mahidevran sultan wikipedia deutsch

Sie war eine … Mahidevran (Ottoman Turkish: ماه دوران‎, c. 1500 – 3 February 1581;[1] also known as Gülbahar) was the consort[note 1] of Suleiman the Magnificent of the Ottoman Empire and the mother of Şehzade Mustafa. Alkuperä ja varhainen elämä . Swltan Ymerodraeth yr Otomaniaid o 1520 hyd ei farwolaeth oedd Kanuni Sultan Swleiman I, hefyd Swleiman y Godidog (6 Tachwedd 1494 – 6 Medi 1566).. Ganed ef yn Trabzon, yn fab i'r Swltan Selim I.Wedi iddo ddilyn ei dad ar yr orsedd, ymgymerodd a chyfres o ymgyrchoedd milwrol, gan ymestyn ei ffiniau i gynnwys y Balcanau a rhan o'r Ymerodraeth Lân Rufeinig. Până când Hurrem Sultan, după ce a devenit soția legală și căsătorită a lui Sultan , a primit titlul de „Sultan”, toate consoartele au avut titlul de „Hatun”, adică doamnă . … modifier - modifier le code - modifier Wikidata La princesse Mihrimah — en turc Mihrimah Sultan — (Constantinople , vers 1522 – Constantinople, 25 janvier 1578) est la fille bien-aimée du sultan Soliman le Magnifique , souverain de l' Empire ottoman , et de son épouse Roxelane (Hürrem Sultan). [11] By 1546 three more of Suleiman's sons were in the field, and the competition for the succession began among the four princes, although the sultan would live for another twenty years. Mihrimah kam als einzige Tochter von Roxelane zur Welt. Sulejmanu je podarila troje dece od kojih su samo princ Mustafa poživeli, ali i Mustafa je umro (1515–1553) , otac Sulejeman ga je ubio. Aldi berean, itsasontzi batek Itsaso Beltza zeharkatzen du, harrapatutako gazte talde bat eramanez. In 1521, Suleiman lost his two other sons, nine-year-old Mahmud and the toddler Murad, Mustafa became the eldest of his princely generation. Dr Galina I Yermolenko, Roxolana in European Literature, History and Culture, pg.2, citing Navagero ("la circassa"), Trevisano ("una donna circassa") in Eugenio Alberi, ed. Mahidevran Sultan (bazı kaynaklarda adı Gülbahar olarak da geçmektedir; 1500 civarı - 3 Şubat 1581, Bursa), Osmanlı Padişahı I. Süleyman'ın eşi, Şehzade Mustafa'nın annesi. Sulejman I (osmanlijski turski: سلطان سليمان اول‎‎; turski: Süleyman I; 6. novembar 1494.- 7. septembar 1566. Nell'harem di Istanbul, si ritrovò presto a fronteggiare una rivale molto influente, Roxelana, che ben presto dimostrò di essere la concubina preferita e poi la moglie legale di Solimano. Some sources name her Gülbahar (Turkish pronunciation: [ɟylbaˈhaɾ], Persian: گل بهار‎), with gül meaning 'rose' and bahar meaning 'spring' in Turkish and Persian. I. Süleyman; 6. novembar 1494 — 5/6. Per la sua bellezza poi prese pure il titolo di più bella di tutto l'Impero Ottomano. Wikipedia; Mahidevran Sultan (Ottoman Turkish: ماه دوران سلطان, c. 1500[1] – 3 February 1580, birth name Malhurub Baharay or Rosne Pravane, other names Gülbahar, Gülbehar, Gülfrem, Gülden) was a wife of Suleiman the Magnificent[2][3] and the mother of Şehzade Mustafa, Şehzade Ahmed and Raziye Sultan.. Così lo status di Mahidevran come madre del figlio unico del sultano fu gravemente scosso. Dej je založený na živote osmanského vládcu, sultána Süleymana, najdlhšie vládnuceho sultána Osmanskej ríše.Jeho manželkou je Hürrem Sultán, otrokyňa, ktorá sa stala sultánkou.Seriál bol pôvodne vysielaný na stanici Show TV, no neskôr sa presunul na Star TV. Jezici. Kettejük rivalizálását némileg csillapította Szulejmán anyja, Ayşe Hafsa szultána , [5] de mikor ő 1534-ben meghalt, a két nő közti harc kiélesedett, és Mahidevran … Kunnes Hurrem Sultanille tuli sulttaanin laillinen, avioliitossa oleva vaimo, hänelle annettiin otsikko "Sultan", kaikilla puolisoilla oli otsikko "Hatun", mikä tarkoittaa lady . Mahidevran Gulbahar s-a născut cel mai probabil în anul 1500. Up until the very end of her son's life, she endeavored to protect Mustafa from his political rivals, and most probably maintained a network of informants in order to do so. The North Caucasus Barrier: The Russian Advance Towards the Muslim World. Mahidevran Gülbahar Sultan (1500. I. Szulejmán szultán felesége, de facto társuralkodója, az Oszmán Birodalom első haszeki szultánája. Nur Fettahoğlu 12 noyabr 1980-ci ildə Almaniyanın Duysburq şəhərində anadan olub. "[11], Mustafa was an immensely popular prince. While Hürrem Sultan became Suleiman's favorite and later his legal wife, Mahidevran Sultan retained the status of the mother of Suleiman's eldest son,[2] and was referred to as Suleiman's "first wife" by some diplomats, despite the fact that they were never married. Haseki Mahidevran sultanija (Mahidevran Gülbahar Haseki Sultan) bila je prva konkubina otomanskog vladara Sultana Sulejmana Hana. Kanuni Sultan Süleyman daha Manisa’da Saruhan Sancak Beyi iken 1514 yılında Mahidevran (Gülbahar) ile nikâhlı eşi olarak evlendi. Dell'infanzia di Mahidevran si sa solo che da ragazza era stata venduta ai mercanti di schiavi Genovesi di Caffa dai Tatari[1] Mustafa unfortunately ignored the message; according to Trevisano, he had consistently refused to heed the warnings of his friends and even his mother. Hurrem Sultan (خرم سلطان, Ḫurrem Sulṭān, Hürrem Sultan; 1502 – 15 April 1558), often called Roxelana, was the favourite and later the chief consort and legal wife of Ottoman Sultan Süleyman the Magnificent. In the 2011–2014 TV series Muhteşem Yüzyıl, Mahidevran is portrayed by Turkish actress Nur Fettahoğlu. Elle était l'une des dix-sept concubines de Soliman lors de son séjour à M… Conversely, Hürrem stayed in the palace while her sons were sent for to govern provinces as Sanjak-bey. This page was last edited on 28 January 2021, at 02:03. "[14] In 1553, when Mustafa was thirty eight years old, Navagero wrote, "It is impossible to describe how much he is loved and desired by all as successor to the throne. Another meaning of her name is "Moon of Fortune." Mahidevran stierf in 1581 terwijl hij Suleiman en al zijn kinderen overleefde en werd begraven in het graf van Mustafa. La moartea lui Selim I, Soliman a devenit sultan și s-a mutat cu familia sa la palatul Topkapî. În 1515 l-a născut pe Mustafa, fiul ei și al lui Soliman, care încă guverna Manisa. Im 17. Sie war eine der einflussreichsten osmanischen Prinzessinnen. Oprindelse og tidlige liv . Mahidevran je otišla u Bursu gdje je živjela u bijedi. Leben. [14], As per Ottoman tradition, Mahidevran was at the head of Mustafa's princely harem. Si trasferì a Bursa dove era la tomba del figlio. Roxelanes Herkunft und ihr Weg nach Istanbul lassen sich nicht mit primären Quellen belegen. En la miniserie de televisión de 2003, Hürrem Sultan, Mahidevran fue interpretada por la actriz turca Hatice Aslan. The source code for the WIKI 2 extension is being checked by specialists of the Mozilla Foundation, Google, and Apple. Mahidevran left Istanbul with her son Mustafa due to his appointment as governor of Manisa province and upon his death in 1553 she went into refuge in Bursa, where she eventually died. Mahidevran died in 1581 outliving Suleiman and all of his children and was buried in Mustafa's tomb.[14]. Mahidevran was the mother of Şehzade Mustafa, the eldest surviving son of the reigning Sultan, who was first in line to ascend to the imperial throne. Bacı-qardaşlarının adları Rəmziyyə, Səlvinaz və Məhəmməd Mustafadır. Njeno ime ( turski izgovor: [ˌmaːhidevˈɾan ɟylbaˈhaɾ], osmanski turski: ماه دوران) znači "ona koja je uvijek lijepa", "ona čija ljepota ne prolazi" ili "lijepo doba", ali isto tako i "Mjesec sreće" ili Gülbahar ( osmanski turski: گلبهار ). Z Mahidevran se stala Baş Kadın. Rusínka), oficiálním trůnním jménem Haseki Hürrem Sultan (1505/06, Rohatyn – 15. dubna 1558, Istanbul), byla manželkou tureckého sultána Sulejmana Nádherného a matkou jeho následníka Selima II. Mahidevran Sultan. "[14] The rumours and speculations said that, towards the end of Suleiman's long reign, the rivalry between his sons became evident and furthermore, both Hürrem and the grand vizier Rüstem Pasha turned him against Mustafa and Mustafa was accused of causing unrest. [15] The rivalry between the two women was partially suppressed by Hafsa Sultan, Suleiman's mother. Suleiman the Magnificent. Sinan və Fatma Fettahoğlu cütlüyünün 3 qızından biridir. (Mahidevran Sultan səhifəsindən istiqamətləndirilmişdir) Mahidövran Sultan ya da Gülbahar Sultan (d. 1500 - ö. - Bombaci e S. J. Shaw: l'Impero ottomano. Sirkasia. Danach kam Roxelane als Tochter eines ruthenischen Priesters im damals polnischen und heute ukrainischen Rohatyn(auch Rogatyn, Rogatin) … Questa pagina è stata modificata per l'ultima volta il 15 gen 2020 alle 15:33. Less fortunate than her predecessors and presumably disgraced by her son's execution, she was unable to pay the rent on the house in which she lived, and her servants were taunted and cheated in the local markets. Mahidevran Sultan (Mahidevran Gülbahar Haseki Sultan) (osmanlijski tur. [5] Mahidevran gave birth to her only child, Mustafa who was born in 1515 while they were in Manisa where Suleiman was the sanjak ruler. Sellaisena Mahidevran ei ollut sultana, eikä hänellä ollut sulttaanin arvoa. Mahidevran, également connue sous le nom de Gülbahar, (« ماه دوران سلطان » en turc et « Rose du Printemps » en français, v. 1500 3 février 1581) était l'une des concubines du sultan Soliman le Magnifique et la mère du prince Mustafa. [4] Una baruffa tra le due donne, nella quale Mahidevran ebbe la meglio su Roxelana, rese le cose ancora peggiori e Solimano, adirato per il suo comportamento, la inviò fuori da Istanbul con il figlio Mustafa. Mahidevran sosem tett szert nagyobb befolyásra Hürremnél, de az ő fia volt a trónörökös, ami miatt Hürrem veszélyben érezte pozícióját. Mahidevran, nota anche come Gülbahar (1498 circa – 3 febbraio 1581), fu la prima Haseki del sultano Solimano il Magnifico e madre del suo primo figlio Şehzade Mustafa. 1520an, 26 urte besterik ez zituela, Suleiman Otomandar Inperioko tronura igo zen. - 1581), bila je sultanija osmanskog sultana Sulejmana I Veličanstvenog. În 1515 l-a născut pe Prințul Mustafa, fiul ei și al lui Soliman, care încă guverna la Manisa. La tomba di Mahidevran. [11] The ambassador Bernado Navagero, in a 1553 report, described Mahidevran's efforts to protect her son: "Mustafa has with him his mother, who exercises great diligence to guard him from poisoning and reminds him everyday that he has nothing else but this to avoid, and it is said that he has boundless respect and reverence for her. Mahidevran (c. 1498 - 3 Februari 1581; juga dikenal sebagai Gülbahar) adalah istri dari Süleyman I. Eksekusi putra pertamanya, Sehzade Mustafa atas tuduhan ingin membunuh ayahnya, menjadikannya tokoh terkenal dalam sejarah Kesultanan Utsmaniyah. İçindekiler [2], e che provenisse dalla popolazione dei Circassi o Tatari[3]. Indtil Hurrem Sultan, da han blev sultanens lovlige, gifte kone, fik titlen "Sultan", havde alle gemenskaber titlen "Hatun", hvilket betyder dame . (samtidigt tyrkisk: سليمان Sulaymān, nutidig tyrkisk: Süleyman, men oftest kaldt Kanuni Sultan Süleyman) (født 6. november 1494 (1495) i Trabzon, død 5. Valide Sultan Ayşe Hafsa Sultan Hi Suleiman I (Tinurkiya Otomano: سليمان Sulaymān, Tinurkiya: Süleyman; agsob igtawag nga Kanuni Sultan Süleyman ) (6 Nobyembre 1494 – 5/6/7 Septyembre 1566), amo an ikanapulo ngan gihahalaba-i nga namuno nga Sultan han Imperyo Otomano, tikang 1520 kutob ha iya kamatay han 1566. Marie Broxup (1996). Iako nemaju nikakvog dokaza za to, svi tvrde da je mrtva i da ju je Hurem ubila. Süleyman I (Turki Utsmaniyah: سليمان Suleymān, Turki Modern: Süleyman; 6 November 1494 – 5/6/7 September 1566) adolah sultan Turki Utsmaniyah ka-10 nan bakuaso dari taun 1520 inggo 1566. Sultán (tur. You could also do it yourself at any point in time. Haseki sultanija Hurem (perz.خرم, tur. Putovala je sa svojim ocem širom Osmanlijskog carstva.Kada je imala 17 godina u Istanbulu 26. novembra je udata za tadašnjeg trećeg vezira Osmanlijskog carstva Rustem pašu … Som sådan var Mahidevran ikke en sultana og havde ikke rang som sultan. Mustafa venne inviato ad Amasya e Mahidevran lo seguì. Mahidevran is described in academic history books (incl. During the campaign against Safavid Persia in 1553, Suleiman ordered the execution of Mustafa[20] on charges of planning to dethrone his father; his guilt for the treason of which he was accused has since been neither proven nor disproven. septembar 1566), zvani još i Kanuni — "Zakonodavac", bio je osmanski sultan (1520—1566), i brat Hatidže, Bejhana, Fatme i Šah sultanije, muž sultanije Hurem zapadnom svetu je bio poznatiji kao Sulejman Veličanstveni, a istočnom svetu kao Zakonodavac (tur. She was the chief consort of Suleiman before the appearance of Hürrem Sultan. The page Mahidevran Sultan should be moved to Mahidevran Gülbahar Hatun because Mahidevran was never a concubine or a Haseki Sultan and Hürrem Sultan was the first Haseki Sultan.--Retrieverlove 1:09, 22 June 2014 Not all Sultan's consort who held title "Sultan" after their given name were Haseki Sultan. 141 relations. Mihrimah Sultan (daughter of Suleiman I). Relazioni degli ambasciatori veneti al Senato, ser. Mahidevran, nota anche come Gülbahar (1498 circa – 3 febbraio 1581), fu la prima Haseki del sultano Solimano il Magnifico e madre del suo primo figlio Şehzade Mustafa. Počinje veličanstveni vijek Osmanskog carstva. Shaxsiyat haqidagi ushbu maqola chaladir. Financially secure at last, Mahidevran had enough income to create an endowment for the upkeep of her son's tomb. She was either an Albanian or Circassian. Z příjezdu je velmi znepokojené, protože ji sultán nevítá tak, jako obvykle; rychle se však vzpamatovala, protože si řekla, že mohl být v … Selim II (Ottoman Turkish: سليم ثانى Selīm-i sānī, Turkish: II.Selim; 30 May 1524 – 15 December 1574), also known as Sarı Selim ("Selim the Blond") or Sarhoş Selim ("Selim the Drunk"), was the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire from 1566 until his death in 1574. Ruska, resp. 1 Etymology; 2 Origins and early life Suleiman I (Otomán: سليمان Sulaymān, Turco: Süleyman), nado o 6 de novembro de 1494 e finado o 6 de setembro de 1566, foi sultán do Imperio Otomán (1520-1566), coñecido como Suleiman o Magnífico en Occidente e Suleiman o Lexislador no mundo islámico.Durante o seu reinado o Imperio Otomán acadou o máximo prestixio e esplendor, adaptou as institucións ás … iným prepisom: Máhidewrán (Háseki) Sultán, Máhidewrán Gülbahár (Háseki Sultán); v modernej turečtine: Mahidevran (Haseki) Sultan, Mahidevran Gülbahar (Haseki Sultan)) alebo pôvodným menom Rosne Pranvere (* asi 1500 – † 3. február 1581, Bursa, Osmanská ríša) bola … Just better. Sulejmanova vladavina Asıl adı Mahidevran Gülbahar Sultan'dır. Mahidevran (Ottoman Turkish: ماه دوران‎, c. 1500 – 3 February 1581; also known as Gülbahar) was the consort of Suleiman the Magnificent of the Ottoman Empire and the mother of Şehzade Mustafa. sultan Sulejman 10. sultan Osmanskog Carstva 1-4 Meryem Uzerli (1. do 3. sezona) Vahide Gördum (4. sezona) sultanija Hurrem sultanija 1-4 Engin Ozturk: sultan Selim: 11. sultan Osmanskog Carstva: 4 Nur Fettahoğlu Mahidevran Sultanija sultanija (majka preminulog princa Mustafe) 1-4 Merve Boluğur Nurbanu Sultanija Sultanlija 4 Sarp Akkaya Atmadža i majka sultanija (Valide Sultan) Osmanskog Carstva za vrijeme vladanja njezinog sina Mehmeda III. Ajo shpejt u bë bashkëshortja më e shquar e Sulejmanit përkrah Mahidevran Sultan (e njohur edhe si Gülbahar). Tuttavia i suoi ultimi anni non furono vissuti in condizioni di povertà, per merito di Selim II. [5] Theories of her origins are: She was listed among the seventeen women of the harem of Suleiman while he was governor of Manisa; she was not a highly ranked consort, as she earned 4 aspers a day along with two other concubines, while three others earned 5 aspers. He was a son of Suleiman the MagnificentSuleiman the Magnificent Siz uni boyitib, Vikipediyaga yordam berishingiz mumkin. Hürrem Mahidevran murió en 1581 sobreviviendo a Suleiman y todos sus hijos y fue enterrado en la tumba de Mustafa. Mahidevran Gülbahar Sultan (Ottoman Turkish: ماه دوران سلطان, c. 1500 – 3 February 1581) was haseki sultan to Suleiman the Magnificent and mother of Şehzade Mustafa, Şehzade Ahmed and Raziye Sultan of the Ottoman Empire.. Etymology. She went to Bursa, where her son Mustafa was buried and became the last concubine to retire to Bursa. Sulejman je bil deseti sultan Osmanskega cesarstva, ki je vladal kar 46 let.

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