github win10 initial setup script master

It's simply a setting which I like to use and which in my opinion make the system less obtrusive. A: I don't care. Or better yet, just add the functionality to already existing SetVisualFXPerformance/SetVisualFXAppearance. Always add a simple comment above the function briefly describing what the function does, especially if it has an ambiguous name or if there is some logic hidden under the hood. You signed in with another tab or window. It is now read-only. Q: I really like the script. Star Wars jokes aside, don't use -Force option unless absolutely necessary. This is a PowerShell script for automation of routine tasks done after fresh installations of Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016 / 2019. Which menu? Refer to Advanced usage section for more details. When you need to use HKEY_USERS registry hive, always add following snippet before the registry modification to ensure portability. In cases when there are too many rule violations, I might simply redo the whole functionality and reject the PR while still crediting you. The default is considered freshly installed Windows 10 or Windows Server 2016 / 2019 with no adjustments made during or after the installation. The comment is written in present simple tense, the Write-Output in present continuous with ellipsis (resp. Naming example: Consider function EnableFastMenu. Learn more. Q: Can I run the script in multi-user environment? Standard users will get an UAC prompt asking for admin credentials which then causes the tweaks to be applied to the given admin account instead of the original non-privileged one. Example of a preset file mypreset.txt: The script also supports inclusion of custom tweaks from user-supplied modules passed via -include parameter. So even better might be to name them SetFastMenuFlyouts and SetSlowMenuFlyouts. If nothing happens, download GitHub Desktop and try again. Starting from version 2.5, Windows Server is supported. If nothing happens, download Xcode and try again. A: Feel free to send donations via PayPal. A: The script aims to be fully compatible with the most up-to-date 64bit version of Windows 10 receiving updates from semi-annual channel, however if you create your own preset and exclude the incompatible tweaks, it will work also on LTSB/LTSC and possibly also on 32bit systems. Q: I've run the script and it broke my computer / killed neighbor's dog / caused world war 3. Alternatively, since some functions are just automation for actions which can be done using GUI, find appropriate control and modify it manually. Use Git or checkout with SVN using the web URL. For example: The logging is done using PowerShell Start-Transcript cmdlet, which writes extra information about current environment (date, machine and user name, command used for execution etc.) Alternatively, you can have a preset which "patches" another preset by adding and removing a small amount of tweaks. Totally separate memory from code – that was the point of this article and not to store the HTML in the code, but in the dedicated local filing system. Create the registry keys only if they don't exist on fresh installation if Windows 10 or Windows Server 2016 / 2019. This is useful in cases when you want to apply the whole preset, but omit a few specific tweaks in the current run. download the GitHub extension for Visual Studio. The tweak names can be prefixed with exclamation mark (!) I'd also suggest including a link to this GitHub repo as it's very likely that something will be changed, added or improved to keep track with future versions of Windows 10. SetCurrentNetworkPrivate and SetCurrentNetworkPublic. The content of the user-supplied module is completely up to the user, however it is strongly recommended to have the tweaks separated in respective functions as the main tweak library has. Q: I've run the script and it did something I don't like, how can I undo it? Example of a preset file otherpreset.txt: Command using all three examples combined: If you'd like to store output from the script execution, you can do so using -log parameter followed by a filename of the log file you want to create. download the GitHub extension for Visual Studio, MaterialDesignInXAML/MaterialDesignInXamlToolkit, microsoft/Git-Credential-Manager-for-Windows, Xabaril/AspNetCore.Diagnostics.HealthChecks, PomeloFoundation/Pomelo.EntityFrameworkCore.MySql,, microsoft/Cognitive-Samples-IntelligentKiosk, jbogard/ContosoUniversityDotNetCore-Pages, TomaszRewak/C-sharp-console-gui-framework, BlueRaja/High-Speed-Priority-Queue-for-C-Sharp, Unity-Technologies/com.unity.multiplayer.mlapi, Jimmey-Jiang/ABP-ASP.NET-Boilerplate-Project-CMS, Krutonium/Windows-10-Login-Background-Changer, aspnetboilerplate/module-zero-core-template, Azure-Samples/cognitive-services-speech-sdk, sjh37/EntityFramework-Reverse-POCO-Code-First-Generator, aspnet-contrib/AspNet.Security.OpenIdConnect.Server, chenjd/Render-Crowd-Of-Animated-Characters, microsoft/RoslynClrHeapAllocationAnalyzer,, christiandelbianco/monitor-table-change-with-sqltabledependency, cornflourblue/aspnet-core-3-jwt-authentication-api,, RickStrahl/Westwind.AspnetCore.LiveReload, microsoft/Windows-appsample-customers-orders-database, Unity-Technologies/Standard-Assets-Characters, Unity-Technologies/animation-jobs-samples, ellioman/Indirect-Rendering-With-Compute-Shaders, PureMVC/puremvc-csharp-standard-framework,,希望对有需要的人有所帮助。, solenovex/Identity-Server-4-Tutorial-Demo-Code, go2ismail/Asp.Net-Core-Inventory-Order-Management-System, microsoft/Cognitive-Samples-VideoFrameAnalysis, adrianhall/develop-mobile-apps-with-csharp-and-azure, cornflourblue/aspnet-core-jwt-authentication-api, PacktPublishing/Hands-On-Domain-Driven-Design-with-.NET-Core, CraneInForest/LockStepSimpleFramework-Client, damienbod/IdentityServer4AspNetCoreIdentityTemplate, cornflourblue/aspnet-core-registration-login-api, ProgrammingBlockchain/ProgrammingBlockchainCodeExamples, TomaszRewak/C-sharp-stack-only-json-parser, andrewlock/NetEscapades.AspNetCore.SecurityHeaders, MLJejuCamp2017/DRL_based_SelfDrivingCarControl,, wintoncode/Winton.Extensions.Configuration.Consul, VeryHotShark/First-Person-Controller-VeryHotShark,, Coldairarrow/Coldairarrow.Fx.Core.Easyui.GitHub,, tugberkugurlu/AspNetCore.Identity.MongoDB. A: As long as I use Windows 10. If nothing happens, download GitHub Desktop and try again. Some of them rely on group policy settings, so there may be a few limitations for Home and Education editions. If you wish to make more elaborate modifications of the basic script and incorporate some personal tweaks or adjustments, then I suggest doing it in a following way: Fork the repository on GitHub (obviously). This agent is able to manage and execute PowerShell scripts on … which will instead cause the tweak to be removed from selection. Work fast with our official CLI. Make sure your account is a member of Administrators group as the script attempts to run with elevated privileges. When you're removing registry values, choose either Set-ItemProperty or Remove-ItemProperty to reinstate the same situation as it was on the clean installation. ), but even within these, some tweaks may be related to each other. My setup is single monitor – I use CPU graphics for host, and passthrough my Nvidia card to guest – both are wired to my monitor, and once I have launched my VM and clicked inside the window to initiate mouse and kbd capture, I can then switch inputs on my monitor to run Win10 fullscreen from the discreet card output. The script supports command line options and parameters which can help you customize the tweak selection or even add your own custom tweaks, however these features require some basic knowledge of command line usage and PowerShell scripting. Keep in mind though, that the script is still primarily designed for Windows 10, so you have to create your own preset. Q: Did you test the script? indexing is kept enabled). A curated list of awesome C-Sharp frameworks, libraries and software. You have to understand what the functions do and what will be the implications for you if you run them. SCCM can push updates to Master Images. Any function which is not present or is commented in a preset will not be called, thus the corresponding tweak will not be applied. Work fast with our official CLI. I'm also regularly using it for all my home installations after all bigger updates. A: For every tweak, there is also a corresponding function which restores the default settings. If you still wish to try to use the script in multi-user environment, check this answer in issue #29 for some pointers. The same mechanism is employed also in companies managing their computers in large scale, so the users without administrative privileges can't change the settings. Q: Can I run the script repeatedly? Vast majority of the tweaks will work on all Windows editions. If you choose to fork the script anyway, you don't need to comment or remove the actual functions in Win10.psm1, because if they are not called, they are not used. Try to group functions thematically. to the beginning of the file and logs both standard output and standard error streams. three dots) at the end. Learn more. Some functions lower security, hide controls or uninstall applications. In such case, add a new tweak below the existing one and not to the end of the whole group. Before you download: All machine translation is HORRIBLE – this is no way replaces the work of real translators, it’s just (slightly) better than nothing and can stop you from choosing “erase all data” instead of “continue game” or whatever; You need to rename config_template.txt to config.txt and edit it; Specifically, you need to enter your Google Vision … PowerShell script for automation of routine tasks done after fresh installations of Windows 10 / Server 2016 / Server 2019. Microsoft developed an EMS agent (aka SideCar) and released it as a new Intune feature called Intune Management Extension. The only acceptable output is from the Write-Output cmdlets in the beginning of each function and from non-suppressible cmdlets like Remove-AppxPackage. A: Yes, to certain extent. The default is considered freshly installed Windows 10 or Windows Server 2016 with no adjustments made during or after the installation. You don’t need to re-compile whenever you want to upload the HTML files. Q: Which versions and editions of Windows are supported? As long as the name and objective of the existing function is unchanged, feel free to add your tweak to that function rather than creating a new one. If you don't have access to either of these, create the revert function to the best of your knowledge and I will fill in the rest if necessary. How fast is fast? A script can push Master Images to Catalogs. If you wish to change a setting locked by GPO, apply the appropriate restore tweak and the control will become available again. Always add a function with opposite name (or equivalent) which reverts the behavior to default. using -Confirm:$false). Put opening curly bracket on the same line as the function name or condition, but leave the closing bracket on a separate line for readability. It can happen that some tweaks are applied more than once during a singe run because you have them in multiple presets. Advanced usage powershell.exe -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File Win10.ps1 [-include filename] [-preset filename] [-log logname] [[! You signed in with another tab or window. ... Win10 2004 requires Workspace app 2006. If you know that the tweak doesn't work on some editions of Windows 10 or on Windows Server, state it in the comment too. The user-supplied scripts are loaded into the main script via Import-Module, so the library should ideally be a .psm1 PowerShell module. Q: Can I run the script on Windows 7, 8, 8.1 or other versions of Windows? Master Image maintenance is automated – e.g. Q: I've run the script and some controls are now greyed out and display message "Some settings are hidden or managed by your organization", why? Add the original repository as a remote (upstream). For easy start, you can base the modifications on the Default.cmd and Default.preset and maintain just that. twilio/twilio-csharp - Twilio C#/.NET Helper Library for .NET Framework 3.5+ and supported .NET Core versions Indent using tabs, enclose all string values in double quotes (") and strictly use PascalCase wherever possible. Preset is simply a list of function names which should be called. The upside is that your adjustments will always stay on top of the commit history. Even though the names are not 100% match, they aim to tweak similar aspects and operate within the same registry keys. Q: I'm using a tweak for on my installation, can you add it? Use the tweaks to create and run new preset. Commit your modifications as you see fit. Although some tweaks may work also on older versions of Windows, the script is developed only for Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016 / 2019. A: Yes. Also, that's not a question. In order for the script to do something, you need to supply at least one tweak library via -include and at least one tweak name, either via -preset or directly as command line argument. A: No. If you'd like to make my work easier, please consider adhering to the following rules too. When you're creating a registry key, always check first if the key doesn't happen to already exist. Due to the nature of authentication and privilege escalation mechanisms in Windows, most of the tweaks can be successfully applied only by users belonging to Administrators group. If I find the functionality simple, useful and not dependent on any 3rd party modules or executables (including also Chocolatey, NuGet, Ninite or other automation solutions), I might add it. 2021-02 Update: Handbrake’s latest code has HDR10 static metadata support. The script can be run using the CLI by specifying options with arguments in any order. Usability has preference over performance (that's why e.g. Any amount is appreciated, but keep in mind that donations are completely voluntary and I'm not obliged to make any script adjustments in your favor regardless of the donated amount.

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