pokemon white 2 exp cheat

This is a list of the Pokémon from the Unova region in Pokémon Black 2 & White 2. It's For Pokémon White 2 Only. CheatCodes.com has all you need to win every game you play! I use R4CCE to edit the USRCHEAT.DAT, it's just a simple task of creating a new game with the Volt/Blaze game ID and copying over the respective cheats. Choose File > Open and load your Pokemon Cloud White ROM Save your game in VBA: File > Save Do you see “Cheats” menu? 7 Answers. Double Movement The Double Movement code is a usual one that will make your character move twice as fast. Cheat Codes for Pokemon White Version 2 (UK) Nintendo DS Saves & … The exp cheats do not work, I have tried them all and made sure they are correct but the still don't work. Team Yell Introduced As Antagonist Group For Pokemon Sword & Shield! Action Replay (US) This Codes are Action Replay Codes. To enter Action Replay codes in Pokemon White 2 you'll either need an Action Replay or if you are playing on an emulator, you can simply enter the codes via the emulator's cheat menu. February 12, 2015. Will Embargo prevent the use of my Exp.Share? Every badge is handles right through to completing the Elite 4 and the final boss. If there are 2 or more Pokemon left in the trainers party, you wont be able to catch them. I thought that was some kind of tool. This keldeo is a level 15, and when you take it to the rock, it lets you learn secret sword. 8 years ago. !! Use the above links or scroll down see all to the Nintendo DS cheats we have available for Pokemon White Version 2. 16 Gaming accessories and cheat devices for Pokemon Go, Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo DS, PS4, PS3, PS2, GameCube, Wii and Wii U. Press select to activate. Opposite Trader: Trade between Black 2 and White 2/White; or between White 2 and Black 2/Black. Game ID:IRAO-0F0875FE. Get the latest Pokemon White Version 2 cheats, codes, unlockables, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tips, tricks, hacks, downloads, hints, guides, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for Nintendo DS (DS). 94000130 FFFB0000. here is the code Experience Share v1: (this one makes pokemon gain half of the exp is basically the normal exp share item effect, i want them to get normal exp) 521AEE90 D10228D8 121AEE92 000046C0 121AEEE4 000046C0 You can scroll down to see all of the Pokemon White 2 cheats that we have, but here is … A total of 277 Pokémon can be caught in this game. This site is not affiliated in any way with Microsoft, Sony, Sega, Nintendo or any video game publishers.Privacy Policy | Terms of Service. Once you catch a trainers Pokemon, the battle ends. Cheats, Tips, Tricks, Walkthroughs and Secrets for Pokemon White Version 2 on the Nintendo DS, with a game help system for those that are stuck. !Pokemon: Black 2 (U)! Re: Cheats … 1: Participate in a Funfest Mission for the first time. Party earns EXP and EVs. If you know cheat … Can you provide the answers for fellow gamers questions, + Add Your Cheats and Codes / Ask a question. Only tested on White version 2! Relevance. Find all our Pokemon White 2 Questions and Answers for Nintendo DS. Shiny Gible (Black 2) (Black Tower) Code - Box 7 Slot 2. Pokemon White Version 2 for Nintendo DS cheats - Cheating Dome has all the latest cheat codes, unlocks, hints and game secrets you need. Farfetch'd To Receive Galar Evolution Called Sirfetch'd. I bought an Action replay and I was really tired of training so i but an X10 exp cheat to boost me a couple levels to fight the elite four would this cheat prevent me from trading and get me banned? Pokemon Black 2 and White 2 [USA] Action Replay Official Code List . 121aef88 000046c0. If you find this very irritating, use a hack, to increase in a lot. Hello, This Is My First Action Replay Code. Since your in the beginning of the game, battle as many Pokemon and trainers as possible. … I'm asking this because, despite the fact that your hack is the BEST (really, it's amazing), i'd like to do some little changes, for my own gaming, ex: Flygon being Insect/Dragon, Gyarados Water/Dragon, Charizard Fire/Dragon (yeah, I like Dragon type), and some minor changes in stats, so the game becomes even more difficult. To enter Action Replay codes in Pokemon White 2 you'll either need an Action Replay or if you are playing on an emulator, you can simply enter the codes via the emulator's cheat menu. Or click here to search for specific content. Lordus Posts: 517 Joined: Tue Aug 06, 2013 1:05 am. 8 years ago. Codes Tested by me within Emulator White 2 Rom. You can use the codes dipending on your sitation if you are low on money do: Max Money. They also use the same cheats. 1. Registration allows you to keep track of all your content and comments, save bookmarks, and post in all our forums. (Select) TM83 will be the new attack. 1219C914 00002400. These eggs where given to players who collected various Pokemon merchandise that where sold between june and september 2012. New Training Techniques Coming To Pokemon Sword & Shield! A seguir, você encontrará cheats que funcionam na versão americana (EUA) dos jogos Pokémon Black 2 e White 2 do Nintendo DS. It may not break the Pokemon mold, but Black/White offers enough new content coupled with the series' classic, deep battle mechanics to make it endlessly playable. Participant Lv. Players return to the region of Unova for Pokémon White Version 2, the sequel to Pokémon White Version. 8th Generation Version of Pikachu Revealed! 4 comments. The codes are as follows: Just as it should you either press or hold a button before encounter a Pokemon and that Pokemon becomes a shiny. These codes will change the season to wich one you like. 999 for all Berries (Press Select button) (DS) North America. This is a code I made to get the perfect Palkia for using on capturing weak leveled Pokemon and can use the moves Tackle, Dragon Claw, and Yawn. February 12, 2015. Black 2 & White 2 Pokédex This is a list of the Pokémon from the Unova region in Pokémon Black 2 & White 2 . Bunch of Useful Codes There are lots of useful codes in this collection and includes max money, max items and no random encounters. Your must put the correct digits in place of the ‘XXXX’ to choose the species you want. The Pass Powers all have beneficial features which allow for you to hone your game. Or click here to search for specific content. Making Pokemon fall asleep is perfect for capturing Pokemon and it will also be the most effective tactic. point share in Black & White (1)??? 5. Or, use rare candies. Pokemon White 2 Cheats for Nintendo DS. Re: Cheat not working for pokemon white. Spiffy. 521AE984 42819903. ... Pokemon White Version 2 [B72BBA42] ... it has every single cheat code. Works for UK/Eroupe and should work for US/North America. Pokemon Alola Anime Series Concludes! are you using the correct region of the game? 100% Capture Rate for Pokemon, any ball will work. © Web Media Network Limited, 1999 - 2021. Basically, this means ordinarily walking is the same as running speed, and the running speed is twice as fast as before. Cheats Pokemon Blanco y Negro 2 Version Español Tutorial de como utilizar los cheats en Desmune (si quieres los juegos en la descripción del video estan). 3. Answer Save. BLAZE BLACK 2, VANILLA :: IREO 62F5EFD5 VOLT WHITE 2, COMPLETE :: IRDO 9687F042 VOLT WHITE 2, VANILLA :: IRDO 92E9B389. 2: Participate in 10 or more Funfest missions. All Tms And Hms Press L + R (Pokemon white Europ.. + Add Your Cheats and Codes / Ask a question. Wild Legendary Pokemon This code is made new for 2020! Tweet. Rare candy will be in the fist in the medicine, This Is My Very First Ar Code All the TM And HM are there there are none of them missing.Press L+R to activate. Pokemon White Version 2 Cheats for Nintendo DS Home / Nintendo DS / Sub Menu. While the opening sequence is mostly the same in both games, there are a few differences. It appears in box 7 I think. Palkia, Dialga and Giratina Summer 2013 Event Codes Get these event Pokemon with this code that comes with instructions and helpful comments from other visitors. Like Black & White, Pokémon Black 2 & White 2 have various Pass Powers which you can use. Pokémon Black Version 2 Action Replay Codes . 521aefc4 42819903 121aefc8 000046c0 d2000000 00000000 Unlockables. 71+ (AR DS) or v1. Palkia, Dialga and Giratina Summer 2013 Event Codes, do pokemon black/whtie codes work on pokemon black 2/white 2, Need melloetta and keldeo for any legendary. Dwellers: Leo, Silvia, Ryder, Doug, Maria, Carlos, Piper, Miho, Eliza and amp; Collin. Plus guide to catc.. New Legendary Pokemon Glastrier & Spectrier Coming In Pokemon Sword & Shield's Crown Tundra! Discard Master Balls to meet the Pokemon Dex number and discard Ultra Balls to meet the Pokemon level. Depending on the subway, you will choose 2, 3, or 4 Pokemon to use in seven battles. Please sure you … cheat Cheat Pokemon Black 2 and White 2 DeSmuMe Emulator (PC) dwi Aad. I did not create these codes, I just compiled the list from several … With these codes you can beat the game without trying. One and Only: Win the Pokemon League with only one Pokemon in the party. Play Nintendo 3DS, Sony PS3, Sony PS4, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation Vita, Xbox 360, Xbox One, Arcade, Wii, Wii U, Xbox Games All Game In One Emulator - Play All Games. From Max Money to Walk Through Walls. per Pokemon. Participant Lv. Relevance. Before copying Pokemon Cloud White Cheat Codes, we will give you the instructions to use them: Please sure that your GBA Emulator supports to enter Gameshark Codes. 521aef84 42819903. Like before, they can be battled in any order desired. Therefore, you don't get more than 100 exp. Then choose Cheat List… Click Gameshark and enter your codes. Also for Japanese version. beansta wrote:I managed to fix it on mine (volt white 2).I could try and upload my usrcheat.dat and see if it works for you Its not that dangerous to use cheats on modded games, especially ones such as Sacred Gold and blaze black/volt white 2 since its only a trainer/pokemon edit, nothing significant like maps and such have been changed. To use them you will need a Action Replay Device. Unlimited Rare Candy Level up your Pokemon with unlimited rare candies! There are still people that play the game today and that means they are looking for Pokemon Black 2 cheats.. With using cheats, input the right Action Replay or AR code into the cheat option of your emulator. This is all the general Pokemon like any of the games general AR for most games, quite a few. This allows you to catch a Pokemon from a trainer. If you are thinking pokemons are annoing: No Wild Encouters and so on. EXP x4 521cb44c 59a8437e 023ae840 59a8437e 023ae844 51a80080 023ae848 00004770 021cb44c f9f8f1e3 ... Black City and White Forest Dwellers' Modifier 2 (L+R) Use this code before enter to the city/forest. Get the latest Pokemon White Version 2 cheats, codes, unlockables, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tips, tricks, hacks, downloads, hints, guides, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for Nintendo DS (DS). Is there a cheat code like "Experience share v2" that makes all pokemon gain normal Experience instead of doubling it like v2 does? Input the code and press L as you are walking. Contrary to Pokémon Black & White, the local Pokédex in these sequels features 300 Pokémon across all generations, including every Generation 5 Pokémon. Throw this item so that the remaining amount corresponds to the attack number. Registration allows you to keep track of all your content and comments, save bookmarks, and post in all our forums. 00018D24 00640002. ... All Pokemon In Party Earn EXP After Battle. Just some few bottons to press and there you go. here is the code Experience Share v1: (this one makes pokemon gain half of the exp is basically the normal exp share item effect, i want them to get normal exp) 521AEE90 D10228D8 121AEE92 000046C0 121AEEE4 000046C0 Press Select to receive 649 Master Balls and 100 Ultra Balls. Super Cheats is an unofficial resource with submissions provided by members of the public. Ash Becomes Champion & Then Goes Home To Kanto! Many thanks! I've looked everywhere for an AR code for the no EXP gain fix for Pokemon White 2, and I can't find it anywhere. ... 2x EXP 521bd738 0c040400 021bd738 43442402 ... Pokemon White 2 Doesn't Work on Action Replay (SOLVED) 3; To enter Action Replay codes in Pokemon White 2 you'll either need an Action Replay or if you are playing on an emulator, you can simply enter the codes via the emulator's cheat menu. Lvl 1 Palkia perfect for catching weak pokemon and can do so wit. As usual the National Dex can be obtained after beating the Elite Four, which lists the remaining Pokémon in order by generation. Mar 13th 2011, ID#6888 Double Movement The Double Movement code is a usual one that will make your character move twice as fast. There is a Pokemon digit list later in this section. One and Only: Win the Pokemon League with only one Pokemon in the party. Evolutions For Older Pokemon Returning For First Time Years Within Pokemon Sword & Shield! Please help if you can. This code can be helpful if you don't whant to wait or change the date and time on your DS, also it can be helpful if you whant a Pokemon from a diffrent season or just whant it to look diffrent. Cheat Codes for Pokemon Black Version 2 Nintendo DS. Black 2 still utilizes Generation V Pokemon along with the older ones. Team Yell Introduced As Antagonist Group For Pokemon Sword & Shield! (for Android) PPSSPP (for Android) EPSXe (for Android) GBA4iOS (for Mac OS X) SuperRetro16 (SuperGNES) Lite (for Android) MegaN64 (for Android) BGB (for Linux) SNESDroid (for Android) DeSmuME (for Windows) Popular: GBA Roms SNES Roms NDS Roms GBC Roms N64 Roms NES Roms PSX ISOs PSP … Pokemon Alola Anime Series Concludes! New Legendary Pokemon Glastrier & Spectrier Coming In Pokemon Sword & Shield's Crown Tundra! These powers can be purchased or received by passing players by or by unlocking them by raising your Entree Level and purchasing them using Pass Orbs. 5do pokemon black/whtie codes work on pokemon black 2/white 2, 40Need melloetta and keldeo for any legendary. 83007CEE XXXX Similar to to the ‘Obtain Any Item’ code. 1219C914 00001C04. The list below contains items that will be added in ITEM SLOT 1 if enabled. Also see Cheats for more help on Pokémon Black Version 2. You Enter The Very, Very, Veeeeeerrrrrry Short Code. If not, please use VBA. HOPE i have contributed some helps... thanks to all those who have created the codes Pokemon White(EU/us) Version »Game ID:IRAO-0F0875FE *Misc Codes Game Time Codes 000*00 02256FF4 00000000 999*59 02256FF4 003B03E7 Max Money (Select) 94000130 FFFB0000 0223CDCC 0098967F D2000000 00000000 Disable 3D Edge Marking 521891A8 43082020 221891A8 00000010 D2000000 … Participant Lv. Therian Forme Thundurus ( press select to activate). Cheat codes and cheat code devices for DS, Wii, PS2, XBOX, XBOX360, DS, PSP. These are not usually tested by us (because there are so many), so please use them at your own risk. Pokemon Gym For Each Pokemon Type Coming In Sword & Shield? However, they ahve had a change in teams and in champion. Cheat Codes for Pokemon White Version 2. Lvl 1 Reshiram, Lvl 1 Zekrom, Lvl 1 Kyurem set. !IREO 8E4C1CD6!Misc Codes::Box Pokemon Clone (Start+Left On, Start+Right Off):::Off After Use.Pick up a Pokemon to make a perfectly identical copy of it. 25+ (AR DSi) REQUIRED! here is the code Experience Share v1: (this one makes pokemon gain half of the exp is basically the normal exp share item effect, i want them to get normal exp) 521AEE90 D10228D8 121AEE92 000046C0 121AEEE4 000046C0 Download 6150 - Pokemon - White Version 2 (frieNDS) ROM for Nintendo DS(NDS) and Play 6150 - Pokemon - White Version 2 (frieNDS) Video Game on your PC, Mac, Android or iOS device! ~Action Replay Codes/Requests - Pokemon Black 2/ White 2~ 389 Pokemon White 2 Doesn't Work on Action Replay (SOLVED) 3 Is B&W 2 a significant improvement on the base game? Top. Neither Cheronprince, ReignOfComputer, or this website takes any responsibility for any damage to your gameplay. Developer: Game Freak; Publisher: Nintendo; Genre: Role-Playing; Release: 10.07.2012; ESRB: Everyone; Codes. Dwellers: Leo, Silvia, Ryder, Doug, Maria, Carlos, Piper, Miho, Eliza and amp; Collin. Re: Cheat not working for pokemon white Alright, to start this off, you do not need the AP cheat for DeSmuMe, it's useless for it. For Pokemon White Version on the DS, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "All the Action Replay codes for Pokemon White and Pokemon Black (US/EU)". B2000024 00000000. ITEM … Second off, I have tested the code you were wanting to use, it works as intended, I got 64x the amount of experience after the battle. Well with out further a do I present them to you. The FAQ for Pokemon White 2 plus great forums and game help. 100% … Cheat Blaziken lv. If your pokemon is holding a lucky egg, and others are holding an exp share, will they get more exp points? And allows your to catch any … There are extensive instructions, to help you through the process, so head over to the code to start getting some legendaries. Pokemon Black 2 is a direct sequel to Pokemon Black and White considering both of them are the same games. Only Pokemon Black UK and US have different cheat inputs and Game ID. 1: Participate in a Funfest Mission for the first time. Do not clash with other Marking Codes. White 2! Try this: Game Enabler Code. © Web Media Network Limited, 1999 - 2021. Lucky egg and EXP share? Participant Lv. (Not tested for US/North America but it shouldn't be a problem). Cheats are working for pokemon white and pokemon white 2. 2: Participate in 10 or more Funfest missions. D2000000 00000000. Pokemon Black / White Cheats. Be in box 24 in last 6 spots L+R+SELECT to activate, Palkia, Dialga, and Giratina Summer 2013 event codes, Giratina is in box 1 slot 1, Dialga is in box 1 slot 2, Palkia is in box 1 slot 3 received in summer 2013 from an event, This code is various amounts of Pokemon white 2 action replay because it is so new there are very few cheats. This site is not affiliated in any way with Microsoft, Sony, Sega, Nintendo or any video game publishers.Privacy Policy | Terms of Service. Spiffy. Shiny Virizion,Terrakion And Cobalion Legit, This code will give you A shiny Trio Of virizion,terrakion and cobalion. If you poke around a bit, it's pretty simple to figure out. Pokemon – White 2 (Patched-and-EXP-Fixed) (USA) NDS 1,547,637 views. Pokemon White is one of four games released for Generation V. It is the first one to usher Generation V along with Black. pokemon black 2 ar codes 999 for all Berries (Press Select button) 94000130 fffb0000 b2000024 00000000 d5000000 03e70095 c0000000 0000003e d6000000 000195b8 d4000000 00000001 d2000000 00000000 After Battle EXP Multipliers. Check out our complete guide to Pokemon White. EXP x2 EXP x4 EXP x8 EXP x16 EXP x32 EXP x64 EXP x128 EXP x256 EXP x512 EXP x1024 More codes for this game on our Pokemon White Action Replay Codes index ... make sure to have 2 Pokemon on daycare. Is there more than one Exp. This is just an option, you probably don't want to go with it. 6043 - Pokemon - White 2 (Patched-and-EXP-Fixed) Top emulators CoolN64 (for Android) My Boy! 0 1. here is the code Experience Share v1: (this one makes pokemon gain half of the exp is basically the normal exp share item effect, i want them to get normal exp) 521AEE90 D10228D8 121AEE92 000046C0 121AEEE4 000046C0 Refresh screen to see results. Cheats & Hints; Questions; Videos; Boxshot & Details . This is a new set of Pokemon codes for a lvl 1 Reshiram, lvl 1 Zekrom, and a lvl 1 Kyurem. D2000000 00000000. Last edited by Bossssssssss (2019-01-08 10:42:40) Offline #2 2019-01-08 12:08:08. fintogive Member From: USA Registered: 2014-04-11 Posts: 337 Website. Play Pokemon - White 2 (Patched-and-EXP-Fixed) for Free on your PC, Mac or Linux device. Why don't all Pokemon in your party gain exp. Intstant eggs @ daycare (sould work on both versions) B2000024 00000000 94000130 FFFB0000 20021884 00000001 D2000000 00000000 makesure to have 2 pokemon on daycare Pokémon Black and White TM83 Modifier (L+R) You get x559 of the 1st item. Pokemon Gym For Each Pokemon Type Coming In Sword & Shield? Wild Legendary Pokemon This code is made new for 2020! Answer Save. GameID : Pokemon Black 2 (USA) - IREO 8E4C1CD6 GameID : Pokemon Whtie 2 (USA) - IRDO 012AF769 Note : All codes are used at your own risk. This is the relooked into code for legendary trio. Cheat Codes for Pokemon White Version (UK) Game Platform All Dreamcast Game Boy Advance & SP Game Boy Color GameCube Nintendo 64 Nintendo DS Nintendo Wii … d2000000 00000000. 5219C910 FDD8F7C1. Mar 13th 2011, ID#6888 EXP CODES (After Battle): Automatic Once Code Is Active These Are From The AR Itself. 52004EA4 E12FFF1E E2004620 000000E0 E59F0000 E12FFF1E 0000A883 E59F0000 E12FFF1E 0000B3CF E59F0000 E12FFF1E 0000C127 E59F0000 E12FFF1E 0000AA65 … Can you provide the answers for fellow gamers questions. Yeah, it's pretty simple, as far as I know most of the cheats carry right over with no problem. These can be augmented with stronger Support Powers which can be given through passing by Black & White … Is there a cheat code like "Experience share v2" that makes all pokemon gain normal Experience instead of doubling it like v2 does? Ash Becomes Champion & Then Goes Home To Kanto! Navegando por Internet encontré estos códigos los cuales están probados por mi, espero que les sea de gran utilidad. Fatefinger. 4. 8th Generation Version of Pikachu Revealed! Wild Pokemon Modifier. Lv 7. These are not usually tested by us (because there are so many), so please use them at your own risk. Pokemon - White 2 (Patched-and-EXP-Fixed) ROM Download for Nintendo DS | NDS. Infinite PP Use 921d5638 0000d301 121d5638 0000e003 d2000000 00000000. Play Pokemon - White Version 2 (frieNDS) for Free on your PC, Mac or Linux device. I've looked everywhere for an AR code for the no EXP gain fix for Pokemon White 2, and I can't find it anywhere. Hold L while picking up a Pokemon and move it to another box/party/somewhere else in the box. Walk Through Walls. Opposite Trader: Trade between Black 2 and White 2/White; or between White 2 and Black 2/Black. 94000130 FDFF0000. 2. And allows your to catch any of the Legendary Pokemon in White 2. Black Market features high sell items. Refresh the screen by changing boxes or going out and back in and the Pokemon should be cloned. cheat Cheat Pokemon Black 2 and White 2 DeSmuMe Emulator (PC) dwi Aad. Farfetch'd To Receive Galar Evolution Called Sirfetch'd. Is there a cheat code like "Experience share v2" that makes all pokemon gain normal Experience instead of doubling it like v2 does? points when Exp. All pokemon in your party will earn experience and EVs, even if the pokemon didn't participate in battle. Press R for the encounter. EXP CODES (After Battle): ... Black City and White Forest Dwellers' Modifier 2 (L+R) Use this code before enter to the city/forest. As Pokémon Black 2 & White 2 are set in a new part of Unova and set two years after the events of Pokémon Black & White, the Elite Four hasn't changed all that much. 5200790C CC032211 94000130 FFD70000 12007910 00003308 D0000000 00000000 94000130 FFE70000 12007910 0000C303 D2000000 00000000::Box Pokemon Delete … Super Cheats is an unofficial resource with submissions provided by members of the public. 33007CF0 00XX Simply rplace the ‘XX’ with the level of the Wild Pokemon you want to appear. Share is turned on during a Sky Battle? Please enjoy. Master Ball Cheat Get the master ball, or any of the other balls in Pokemon White 2 with this simple to use cheat. Evolutions For Older Pokemon Returning For First Time Years Within Pokemon Sword & Shield! ITEM SLOT 1 MODIFIER CODES: Master Ball … Is there a cheat code like "Experience share v2" that makes all pokemon gain normal Experience instead of doubling it like v2 does? 121AE988 000046C0. PC Box Marking Codes Mark a Pokemon in the PC Box. You can scroll down to see all of the Pokemon White 2 cheats that we have, but here is a selection of our favourites: 1. I strongly suggest using yawn before it faints to get it to be caught best. Pokémon White Version 2 Action Replay Codes . This time there are new locations available, and the game includes Pokémon from earlier games as well as the new ones introduced in Pokémon Black and White. New Training Techniques Coming To Pokemon Sword & Shield! Pokémon Black 2 & White 2 introduce three new powers types, dealing with Hidden Grottos, shaking grass and more. 94000130 FDFF0000. 0 0. Siapa yang tidak tau dengan pokemon, nah kali ini saya akan share cheat dan tips untuk game pokemon nds seri : Pokemon Black 2 and Whit... Siapa yang tidak tau dengan pokemon, nah kali ini saya akan share cheat dan tips untuk game pokemon nds seri : Pokemon Black 2 and White 2 . Poke Jobs Revealed For Pokemon Sword & Shield! Don't think there is one. Poke Jobs Revealed For Pokemon Sword & Shield! A Collection of random useful codes such as Max Money, Max Items, All Berries, No Random Encounters. 7 Answers. When you get further in the game, you'll start finding it easier. Warning!!! I'll try out the code soon. You can scroll down to see all of the Pokemon White 2 cheats that we have, but here is a selection of our favourites: 1. *NOTE: Action Replay Firmware v1. Saiyan Of Legend. *NOTE: The Game ID for Pokemon White UK and US are the same. Saves & Codes; Store ... All Pokemon In Party Earn EXP After Battle 521aef84 42819903 121aef88 000046c0 d2000000 00000000.

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