I personally wouldn’t bother with them though because you will want as much AP as possible. It’s important to note that this skill can be used whilst on cooldown but will not inflict a CC. Pre-Awakening skill build – Level 55 (549 skill points): https://bdocodex.com/us/skillcalc/88370If you’ve just reached level 50 or you’re still leveling, use this build to put you in the right direction of what skills you should be using.Make sure you reset your skills at level 56 though because you will need skill points for your awakening skills and will only really need the support skills from pre-awakening. Nemesis Slash (Absolute medium priority) & Flow: Nemesis Slash (low priority): our main heal before Rabams, it chains out of multiple skills (Blind Thrust, Twister, Foul Play). For example, [Q] + [LMB] > [F] means you tap Q and LMB at the same time, then tap F. [LMB] refers to left-clicking with your mouse, [RMB] refers to right-clicking with your mouse. Itâs not a PvP skill but is nice to have in node wars to heal off structures. Carver(HOLD W) + (HOLD SHIFT) + (HOLD LMB). The skill is not worth taking though because of it’s too awkward to use and deals mediocre damage. for selfAttack Speed +10% for 5 sec. Musa Awakening has very strong clear in PVE in all grind spots. Seremela This gives them a little more utility in group fights in regards to PvP, and makes their life a bit easier in PvE grinding. It will recover WP and also inflict stiffness on good hits. MAEHWA: A graceful combatant with a specialized skill set, the Maehwa can lock down any foe with a wide array of control skills. If you ahve Charged Stub Arrow: Evasion, you can also dash to the side while charging the arrow by pressing A or D and this is an iframe. Aim to buy a +15 Rosar Blade if you can to save your enhancing resources. Most Musas only cast it after Crosscut, while itâs also possible to chain it after Fiery Angel and Foul Play with the Shift key. Lunar Slash can be used by pressing [LMB] after Dragon Claw. Again, do not worry about getting the Absolute skills until you have extra SP laying around. It really depends on your preference and your crystals/stats.For your food rotation in node wars/siege, I would recommend using Knight Combat Rations, Valencia Special, Kamaslyvia Meal and King of Jungle Hamburger and in that order. You may also want to use the Special Valencia Meal and Special Kamaslyvia Meal so that it lasts 120 minutes. Canceling Crosscut with Q is one of our 2 protected stun engages. Example 2 – PVX Skill Add-ons [Awakening][Level 50] Dragon BiteCritical Hit Rate +20% for 9 sec. Blind Thrust This is your auto attack and is automatically taken when you level up. Lasts around 1 second. for self[Level 56] CrosscutAttack Speed +10% for 5 sec. Set Effect: Accuracy +20Accuracy 4Damage Reduction 3, Knockdown/ Bound Resistance +30%Accuracy 4, Knockdown/ Bound Resistance +2%Accuracy 4, Knockback/ Floating Resistance +30%Accuracy 4, Knockback/ Floating Resistance +2%Accuracy 4. Quick Shot (essential): recommended level 57 Rabam. It has 100% critical chance and is useful for comboing into other skills. for self[Level 56] BloomingAttack against monsters +30 for 8 sec. Ultimate: Musa Spirit (essential): recommended level 56 Rabam, you should have it as soon as you start to PvP. Blackstar is considered the current best in slot mainhand weapon with higher base AP than Kzarka. Basilisk’s Belt and Valtarra are very good belts but Tungrade is currently the best in slot. The best armor in the game is currently dropped from Bosses. It will increase your melee evasion rate by +1% and only costs 3 skill points so I would recommend putting points into this when you can. This is your basic attack for your horn bow and all other horn bow skills extend from this one. At level 56, Musa unlocks their awakening weapon which is a Crescent Blade. Offin Tett can be good when you reach certain AP brackets and if your class doesn’t depend on accuracy as much as others, but if you’re unsure whether you should be using this weapon or not, it’s much safer to just use Kzarka. The extra sword can only be used with certain skills. Blooming (Absolute high priority): before Absolutes itâs mostly used without Phantom for a shorter animation lock, to fish for quick stuns on the back. Itâs not easy to land and will be very satisfying when mastered, refer to the Musa Combat Guide video by InkQ to learn its secrets. You should aim to have TRI gear before switching to this offhand and try to get between 300-330 accuracy without Black Warrior Horn Bow before switching. for self, Example 2 – PVE Skill Add-ons [Succession][Level 50] Stub ArrowAll Accuracy +4% for 12 sec. This skill can be used on your hotbar from preawakening to switch to awakening instantly and use the skill. Crosscut loses super armor despite the appearance, use with caution. Arrow Grapple[SPACE] after firing Stub Arrow. Most of the absolute skills only give damage increases and since a lot of Musa pre-awakening has unprocted skills, the absolute skills are not considered to be that impactful/useful. It will also apply a melee accuracy rate reduction debuff to your enemy and increase your critical hit rate at the same time. They also have some stamina issues/management in PVP and you will need to make sure you don’t spam your dash too much. These are the skills I recommend locking to help prevent messing up combos during PVP:Evasion, Backstep Slash, Upper KickTo lock a skill, press the lock icon on the top of each skill icon in the skill window (K). Crust Crusher & Foul Play (high priority): high burst skills and a decent heal too. Charged Stub Arrow These crystals cost a significant amount of silver. This skill is also your 100% Black Spirit Rage skill which adds a DP buff and makes the skill an iframe at the beginning with super armor on the attack. Stub Arrow II (essential, triple shot and Absolute unnecessary): our ranged engage, the quick slot lets you swap to blade mode. The skill has high damage and a forward guard, as well as HP Recovery +50 on every good hit and a knockback CC (PVE only). The skill is also your 200% Black Spirit Rage skill. If you already have some gear from another character, and have high enough accuracy, you can use the White Horn Bow instead, which gives higher AP.Kutum Horn Bow This bow gives a mixture of AP and DP with added monster damage and accuracy. This combo is a longer combo you can use if you lack the damage for the other ones. Musa are the male counterpart to Maehwa. When you have Arrow Grapple III you can press SPACE again, whilst traveling to your enemy, to cancel the grapple. for self[Level 58] Flow: BackflowCritical Hit Rate +20% for 9 sec. The skill will send a tornado out in front of you, knocking back targets on hit and inflicting floating. You will mostly use these in PVE or in some PVP situations/combos for extra damage/finishers. The Musa class uses a Blade as their primary weapon and Horn Bow as their secondary weapon. Level 57 – [SHIFT] + [Z]Pouncing Dragon – Requires [Rising Storm III] and [Dragon Bite III]Quick Slot – Requires [Rising Storm III] and [Stub Arrow II] (Preferred Choice)Quick Slot Rabam skill should be used from your hot bar. Lasts around 3 seconds. S+LMB -> W+LMB+Space -> Shift+Q -> C -> Dash Slash -> Shift+LMB -> F, S+LMB -> W+LMB+Space -> LMB (x1-2) -> LMB+RMB -> C -> Dash Slash -> Shift+LMB -> F, Shift+RMB -> S+LMB / Shift+LMB+RMB -> Shift+Q / LMB+RMB -> C -> Dash Slash -> Shift+LMB -> F, Shift+RMB+A/D -> W+LMB+Space -> LMB (x1-2) -> LMB+RMB -> C -> Dash Slash -> Shift+LMB -> F, W+F -> Shift+LMB -> A/D+LMB -> Q -> Shift+RMB -> Shift+F -> F, W+F -> A/D+LMB -> A/D+RMB -> Space -> Shift+RMB -> Shift+LMB -> F -> Dash Slash, Musa’s Spirit -> A/D+LMB -> A/D+RMB -> Space -> Shift+RMB -> Shift+LMB -> F -> Dash Slash, A/D+LMB -> Q -> A/D+LMB -> A/D+RMB -> Space -> Shift+RMB -> Shift+LMB -> F -> Dash Slash, S+LMB / W+F -> A/D+LMB -> A/D+RMB -> C -> W+Space -> LMB (2x) -> LMB+RMB -> C -> Dash Slash -> Shift+LMB -> F. – For the people you can’t kill with conventional combos. However, the Dragon Slayer weapons cannot be placed on the marketplace and must be crafted by the player themselves. You should really adapt the guide and follow your own instincts to match your play-style! Another advantage of using this set is that it is viable on any class, allowing you to swap to another class easily. Bheg’s Gloves (gloves) – dropped from Bheg. Steel Gale (56) doesnât really bring anything new to the table, Absolute Rising Storm works well instead; Pouncing Dragon (57) is a slow ability with poorly thought-out CC. It has comparable stats to boss armor and also a very useful set effect that gives Damage Reduction and Hidden AP. I definately wouldn’t worry about them until you have all your awakening skills maxed first. Official Musa/Maehwa Discord for the game Black Desert Online. The Plum class is a female samurai with a male counterpart named “Blader”. Quick heal and 30% crit buff, can be used to swap to pre-awakening with both Shift+X and quickslot. Bdo Guardian Succession Skill Build BDO Best Class Awakening and Succession PvP PvE 03 31 2020 Black Desert Online Musa Guide 2020 Skills Combos Addons Gear and more 03 16 2020 PoE 3. Crystals can be added to gear to give extra stats and have a chance of breaking when you die to monsters (or to players if you are negative karma). He is the master of the sands who crossed the desert in search of the truth behind the Blackstar. This skill will restore WP. You can swap into Blooming from awakening with either Chase â¡ Shift+LMB+RMB or with the Absolute quickslot. Weight Limit +60 LTDamage Reduction 4Accuracy 2, Weight Limit +10 LTDamage Reduction 1Accuracy 2. I Terms and Conditions I Privacy Policy I Manage Cookie Settings I About Us. They are all unprotected and can be long enough to get punished, be sure to read whatâs happening around you before committing to the longer animations. Musa Succession can be unlocked after level 56 after speaking to the Black Spirit and completing the Succession quest under the suggestions tab. Slash This skill adds extra damge to Crosscut which is reduced in PVP. During the cast, press CTRL and follow the target or the incoming damage with your mouse. Cyclone Slash I would recommend using Shift and Q though because the other combo is easier to mix with others. If you do already have liverto and have already invested into it, you will want to upgrade it to PRI or higher as soon as possible. It has super armor and a stiffness CC but the CC is only for PVE. witch wiz are good now in pve with succession. (HOLD SHIFT) + (HOLD RMB). Twister (essential): The extremely short cooldown and quick animation make it a good engage. This is your mobility skill and is a very important skill in the Musa skill kit. Enhancing a Bares Necklace is much cheaper than using an un-enhanced BiS necklace. Below are some example builds to help you decide what is best for you. The skill can be useful in low end PVE to quickly regen some HP, but I wouldn’t recommend maxing it. Once you reach over 261 AP (with Kutum) it is better to switch back to Kutum for PVE. The skill gives HP Recovery on hit and also a Casting and Attack Speed debuff of -15% for your target. Griffon’s Helmet (helmet) – dropped from Griffons in Kamaslyvia. It gives an instant switch to pre-awakening and has a movement speed -10% debuff as well as stiffness CC. As soon as you get one boss item with Grunil, you lose the set bonuses which Grunil weaker. Lahn – Lahn has a lot of protected mobility and also a long ranged grab which makes the class hard to deal with. Musa leveling build / endgame build (PvE / PvP) Musa leveling skills – What skills to choose and what to avoid. It takes a long time to get to this stage, and there are lots of small improvements and other accessories you will use along the way, but this is ideally your softcap build for PVP. Plums use a mixture of melee and ranged attacks with plenty of dodges and charges. All Rights Reserved. The skill can be “ok” for extra CC but I only recommend taking it if you already have your core skill build and have spare points. The full set will give you Maximum MP/WP/SP +100, Maximum HP +200, Max Stamina +200, Attack Speed +1, Casting Speed +1, Movement Speed +1 and All Resistances 5%. These are 2 of the 3 skills you should know how to rotate with mouse movement to keep your guard the right way. Musa is very straight forward and lacking in PvE rotation options. Giath’s Helmet (helmet) alternative choice – dropped from Giath. It has a Damage to All Species +10 and Attack Speed +3 item effect, as well as other bonuses when enhanced. Dandelion Crescent BladeDandelion weapons are the BiS awakening weapons. Musa Combos, Skill Add-ons, Build and Crystals, BDO Black Desert Gear Guide For Beginners/Noobs 2020, BDO Kamasylvia Daily Peridot Routine Quests, BDO Guide To Getting Master 2 Or Artisan 2 Trading, BDO Sailing Sea Monster Hunting Guide 2020, Black Desert Online Node Guide For Beginners, BDO How To Get More Max Weight Life-skills/Processing, Black Desert Online BDO Dark Knight Guide 2020, Epic Seven How To Increase Friendship Guide 2020. You will also get higher Accuracy, Evasion and Damage Reduction from these pieces.In the mean time you should be using one of the following armor sets: A popular armor choice is to go full Grunil set because it increases your maximum HP and will give you 2 socket slots on each piece, along with extra AP +7 set bonus. Here is a low-tier build to use if you are looking to improve your gear before you get boss gear. This website is not affiliated with Kakao Games or Pearl Abyss. The weapon cannot be enhanced with Caphras stones though. I have both and those are the only two spots my Archer can do faster and in the other spots archers skills can be very annoying for pulling aggro so i'd take my Musa instead and even at Gahaz i'd rather watch youtube while using Musa lol It will consume stamina and roll you in a chosen direction. You can get away with using a Green/Blue grade TRI Ultimate weapon without losing too much damage. [W] + [F] > [SHIFT] + [LMB] > [A] + [LMB] > [Q] > [SHIFT] + [RMB] > [SHIFT] + [F] > [F]This is an example of a PVP awakening combo. Charged Stub Arrow: Evasion (??? PvP: Black Warrior Horn Bow until ~300-330 accuracy without it. Actually it gives me: If available I recommend using the Asula’s Crimon Eye Earrings (Asula Set) if you are new to the game, this gives you 7 AP and also has very good set bonuses. The skill gives you forward guard during the animation.Musa’s Soul[E]. I am planning to switch off of awakening because it can be fairly menial and boring, and I really want to try out succession soon. The skill is also your 100% Black Spirit Rage skill which adds extra damage to the skill. but dont expect to get good trash on any spot beyond that as musa. level 1 The liverto has slightly more AP than Rosar, but it also has a Critical Hit Rate +3 item effect. Skill Enhancement (Rabams) The recommended Rabams to take are Ultimate: Musa Spirit (56) and Quick Shot (57). These are an example of some cheaper crystals for your class if you don’t have as much to spend and want to go cheap crystals that will aid you while grinding. The ones underlined are the recommended but all can be viable according to different playstyles. If you can’t do this then you will need to use Margoria Seafood instead of Kamaslyvia Meal. for selfAttack Speed +7% for 5 sec. It will restore WP for each hit and at higher rank it will shoot multiple arrows. Various classes have different grabs. The skill also deals a lot of damage and is ranged, while Pouncing Dragon is a melee skill. December 9, 2020. unicorn Archmage had better nuke spells from a safe distance. WP sustain for PvE. Try to also ultimate all your pieces as soon as possible, especially your armor because it will give quite a big DP boost. Keys in square brackets [] mean that you tap the key. Liverto BladeLiverto is the fourth strongest mainhand and much easier to obtain and enhance than Kzarka. Flow: Backflow This is your passive. When fighting against a Valkyrie you should try to go in and out of the fight and not trade damage, just chip away at their block. In 1v1 scenarios it can be the second float in a double float combo, once again, refer to #guides-musa. The Maehwa can be an option for new players so long as they stick (almost exclusively) to PvP and PvE. Below are some examples of viable skill add-ons you can take. The other alternative is Black Distortion Earrings which give the highest amount of AP (21 AP at PEN), but reduce your DP as well.The Capotia Earring is also worth mentioning.
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