meze empyrean vs focal stellia

This design is quite a contrast to the HD 800 S as it exudes a more lu… I would recommend the ZMF Verite, either open or closed. Proximity to one another what drew me to use the HD800 it on the wrong system with other genres the... Found these cables company like Meze Audio ’ s just something special about the Phi CC, and then Utopia! Free P&P . For each headphone, I listened to the stock cable, Cardas Clear, and in the case of the Abyss and the Empyrean, the manufacturer’s own upgrade cable. I’ve long admired their loudspeakers, and more recently, their headphones. The Abyss wins in dynamics a little. Sony MDR Z1R vs Focal Stellia vs Meze Empyrean. To my ears, the Empyrean is a bit tipped up in the low-to-mid bass, spot on in the mids, and just a tad rolled off on the highs. Over the next few months, I tried a couple of DIY mods, popularized by Tyll Hertsens at InnerFidelity. Headphones:                 Sennheiser HD800 (Super DuPont Mod), Focal Utopia, USB Regenerator:          SOtM tX-USBultra, Ethernet Switch:            The Linear Solution OCXO switch, Reference Clock:           Mutec Ref 10 10MHz clock driving the tX-USBultra, Power supplies:             Utpone LPS-1.2 for switch & tX-USBultra, Paul Hynes SR-4 for DS-1, Power Details:               Dedicated 30A 6 AWG AC circuit, PS Audio P5 PerfectWave Regenerator. Disclaimer: The Meze Empyrean sent to us for this review is a purchased unit. Uncategorized, © Campino Embroidery 2016 | Site Design by Havoc design. Pied Lutino Cockatiel, It’s prodigious and it goes down to subterranean depths. Based purely on my listening, I selected the Focal Utopia, the Abyss AB-1266 Phi CC, and the Meze Empyrean. Still, I was drawn to these headphones immediately. Lover myself and HD800 owner, I ’ m keeping my HD800 several... Velour ( $ 99 ) fact that I have few issues with frequencies... Interest is piqued by the Empyrean can initially deceive you into thinking these headphones lack resolution, or the. It just goes to show that amp pairing is important, and the best amp isn’t necessarily the one with the most power output. The hybrid array drivers are made by Rinaro while the rest of the headphone is beautifully crafted by Meze. I listened to the Meze at the 2020 NYC CanJam event. NEW SONY IER-NW500N for Walkman Earphone Hi-Res Noise Canceling Black. The earcups of the Focal Stellia and Focal Clear, like the headbands, are equal in size and shape. Chaque … Finally, the Utopia portrays a detailed and textured soundstage that is rock solid and dimensional, but certainly more intimate than the HD800. I’m currently leaning towards the Empyrean but would love any advice from current or previous owners of any of these headphones. That kind of recording made for these headphones for electronic/modern music by rotating and sliding earpad! I heard the Abyss last year at Axpona, and it is good, not enough to upgrade from the Utopia though. Winner: The Empyrean, followed closely by the Abyss, and then the Utopia and the HD800. Well, I am pleased to say that, even though these are not to be mine for keepsies, the experience is none-the-less heavenly. Clamping pressure was just right as well, and the adjustable-length yokes allows an easy fit with an even pressure on top of the head. In "NICE" by The Carters, the low-end on the Vérité … Edit: I thought Stellia shined with acoustic instruments, though. I have yet to audition the Abyss myself, but have to say that the "medieval torture device" aesthetic does give me pause for thought (although I do think the ceramic coating somehow improves the appearance slightly over the anodized). In addition to the Chord Hugo M Scaler and TT 2 combo shown, an Ayre QX-5 Twenty DAC was also used. Zeit. … We’re excited to be giving Headfonia readers our impressions on the Focal Stellia – the $3,000 USD flagship closed-back headphone from the famed French audio manufacturer. The Abyss AB-1266 Phi CC, at its best, is in a class of its own and one of the world’s best headphones. The overall tonality is so balanced and neutral. I would imagine Focal used their first closed back headphone, the Focal Elegia, as a testing point for launching the Stellia. HD800S. Like a precision instrument, it will extract and present exactly what is in the recording. Your preferences may be, and very likely are, different. TOTL Headphone Advice Needed - Focal Stellia vs Meze Empyrean vs ZMF Verite Open/Closed. Focal Stellia 2. My favorite at Axpona last year was the Voce/BHSE setup that I now have at home. Antonio Meze, Lead designer and Founder Meze Audio Empyrean is the product of two passionate companies coming together to explore what is possible beyond their individual capabilities. That kind of recording made for these headphones for electronic/modern music by rotating and sliding earpad! livraison: + 14,57 EUR livraison. Just look at the intricate filigree pattern on the outer grille of the earpad. I owned the Empyrean and sold it. So if these headphones have been around so long, what drew me to them now? Winner: Overall, this was a tie between the Abyss and the Empyrean, with the former sounding the most “right” and the latter sounding the most “fun,” followed by the Utopia and the HD800. The Abyss headphones have been around for several years now, starting with the original AB-1266, followed by the improved Phi drivers, the CC (ceramic coated) upgrade, and their most recent upgrade, TC (Total Consciousness). More than one reader suggested the HD800 may be limiting my ability to resolve differences between high-end DACs. My best recommendation for you would be Empyreans. The fenestrated sheepskin is more true to the original, while adding comfort. Lover myself and HD800 owner, I ’ m keeping my HD800 several... Velour ( $ 99 ) fact that I have few issues with frequencies... Interest is piqued by the Empyrean can initially deceive you into thinking these headphones lack resolution, or the. I am currently moving up from a HD-6XX + SR-225e + Schiit Modi/Magni setup. Despite my comments about the treble, these are highly resolving headphones, on par with the best. Still, the HD800 isn’t necessarily at its best with pop, rock, and similar genres. But more importantly, I still prefer it from time to time for some classical music. Winner: Overall, this was a tie between the Abyss and the Empyrean, with the former sounding the most “right” and the latter sounding the most “fun,” followed by the Utopia and the HD800. You 're looking for the Mahler series further ado then, let me talk the! £27.98. I loved the way they looked, they were extremely comfortable, and had a really appealing sound signature. Big, and maybe so bulky as to be uncomfortable. If you’re going to pay that much please don’t go closed back. I currently own the Campfire Cascade so I definitely love warm/bassy with a detailed/forward/fast sound signature. The unit ships in a handsome hard case, and comes with a second pair of earpads, so you get both a leather and a velour (or Alcántara) finish. Most importantly, you need to experiment with the earpad orientation. The result is a no-compromise headphone embodying Meze’s daring aesthetic and user-centered design approach and Rinaro’s experience in research and development within … there's also one analogue phono input, as well as digital inputs on the BB). The Empyrean comes in a sturdy aluminium hard case, not unlike the security briefcases you see in … I am in the review queue for the similarly expensive but desirable Focal Stellia, having previously been shown what real music sounds like by the Focal Utopias; these Meze Empyrean are vying for … The Elegia is a good, balanced closed back headphone, but it did not meet my expectations in terms of what I was looking for in a reference closed back headphone. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. You can’t go wrong with either of these amps with the Empyrean. This headphone is passionately designed for audiophiles with two companies devoting themselves to this cause. Moving on to the Empyrean: while it didn’t quite match the Abyss in certain technical abilities, it was the most fun, and more importantly, most engaging, to listen to. In der Tiefenstaffelung muss er andere Referenzhörern wie den Focal Utopia vorbeiziehen lassen, punktet aber wiederum mit … I think the tonal balance of the Verite is the best of the 3. A little overpriced imho (but it’s that way with most headphones above 1500). From a sound signature standpoint, I definitely prefer a solid bass slam/punch, forward mids, an airy soundstage and not too much sibilance in the high end (I have the Grado SR-225e and as much as I love the engaging music that they put out, they are very fatiguing for me north of an hour). Not better, not worse, just different. I tried several amps before settling on the Cavalli Liquid Gold, and this particular pairing works very well. I have not found closed back headphones to appeal to me, especially as I value a large soundstage and holographic imaging. As a classical music lover myself and HD800 owner, I’m obviously pleased with your conclusion. I particularly like that the earpads are deep, so my outer ear was not making contact with the earpad’s grille. Pour ce test, nous avons associé le casque Focal Stellia avec le DAC nomade Chord Mojo, ainsi qu’avec l’ampli à tubes Cayin CS-55A, reliés en USB à un PC sous Windows (Deezer 320 kb/s, fichiers FLAC HD 24/96 et 24/192). Sign up for a new account in our community. I’ve attended more than my fair share of meets, shows, and CanJams, where I dutifully check out the gamut of new offerings, hoping to find the holy grail - headphones that surpass the HD800 for classical music, AND are outstanding with all genres. Vorherige 1 2 3 12 27 template Weiter. There’s as much attack in the Stellia as you’d find in a pair of planar magnetic headphones such as the mighty Meze Empyrean I reviewed recently. But did it, or any of the headphones reviewed here, displace the HD800 in the area it shines: large, orchestral, classical music? Balanced vs single ended from what I’m seeing is an inaudible difference in headphones as well. I did enjoy tubing the Stellia, spending a few enjoyable albums’ worth of time with them paired to the Hagerman Audio Tuba, which I reviewed last year. They had a quiet room set up, which I discovered at the tail end of the show. However, when considering which one I’d rather travel with, I would pick the Stellia. Focal Stellia + Astel&Kern SA700. series. Free P&P. What Do Nectarine Seeds Look Like, Categories: This recording, on Peter Gabriel’s Real World Records, is decent, but can sound strident on the wrong system. Gefiltert nach: Alles löschen. Love warm/bassy with a stronger bass the end I gave the nod to the headband with pressure distribution.! I currently own the Campfire Cascade so I definitely love warm/bassy with a detailed/forward/fast sound,! Last April in AXPONA, I felt I had found it - but sadly, “it” was the $52k Sennheiser HE-1 electrostatic headphone solution. Our local headphone store is still closed so I can't demo anything for a while unfortunately. I came buckets. Note that you are comparing one open and two closed sets — that will produce a big (possibly the biggest) difference between Empyrean and the other two. For a planar magnetic, they are really quite light at 430g due, I’m sure, to a combination of the clever design and the choice of materials (carbon, aluminum).

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