’s roundup. Thanks for reading it, hope you’ll find them useful too! The most recent addition to FUJIFILM’s simulation stable arrived on most X-series cameras via firmware update in mid-2014. X-S10’s small, compact frame is designed to lighten the load on both your mind and your body, letting you explore your surroundings more freely and allowing you to, literally, take your photography further. FUJIFILM X Series & GFX – Global official site. Got a rumor or news to share for FujiRumors? In your favorite file browser go to C:\Program Files\Capture One\Capture One 20\Film Curves\ Find in this location the file FujiXT4-Fujifilm ETERNA BLEACH BYPASS.fcrv; 4) Copy it, and duplicate it in the same place, but with a different name: For X-T3 – FujiXT3-Fujifilm … I have a custom user style that I apply upon importing the jpgs, which does the following: The differences compared to the original jpg are pretty subtle, as you can see on this example (left is the original, edit on the right): And that’s it. Don't miss the Latest Rumors and News. Another feature of the Fuji cameras related to film simulation is to use Film Simulation Bracketing, making it possible to choose three film simulations, and each time you take a photo three separate JPEGs are stored on your memory card, each with a different film simulation. But given the new additions to the Fujifilm lineup in the X-Pro 2 and (soon to be available) X-T2, as well as significant improvements to Lightroom’s Fujifilm support, we thought it would be as good a time as any to revisit […] . Which is your favorite of the Fujifilm JPG film simulations? I have used all of them at one time or… Most of the times I use the camera jpgs with just minor tweaks in Capture One, I love the “softer” tones of the X-trans1 sensor! I use the x-pro1 a lot actually, many of the photos I’ve posted in the last months have been taken with it (https://lifeunintended.com/tag/fuji-x-pro1/). For my color simulation, I took several ideas from Ritchie’s different recipes and mashed them all into one. (1) Simple Print Easily print right from your smartphone! ( Log Out / If you shoot with high ISOs the grain/noise will already the there, it’s just a matter of applying the Acros red profile and bumping up the contrast a bit. My favorites so far have been the Kodachrome simulations (both the Vintage Kodachrome and Kodachrome II) and Fuji Superia 800, but they’re really all quite excellent and cover an enormous range of looks. My favourite film simulation is classic Chrome. Hello – a warning I think is important to share with fellow Capture One Fuji users: the subscription version *can not be upgraded* to the Pro version – only perpetual licenses can. Access the following functions by connecting your instax mini Link to this app via Bluetooth. The Film Simulation mode does the same, with a boost in color saturation and contrast that is great for landscape and nature photography. . A selection of 12 exclusive Film Simulation modes, 13 Advanced Filters, plus a huge variety of in-camera adjustments ensures you can achieve perfect results, straight from the camera. Sometimes Fujifilm photographers will feel greatly impressed with their SOOC photos taken with a Fujifilm mirrorless camera because of the unique color of Fuji’s SOOC vintage film simulations.By using custom film simulation recipes setting on Fujifilm mirrorless cameras, every shot is straight out of the camera (SOOC) and there will be less post-processing and editing … GFX100S includes a new Film Simulation mode to explore — Nostalgic Neg. With a choice of 19 exclusive FUJIFILM Film Simulation modes, it is easy to achieve fantastic color straight out of camera. It’s no wonder that as soon as I got my own X-pro3, I set it to Classic Negative and pretty much never changed it since! Just got the X-T2 and have been taking it everywhere the last couple of days documenting everything going on around me. I have it all saved. Oh, I don’t throw away the Rafs, I keep them on an external drive for backup. The Fujifilm GFX 100 is a medium format camera with a whopping 102 Megapixel BSI-CMOS sensor. How would I reproduce these in older x trans sensor? Based on the comparison below, it does seem to be the case. Commuters; A year in the life – Part I; A year in the life – Part II; A year in the life – Part III; A year in the life – Part IV Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Yeah, I know, I never warmed up to that Portra simulation because I couldn’t get the WB right either. One setting where I still have some doubts is the grain effect… I feel the new size option is a definite improvement, but somehow I still don’t find it as convincing as the grain from Capture One, let alone real film. Back when the X-Pro3 was announced I was very skeptical on some of the hardware design changes, but one thing that immediately got me excited was the jpg-oriented software updates and specifically the new Classic Negative film simulation. **This post contains affiliate links and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking through my links. Like so many other Fujifilm users out there, one of the main things that drew me into the X series system was the quality of their jpg files and the film simulations. The mode, titled “Classic Chrome," is the first simulation mode that is not based on a former Fujichrome film stock and was, instead, crafted in the lab utilizing feedback and requests from Fujifilm X-series users. It might be best to highlight which sections were uofadetd. But Ritchie has come up with some amazing simulations, I use them all the time! Check your inbox or spam folder now to confirm your subscription. share your recipes [EXIF data available. Ultra high-quality monochrome images are possible, adding extra creativity to the general monochrome mode. The new Fujifilm X-S10 shrinks down the X-T4 in both size and price, yet keeps 5-axis image stabilization and adds new ergonomics & usability. “ My favorite Fujifilm film simulation settings ”, My favorite Fujifilm film simulation settings, The “film look” in digital: what I’ve learned so far, Love at first click: an ode to the Fujifilm x100f, I was very skeptical on some of the hardware design changes, My Favorite Fujifilm Film Simulation Recipes | Fuji X Weekly, Updated my favorite Fujifilm film simulation settings – Life, Unintended, https://lifeunintended.com/tag/fuji-x-pro1/, Updated my favorite Fujifilm film simulation settings (again) – Life, Unintended, Review of SOOC JPEGs with the X70 at Dusk – The City Beautiful, Fujifilm Film Simulation Challenge Roll 3: Tri-X Push - Island in the Net, New film simulation recipe for the X-pro3 – Life, Unintended, [Not] My Fujifilm X-Pro2 Tri-X Push-Process Film Simulation Recipe | Fuji X Weekly, My 2 Favorite Fujifilm Simulation Recipes | Brandon Lopez, [Not] My Fujifilm X100V Classic Negative Film Simulation Recipe | Fuji X Weekly, Isolation Photo Project, Day 126 by Khürt Williams on Island in the Net, 3rd anniversary of “Life, Unintended” – Life, Unintended, Isolation Photo Project : Day 138 by Khürt Williams on Island in the Net, You can also Forage in Eden Terrace – Good Intentions, Film Simulation Recipe Cards, Part 2! Film Simulation Bracketing. I’ve loved playing around with different looks to my images over the years. So, after a big camera roundup and a big lens roundup, here is a X-Trans Raw Coversion film simulation roundup. But the greatest thing about working in raw quickly became my biggest problem: the endless possibilities provided by editing these files means it’s a never-ending task. But at least for now I’m leaving it on, just so I can get a final image straight out of camera. For example, if you prefer Fuji’s classic film tones, you can change the WB shift to -2 Red to enhance the greens. ( Log Out / One of the hallmarks of the Fujifilm digital camera system these days is their incredible film simulation profiles which not only produce beautiful colors and gorgeous black and whites, but also an incredibly real-looking and organic grain.One of the simulations available on the latest generation of the X-Series cameras, namely the X-Pro 2 and X-T2, is the Acros film simulation. And at some point I’ll share that one too. It’s like making a print and throwing away the film negative. . Ahead of January 27 there will be lots of rumors, and after that, FujiRumors will cover everything you need to know about the new products. Most of the times, yeah. I really wish Fuji would create a Superia simulation on the X series cameres! fujirumor@gmail.com. So … I have opted to push the JPEGs to my iPhone for posting and import the RAF to Lightroom. Thank you Solomon! Thank you for the quick reply will definitely be trying these settings out this weekend. That being said, as much as I appreciated the quality of the jpgs, I almost always ended up working on the raw files for the added post-processing flexibility and to get a more stylized look. Today Fujifilm is out with a new selection of digital cameras today, expanding its footprint in the competitive space. Click her... - "/p/ - Photography" is 4chan's imageboard for sharing and critiquing photos. After much trial and error, I settled on the settings below that I used almost exclusively on the X-Pro1 during the time that I had it: When it comes to monochrome images, I still use the same recipe that I came up with once I upgraded to an X-trans III camera some years years ago. To get Bleach Bypass in Capture One for X-T3 and X-Pro3, you need to do a few actions: 4) Copy it, and duplicate it in the same place, but with a different name: The mode, titled “Classic Chrome," is the first simulation mode that is not based on a former Fujichrome film stock and was, instead, crafted in the lab utilizing feedback and requests from Fujifilm X-series users. Yes I fell in love with the way it renders colors and soft tones. Its compact dimensions and rangefinder styling make it perfect for everyday adventures, while the analog-era metal dials on its top-plate make it simple to check settings, even with the camera switched off.
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