klima asien wikipedia

[19] Flood or furrow irrigation, as well as sprinkler methods, are extensively used for irrigation, covering nearly 90,000 km2 (35,000 sq mi) across Western Asia for agriculture. [17][better source needed] The Arabian Plate is moving northward into the Anatolian plate (Turkey) at the East Anatolian Fault,[18] and the boundary between the Aegean and Anatolian plate in eastern Turkey is also seismically active.[17]. Asia utgjer den største landmassen i verda, og er dobbelt så stort som Nord-Amerika, fem gongar så stort som Australia eller om lag 150 gonger større enn Noreg. Das Klima in Asien ist geprägt durch sehr unterschiedliche Landschaftsgebiete, die von extremer Kälte im Norden bis zu hohen Temperaturen in den Wüstenregionen reichen. Western Asia contains large areas of mountainous terrain. National members of Western Asian sports governing bodies are limited to Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Syria, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, and Yemen. 4 Jerusalem is the proclaimed capital of Israel and the actual location of the Knesset, Israeli Supreme Court, etc. Den mest berømte monsunen har ein i India, men monsunen i Kina påverkar levesettet til minst like mange millionar menneske. I hjarte av Asia finn ein Himalaya og Tibetplatået. The region is surrounded by eight major seas; the Aegean Sea, the Black Sea, the Caspian Sea, the Persian Gulf, the Arabian Sea, the Gulf of Aden, the Red Sea, and the Mediterranean Sea. Thailands klima er tropisk og præget af monsunen med klar adskillelse mellem regntid og tørtid. Asien is fon sien Flakte, 44.614.500 km², sowät n Träädel fon ju Loundmasse, die grootste Waarelddeel; juust so is dät uk mäd moor as fjauer Milliarden Moanskene, moor as n Haaldeel fon ju Moanskhaid, die befoulkengsstäärkste. "Western Asia" was in use as a geographical term in the early 19th century, before "Near East" became current as a geopolitical concept. [15], Use of the term in the context of contemporary geopolitics or world economy appears to date from at least the mid-1960s.[16]. In Yemen, elevations exceed 3,700 meters in many areas, and highland areas extend north along the Red Sea coast and north into Lebanon. The population of Western Asia was estimated at 272 million as of 2008, projected to reach 370 million by 2030 by Maddison (2007; the estimate excludes the Caucasus and Cyprus). Det strækker sig omtrent 450 km fra Genesaretsøen i nord til Eilat i syd. I hovudsak fører monsunen kald og tørr luft sørvestover om vinteren, og varm og fuktig luft nordaustover om sommaren. Katar (arabisch قطر Qatar, DMG Qaṭar, im lokalen Dialekt Qiṭar) ist ein Emirat an der Ostküste der arabischen Halbinsel am Persischen Golf.Das Land wird als absolute Monarchie regiert. Among the region's sports organisations are the West Asia Basketball Association, West Asian Billiards and Snooker Federation, West Asian Football Federation, and the West Asian Tennis Federation. Singapore has a significant amount of rainfall during the year. Rub' al Khali, one of the world's largest sand deserts, spans the southern third of the Arabian Peninsula in Saudi Arabia, parts of Oman, the United Arab Emirates and Yemen. Due to its disputed status, most embassies are in Tel Aviv. Ein har òg mange andre vêrforhold som påverkar klimaet. Several major aquifers provide water to large portions of Western Asia. Klima Thailand. Außerdem ein kleiner … aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie Kategoriesystem Meteorologie | Für die Wartung dieser Kategorie ist das Portal Wetter und Klima zuständig. [note 1] Kolkata (bengáliul: কলকাতা, IPA:kɒlˈkɑːtə, magyaros átírásban Kalkáta) vagy régi nevén: Kalkutta (angol: Calcutta) az északkelet-indiai Nyugat-Bengál állam fővárosa, amely a Húgli (Hooghly) folyó, a Gangesz-delta legnyugatibb ága partján helyezkedik el. In Nordindien treten im Jahresverlauf teils erhebliche Temperaturschwankungenauf. [20] Also, the Tigris and Euphrates rivers contribute very well. Das Klima in Indien lässt sich in verschiedene Zonen einteilen: Tropisch im Süden, subtropisch in Zentral- und Nordindien und gemäßigt bis alpin in denBergregionenim hohen Norden. Ordets oprindelse. Kategori:Klima i Asia. Join Facebook to connect with Asia Klima and others you may know. Klima- og plantebælte angiver det forhold, som længe har været kendt, at der er en sammenhæng mellem de klimatiske vilkår (temperaturer, herunder temperaturudsving, middeltemperaturer sommer og vinter, lufttryk, nedbørsmængder, solindstråling og dermed forbundet fordampning) på den ene side og forekomsten af plantesamfund (kaldet plantebælter) på den anden. Tags: Klima - Vejr - Regntid - Bangkok - Phuket - Samui - Chiang Mai - Pattaya - Koh Chang - Hua Hin I hele Thailand gælder det, at det er varmt hele … KlimaAlliancen er en sammenlægning af fire sunde virksomheder, som med over 60 års samlet erfaring inde for køleteknik, gas og VVS, el og ventilation, tilbyder en bred vifte af muligheder for virksomheder og private. Israel er langt og smalt. Numerically, Western Asia is predominantly Arab, Persian, Turkish, and the dominating languages are correspondingly Arabic, Persian and Turkish, each with of the order of 70 million speakers, followed by smaller communities of Kurdish, Azerbaijani, Hebrew, Armenian and Neo-Aramaic. The highest temperature recorded in Asia was 54.0 °C (129.2 °F) at Tirat Zvi, Israel on June 21, 1942 and at Ahvaz, Iran on June 29, 2017. Språk; Overvak; Endra; Underkategoriar. The Dasht-e Kavir and Dasht-e Lut deserts in eastern Iran naturally delimit the region from Balochistan and South Asia. It is seasonal, lasting from April to early June, and comes again between late September and November. [4][5] In contrast to this definition, the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) in its 2015 yearbook also includes Armenia and Azerbaijan, and excludes Israel (as Other) and Turkey (as Europe).[6]. A fault-zone also exists along the Red Sea, with continental rifting creating trough-like topography with areas located well-below sea level. Til og med dei sørlege områda av Sibir vert påverka av dette intense og storstilte vêrmønsteret. This is true even for the driest month. The Anatolian Plateau is sandwiched between the Pontus Mountains and Taurus Mountains in Turkey. The northern basin is Dasht-e Kavir (Great Salt Desert), and Dasht-e-Lut is the southern basin. overview about the climate of Asia. Water shortages are a problem in many parts of West Asia, with rapidly growing populations increasing demands for water, while salinization and pollution threaten water supplies. https://nn.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Klima_i_Asia&oldid=3294677, Creative Commons-lisensen Namngjeving/Del på same vilkåra. Klima er typisk værmønster på et sted, basert på statistikk over været, vanligvis over et 30-års intervall.Det måles ved å evaluere mønstre av variasjon i temperatur, luftfuktighet, lufttrykk, vind, nedbør, partikkelmengden i atmosfæren og andre meteorologiske variabler i et gitt område over lang tid. Hier kommt es im Winter sogar zu starken Schneefällen. These winds can last for a full day at the beginning and end of the season, and for several days during the middle of the season. Klimaet i Asia er eit av dei mest varierete og kontrastfylte klima i verda. Scythia, and "Eastern Asia" the easternmost reaches of geographical knowledge in classical authors, i.e. Om Wikipedia; Atterhald; Søk. Touhoope mäd dät litjere Europa wäd Asien oafter tou Eurasien touhoopefoated. Det er like stort som Sentral- og Vest-Europa til saman og har ei gjennomsnittleg høgd på nær 5000 m. Tibetplatået tvingar enorme luftmassar rundt seg, og utgjer ein svært viktig del av klimaet i store delar av Asia. Asia utgjer den største landmassen i verda, og er dobbelt så stort som Nord-Amerika, fem gongar så stort som Australia eller om lag 150 gonger større enn Noreg. 20:38. 7 British Overseas Territory. In der größeren Zone im Norden herrscht wechselfeuchtes tropisches Savannenklima, das maßgeblich von den jahreszeitlich wechselnden Monsunwinden beeinflusst wird.Die drei Jahreszeiten dort unterscheiden sich vor allem durch die Niederschlagsmengen.. Typesch fir Südamerika, Afrika an Asien ass den tropesche Klima. Ørkenar frå tropane til Arktis ligg mellom fjellrekkjene eller er strødd utover dei indre områda av kontinentet. Store fjellsystem lagar vanlegvis eit todelt vêrsystem med vått vêr på eine sida og tørt vêr på den andre. Klima kommer af græsk (»hældning«) og blev af datidens geografer brugt om den hældningsvinkel, under hvilken solens stråler træffer jordens overflade. The winds are dry and dusty, with occasional gusts up to 80 kilometres per hour (50 miles per hour) and often kick up violent sand and dust storms that can carry sand a few thousand meters high, and can close down airports for short periods of time. Its typical definitions overlap substantially, but not entirely, with definitions of the terms Middle East, Eastern Mediterranean, and Near East (which is historically familiar but is widely deprecated today). 2 The area and population figures for Egypt only include the Sinai Peninsula. Jebel al Akhdar is a small range of mountains located in northeastern Oman, bordering the Gulf of Oman. These three nations are listed in the European category of the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO). [7] In the United Nations geopolitical Eastern European Group, Armenia and Georgia are included in Eastern Europe, whereas Cyprus and East Thracian Turkey are in Southern Europe. I nord regner det fra juni til september, i syd fra maj til oktober. The region is located south of Eastern Europe. The total population of Western Asia is estimated to be 300 million (as of 2015). Klima og vejr Thailands klima er ikke som det danske med fire årstider. De Vietnam, op Vietnameesesch Việt Nam, amtlech Sozialistesch Republik Vietnam, op Vietnameesesch Cộng hoà Xã hội Chủ nghĩa Việt Nam, ass e Staat a Südostasien.E grenzt un d'Volleksrepublik China, Laos, Kambodscha an d'Südchinesescht Mier.Haaptstad, Hanoi (Hà Nội), läit no bei der Ostküst vum Vietnam. Unlike the UNIDO, the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) excludes Iran from Western Asia and includes Turkey, Georgia, and Cyprus in the region. Klimaendringar kan kome til å tvinge millionar i Asia til å forlate heimane sine. Monsunen har derimot ein del positive sider, og opprettheld jordbruk og busetjingar frå India til Japan, eit område som har meir enn to milliardar menneske eller 30 % av folkesetnaden på Jorda. Japans klima og vejr: Japan har et subtropisk og tropisk klima i den sydlige del og et tempereret og køligt klima i den nordlige del. Staatsreligion ist der Islam und die Scharia ist die Hauptquelle der Gesetzgebung.. Der Staat Katar liegt auf einer Halbinsel und grenzt im Süden an Saudi-Arabien.Vor der Küste im Nordwesten … Western Asia, also West Asia, is the westernmost subregion of Asia. Az államban is jellemző a nyári monszun.Az évi átlagos csapadék mennyisége 2000 mm. Klima var for grekarane ein måte å dele jorda inn i ulike klimasoner som hadde felles klimatiske eigenskapar. På den andre sida finn ein den arktiske kysten som har vinter året rundt. Az állam keleten határos az igen nagy népsűrűségű Bangladessel, ezért Kolkatába rengetegen érkeznek a határ túloldaláról.. Éghajlat. Der südasiatische Bereich hat fünf Klimazonen zu bieten: Wüstenklima (Pakistan), Steppenklima, Savannenklima und warmes wintertrockenes Klima. Årets gang giver i Thailand anledning til tre karakteristiske årstider. Data for "15 West Asian countries", from Maddison (2003, 2007).Angus Maddison, 2003, Zone 9 except Armenia, Cyprus (Zone 3) & Sinai (Zone 2), Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, United Nations Industrial Development Organization, United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organisation, West Asian Billiards and Snooker Federation, Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria, West Asian Billiards & Snooker Federation, List of World Heritage Sites in Western Asia, "World Population prospects – Population division", United Nations Industrial Development Organization Vienna (UNIDO), "Standard Country or Area Codes for Statistical Use", "Region #4 — Red Sea Continental Rift Zone", United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO), Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf (CCASG / GCC), Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC), Lower Gangetic Plains moist deciduous forests, Northwestern Himalayan alpine shrub and meadows, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Western_Asia&oldid=1007102154, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles lacking reliable references from February 2021, Pages using Sister project links with hidden wikidata, Pages using Sister project links with default search, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 16 February 2021, at 13:44. The most populous countries in Western Asia are Iran, Turkey (mostly located on Western Asia's Anatolian peninsula, with a smaller portion on the Balkan Peninsula in Southeastern Europe), Iraq, Saudi Arabia and Yemen. Den bredeste strækning er 135 km, mellem … Mount Ararat in Turkey rises to 5,137 meters. De polare Klima gëtt et an de Polarregiounen an op den Héichte vum Himalaya, an an den Anden. Klimaet i Asia er eit av dei mest varierete og kontrastfylte klima i verda. Diese drei Klimazonen sind – zusätzlich zum Wüstenklima – in Indien zu finden. The region consists of grasslands, rangelands, deserts, and mountains. [21] Major rivers, including the Tigris and Euphrates, provide sources for irrigation water to support agriculture. 5 Unrecognised state View the profiles of people named Asia Klima. Anfragen können dort gestellt werden. In Saudi Arabia, two large aquifers of Palaeozoic and Triassic origins are located beneath the Jabal Tuwayq mountains and areas west to the Red Sea. Significant native minorities include, in alphabetical order: Arameans, Assyrians, Chaldeans, Druze, Jews, Lurs, Mandeans, Maronites, Shabaks and Yezidis. Eight seas surround the region (clockwise): the Aegean Sea, the Black Sea, the Caspian Sea, the Persian Gulf, the Arabian Sea, the Gulf of Aden, the Red Sea, and the Mediterranean Sea. [23] The Dead Sea, located on the border between the West Bank, Israel, and Jordan, is situated at 418 m (1371 ft) below sea level, making it the lowest point on the surface of the Earth.[24]. Petroleum is the major industry in the regional economy, as more than half of the world's oil reserves and around 40 percent of the world's natural gas reserves are located in the region. The region is considered to be separated from Africa by the Isthmus of Suez in Egypt, and separated from Europe by the waterways of the Turkish Straits and the watershed of the Greater Caucasus. Klima eller vêrlag er snittet av vêret i ein lengre tidsperiode for ein stad. The boundaries between the tectonic plates make up the Azores-Gibraltar Ridge, extending across North Africa, the Red Sea, and into Iran. Himalya og Tibetplatået skapar derimot den asiatiske monsunen, som fører til store klimatiske kontrastar i områda den råkar. [12][13][14] In the 20th century, "Western Asia" was used to denote a rough geographical era in the fields of archaeology and ancient history, especially as a shorthand for "the Fertile Crescent excluding Ancient Egypt" for the purposes of comparing the early civilizations of Egypt and the former.

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