latex mathbf does not work

Re: \mathbf not working properly in LaTeX code. Can I write a LaTeX equation over multiple lines? ... One drawback of mathbf: Its not in italics. Related articles. Is there an easy way to see that TeX - LaTeX Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for users of TeX, LaTeX, ConTeXt, and related typesetting systems. Setting bold Greek letters in LaTeX maths The issue here is complicated by the fact that \mathbf (the command for setting bold text in TeX maths) affects a select few mathematical “symbols” (the uppercase Greek letters).. How do you bold math? « Reply #3 on: January 12, 2013, 12:21:12 PM » i had a second javascript parser active, but i deactivated it, there is a javascript latex parser for this forums, but it uses another tag \mathbf{\mu} What is used to execute latex on this website? I've read suggestions to use \boldsymbol, but it seems to just be another name for \bm.The command \mathbf seems to have no effect whatsoever. Math versions. However, this ends up disappearing, and I'm told this should be obvious because it is a total derivative. Permalink. I would like to get the all the greeksymbols should be display with bold (and not bold-italic). Also, the use of LaTeX in a piped link or in a section heading should appear in blue in the linked text or the table of content, but they do not. How do configure to work \ It only takes a minute to sign up. With system fonts it works correctly, but for all personal fonts, it doesn't. Moreover, links to sections headings containing LaTeX formulas do not work always as expected. In the default configuration, lower-case Greek letters behave differently from upper-case Greek letters (the lower-case greek letters are in the maths fonts, … Please use mathbf instead of bm. I've been using \bm, but it doesn't work with \nicefrac (or any frac, I think), and now I find it also doesn't work with \sec, and there doesn't seem to be a workaround. Command \pmb makes it … How to make bold LaTeX math / bm does not work. Using the multiline, aligned packages. Math versions set up “math symbol fonts” for non-alphanumeric symbols and bind the math alphabet … Finally, too many LaTeX formulas may significantly increase the processing time of a page. But in other programs I can. See the LaTeX Companion, or maybe Herbert Voss's documentation about ... 2006-09-21 22:21:06 UTC. Post by Maarten Bergvelt \documentclass{amsart} \usepackage{bm} \begin{document} $\mathbf{\tau}, \boldsymbol{\tau}, \bf \tau, \bm{\tau}$ \end{document} You will see that \bf does not work. Hello, I've installed Kristen ITC font and I'm using it on my document. No installation, real-time collaboration, version control, hundreds of LaTeX templates, and more. You will see that \bf does not work. However, I cannot get bold faces in XeLaTeX. \mathcal - Tex Command - \mathcal - Used to turn on calligraphic font for uppercase letters and digits. Since $\mathbf{E}\cdot\mathbf{B}$ is a Lorentz invariant of the electromagnetic fields it seems like an interesting thing to plug into a Lagrangian to see what happens. The number of mathematical symbols exceeds the maximal number of characters in a TeX font file by an order of magnitude. So for example write: Go to website. When I type that into TeXnic center and compile it without MikTex, it is not bold on my computer. An online LaTeX editor that's easy to use. Writing. This however is not obvious to me. How do I reference my LaTeX tables or equations? 3 Grouping math fonts with common characteristics in math versions simplifies the setting of font attributes for mathematical expressions. But \mathversion{bold} and \mathversion{normal} is not working in KaTeX.

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