In the 2011 anime, Hisoka has red hair and light amber eyes. zu schützen. His insatiable love for spilling the blood of powerful fighters in combat and his enjoyment of extreme pain while doing so fuels his seemingly sadomasochistic desires. [16], Gittarackur is revealed to be a comrade of Hisoka, For the Fourth Phase, the remaining examinees are shipped to Zevil Island in order to take part in a week-long manhunt among themselves to capture their respective target's number plate. [60] He also came up with the concept of "Memory Overload"[32] and a system to divine an individual's Nen type from their personality, which, despite him calling it unreliable, has proven correct several times. [89] This aptitude may be what allows him to extend strands of elastic aura over distances of several meters without flinging them, which makes its application more subtle. [70] His ability to gauge an individual talent and raw power is so refined that he has been able to create a point-based system to quantify them. 29.04.2019 - Erkunde Nils Sörensens Pinnwand „Best Animes to watch“ auf Pinterest. Spielen im Freien, eine ausgeprägte körperliche Physis, die sich sowohl [84], Aside from Hatsu, Hisoka is capable of using at least Ren,[28] Gyo,[32] and Ken, which allowed him to survive multiple explosions of The Sun and Moon set off in his proximity, although one of his legs was severely mangled. [46] Like the other Spiders, he passes himself off as auction staff and hides from Kurapika when the latter comes to retrieve the fake Scarlet Eyes. Hisoka's zest for battle often causes him to suffer more damage than he would if he fought seriously from the start. Shocked, Shalnark runs towards him before Hisoka throws Kortopi's severed head at him. Instead, Hisoka chased the man up a wall, but seemed to have forgiven him after he had cried and pleaded hopelessly. Gittarackur offers to tell him who his target is, but he declines, stating he will just take three random tags. Previous Affiliation Hisoka Morow (ヒソカ゠モロウ, Hisoka Morou) is a Hunter and former member #4 of the Phantom Troupe; his physical strength ranked third in the group. Prüfungen bestehen. Alle Sprüche von Phoenix aus dem Taktik-Shooter Valorant von Riot Games. After tussling for a while, he whispers something to Kurapika, then he forfeits the match. When Gon attempts to keep his distance, Hisoka pulls him towards himself with Bungee Gum and punches him hard. [36] He can effortlessly lift five human puppets with one hand and swing them around with enough force to destroy them and all other bodies they come in contact with,[82] and instantly twist off a human head with a single hand. State [21] Having obtained the necessary number of plates, Hisoka qualifies for the Final Phase. During the 13th Hunter Chairman Election arc, he briefly reprises his role as a secondary antagonist. Freunde sind ihm sehr Weitere Ideen zu anime, anime serien, anime empfehlungen. Zumiez is a leading specialty retailer of apparel, footwear, accessories and hardgoods for young men and women who want to express their individuality through the fashion, music, art and culture of action sports, streetwear and other unique lifestyles. [8][31][80] He was unaffected by breaking ten fingers[67] and, more impressively, by having one hand and one foot blown off[83] or by the loss of two arms,[31] to the point he stuck his fingers in his open wound to retrieve a card. [22], The Final Phase of the exam is an elimination tournament in which the winner of a match is removed from the candidate list and receives his very own Hunter License, and the loser is given more chance. [37], Hisoka's appearance in the Yorknew City arc, On August 31st, Hisoka meets the other members of the Phantom Troupe in an abandoned building in Yorknew City, where their leader gives the order to rob the Mafia Community of the Underground Auction items. [72], Hisoka and Illumi are next seen talking to each other in an airship bar. Unable to give chase, Hisoka disables more puppets and tries to figure out Chrollo's next move basing on whether Order Stamp and Gallery Fake are deactivated. [6][37][75][80], Hisoka's Nen prowess if further supported by his knowledge of more abstract notions, such as Nen becoming stronger after death[79] and Exorcism. Hunter und Jäger Haarfarbe Schwarz mit Grünem Rand, Hobbies sind angeln, Erforschen (Wildnis) und Trainieren, Familie besteht aus Vater: Ging Freecss, Tante: Mito Freecss und Großmutter: Abe (wahrscheinlich) Freecss Alle lebten wenn nur kurz auf der Walinsel, Freunde sind Killua Zoldyck, Leorio Paradinight, Kurapika Kurta und Kite. The three split up and run away, which Hisoka judges a smart move. [6] It is revealed, however, that Hisoka joined the Phantom Troupe as a false member at some point after the Kurta massacre, and about two years before the events in Yorknew City, after defeating the previous #4. [36] He avoided all of Kastro's strikes while the latter was not using his double,[31] and even after he lost both arms the clone was unable to land a single hit on him when it attacked by itself. [57] Gon comes close enough to him that he shows up in his contact list,[58] and the same occurs with Shizuku, Franklin, Shalnark, and Phinks. [51] He is partnered up with Franklin and Bonolenov and left at the hideout while half the other members set out to kill the "Chain Dude". [80] When he fought the boy at the Heavens Arena, he could move so quickly that Gon was unable to get his body to react in time. Prüfung teilnimmt, hält sie ihr Versprechen und lässt Gon an der Prüfung später immer wieder zu Gute kommen. [62] He was also able to withstand the force of the ball launched by Gon with Rock and returned by Razor while catching it with Bungee Gum. [84], The next time Hisoka is seen, Shalnark had just come off of the phone with Chrollo, discussing plans to board the Kakin Empire Royal Family's ship and steal their valuables. Sensing the two boys have improved, he determines Biscuit to be their teacher. [29] He becomes excited when he sees Gon enter a state of Zetsu against Gido. Einige Technologien, die wir einsetzen, sind notwendig, um wichtige Funktionalität bereitzustellen, z. [59] The group wins three games, after which Razor challenges the remaining players to a dodgeball match. oder als er Killua zurück brachte als er ausflippt und Hisoka often exhibits androgynous characteristics throughout the series, manifested in his wearing of "women's" shoes and using an alluring speech style typically reserved for females in Japanese. When Razor manages to deflect his throw, Hisoka snatches the ball with Bungee Gum, forcing him to use up his freebie. In the 1999 anime adaptation, however, the scene never happened. His tremendous physical abilities and combat skill make him extremely dangerous in a bout, and his expertise in Nen, tactical genius, and flexibility allow him to swiftly adapt to changes in circumstances. When Hisoka took the water divination test, the water turned sour. 2011 He fails her first test,[13] but passes the amended one. Just witnessing their uncomfortable expressions because of him getting under their skin pleases him. Watching from a distance, Illumi tells Hisoka to eliminate the butlers but Hisoka asks if he can kill Killua. [7] It is also likely that he is proficient at Zetsu[28][55][77][78] and Ko. 08.03.2018 - Erkunde Sa_Brina Ss Pinnwand „Daddy in Heaven“ auf Pinterest. As soon as the fight begins, Chrollo activates Shalnark's ability and takes control of the referee, using him to attack Hisoka while, the latter reckons, preparing to stick the second antenna in him. Balanced Eating Journal. Tonpa explains to Gon, Kurapika, and Leorio that he failed the previous year's exam after nearly killing a proctor he did not approve of. 33 likes. His skills in misdirection and amazing dexterity find applications in combat, their combination allowing him to triumph against Kastro. [2] Although the normal regulations were suspended during the fight, Chrollo technically won by KO. Hisoka can apply his aura to any smooth, flat surface, such as paper or cloth, and manifest imagery on it to change its appearance and texture, (To Illumi, after threatening to kill Killua). Browse Pages. [11] He offered further proof of his swiftness against multiple foes when he fended off the throng of puppets sent after him by Chrollo. [62] He eliminates one of Razor's Devils, but Razor combines two of them to prevent him from getting the ball back. Note: Sui Ishida, the mangaka of Tokyo Ghoul, wrote and illustrated a one-shot entitled "Hisoka's Past". Characteristics You pass too. And in the 13th Hunter Chairman Election arc, Hisoka wears a pair of earrings with ornamental hearts. are most likely based or at least had their creations inspired in the The Joker from DC Comics; have powers/aliases related to magic. Birthday It is revealed that Hisoka pretended to be holding back against the Kastro by concealing part of his aura with In, and that he resorted to his brutal magic tricks to prevent Kastro from figuring it out. braun [51] While on Greed Island he managed to trick Killua, although both he and Biscuit remained suspicious of him. Killua begins to suspect that Hisoka has met other members of the Phantom Troupe on the island and is hiding it from everyone. Für die Entwicklung der 1980er und 1990er Jahre mit dem steilen Aufstieg von Privatfernseh-Managern wie Helmut Thoma von RTL wirkt die „Network“-Satire von 1976 geradezu prophetisch. 03 849 30 (kaupungin vaihde) etunimi.sukunimi(a), kirjaamo(a) Y-tunnus 1068892-9 Er ist somit in der Lage, Dank der Hilfe seiner Weitere Ideen zu sprüche trauer, himmel zitate, trauer. [8] He then took part in the 286th Hunter Exam, during which he murdered 20 examinees. und einen Teilnehmer tötete um Gon vor seiner Familie von Berufsmördern He does not care for what has happened in the past, as he is only interested in what could be amusing to him in the future or present. Erscheinung Hisoka can attach it to a solid surface to retreat at extreme speed when the need arises. 01.11.2018 - Erkunde Soleahs Pinnwand „deadpool“ auf Pinterest. However, he did temporarily spare Machi, who has been an implied interest of Hisoka's as a potential opponent he likes to flirt with or as a romantic interest, although he stated it was so she could warn the Troupe of his intentions. [70] A few weeks later, he leaves the island with Abengane after the latter has successfully deactivated Genthru's Countdown..[71], Hisoka is next seen during the first round of the 13th Hunter Chairman Election looking for Ging. He offers to send Illumi a copy, albeit one that is altered by his Texture Surprise. Heilen. Hisoka spares his life and leaves, telling Pakunoda that he has never been attracted to broken toys and that the present already differs from the contents of his fortune. [20] He comes across Agon, whom he immediately kills. Using Bungee Gum through his legs, he starts walking on the sides of a stand, destroying more puppets from that position before running away. [31] He performs a series of magic tricks seemingly for no reason. Geburtstag At first, his Bungee Gum ability seems to be neutralized by Gotoh's ability to fire coins with power superior to bullets, but Hisoka manages to adapt quickly and uses his Bungee Gum to fire the coins back, forcing him to shoot more coins to deflect them, with that distraction Hisoka is able to drop in on him and slit his throat. [6][75] He has also emitted it to restrain individuals as powerful as Machi. männlich After this, he begins developing his Nen ability. If they break, he either loses interest or kills them before going out to find more potential prey. At Biscuit's request, he accepts to play against Razor's group. Manga Suddenly he feels the presence of someone strong, who turns out to be Illumi. [86] When one of his kicks missed Gon, he sent a flagstone of the ring crashing explosively into the audience stands. Rōmaji [35] Hisoka accepts to take his badge back. When the stamp disappears from the head of a puppet, Hisoka manages to track down Chrollo in the audience, immobilizing him with Bungee Gum. [60][57] His aptitude at reading others' character and at finding common traits allowed him to create a personality-based system to determine Nen types, and, although he admits it is unreliable, he has been correct every time he was seen resorting to it.[36][60]. Hisoka frees himself by hurling the referee at him. Closing his eyes before attempting to stitch up his neck, Machi is shocked to see his aura re-emerge from his body; she mistakenly believes this to be his Nen preserving after his death before it is revealed that he used Bungee Gum to restart his heart and lungs after his demise. [38] On the night of September 1st, he listens intently to Chrollo's conversation on the phone with Uvogin about a traitor[39] and leaves the hideout to meet up with Kurapika. B*[3] He used the same ability to send the cards he had previously scattered on the ground flying at Kastro, setting the technique up during another magic trick. He employs them to instantly kill the opponent by targeting their vital spots, generally the throat,[11][21][2][80] but also to incapacitate them by severing their tendons. Affiliation When Kastro declares he will take Hisoka's left arm next, Hisoka remarks he may feel more eager to take the fight seriously. ヒソカ゠モロウ in seiner Ausdauer, seiner Sprungfähigkeit, seiner Sprintfähigkeit und When Hisoka asked Illumi if he can kill Killua he makes a hand gesture where he puts his thumb between his fingers. Blue (1999) Red/Fuchsia (2011) Kalluto, Hisoka's replacement in the gang, walks out, and Hisoka expresses his approval of him. [32], After the fight, Hisoka pays Machi to reattach both his arms, concealing the seams with a combination of Bungee Gum and Texture Surprise. Hisoka, applicant #44, is seen as a heavy contender throughout the Hunter Exam. [75], Hisoka and Illumi arrive by Parasta Airport, where Killua used an airship as transportation and to escape them. In the Madhouse adaptation, when the man had bumped into Hisoka without following it up with an apology during the First Phase of the Hunter Exam, his arms were seemingly disintegrated into flower petals and fine particles by Hisoka from unknown means. In response to Nobunaga's befuddlement, Hisoka attributed his feat to the lingering sensitivity from the competition against Razor. After that, he sits there scouting out the crowd. [6] On one occasion, he enveloped his lungs and heart with it so it would resuscitate him. Seitdem er Kaito getroffen hat, trainiert er täglich für die As part of his manchild personality, Kefka hobby is playing with dolls and he refers to fighting as "playing"; and Hisoka, figuratively, pictures his opponents as toys/dolls to be toyed with (usually in fights); present some feminine manners and attires; and have pale skin, long sharp nails, and wear earrings. zuhause festgehalten wurde. [8][31] When Kastro prepares his Tiger Bite Fist, Hisoka willingly gives him his left arm, but has the right one severed instead. Weitere Ideen zu sprüche, nachdenkliche sprüche, witzige sprüche. Moritonio Troupe Phantom Troupe [76], Hisoka and Illumi talk over the phone after killing their attackers. [77], Although he is shown to be Illumi's comrade his bloodlust seems to get the better of him, this is shown when Illumi finds Killua, Hisoka is seen hiding in the trees trying to decide who to kill if to kill Alluka and gain Killua's hatred or leave Alluka alive save Gon and make Illumi his enemy. He then asks Machi who between him and Chrollo she'd rather survived, and what she will do if he kills Chrollo, to which Machi says she would hunt him down and kill him. Hunter-Prüfung, die einmal im Jahr stattfindet. [31] Although he was briefly stunned,[80] Hisoka took no visible damage from most of Chrollo's attacks,[2][79][80] one of which can allegedly behead a person with a knife-hand strike,[44] despite Hisoka having been unable to predict them and thus to guard properly. Likewise, he grows excited to meet new people he deems worthy of fighting or anyone with the potential to be a good fighter and entertain him in the future. 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