Thankfully, she seems pretty settled. Their scenes together this episode were very cute. She’s such a sweet woman who is very hardworking and always ready to stand up for her family. I've seen plenty of times in dramas where the boss is old/ugly and favors a younger prettier employee over the female lead and we are obviously supposed to get angry about that on her behalf. I’ve never been disappointed with her so far, and Reunited Worlds contained all of the things that I like from her. js.src = "//"; He notices that she seems upset, so she tells him that she failed her promotion test. At the mall where Hae-sung’s friend Tae-hoon works, a young woman waits nervously for Hae-sung, wondering if he’ll remember her. Hae-sung is impressed that Jung-won works in such a fancy place. I started to tear up when they met expecting the same from them, but I didn't get tears of happiness nor hugs nor any real sentiment from that scene. But his possession of the hair ribbon Hae-sung bought for Jung-won points to their connection possibly going further back, maybe even to high school. That was a twist I didn't see coming, but it seems quite obvious that it was their dad who killed Hae-sung. She calls his name, and he looks up at her as if the sound of her voice is his lifeline. It was so sad to see Haesung promise to Youngjoon that he will pretend not to know him anymore. [1] Girl seems miserable and I hope she can find happiness with hae sungs help. I know! There are just so many wonderful relationships to explore. : Into the World Again), es una serie de televisión surcoreana transmitida del 19 de julio de 2017 hasta el 21 de septiembre de 2017, a través de SBS. How is everyone reacting to everything that's happening so nonchalantly??? ( Log Out / Hae-sung looks up, and the two men lock gazes. Min joon (back story theory apart) is really nice and cute, even though I do share what you said about him allowing that stupid test on Jung Woo, he wants her to improve and to be a better cook, on the other side it was really nice to see Jung woo realizing that what her superior told her is true (even when it was sort of mean) that's not her passion, nor what she loves to do, and Hae Sung said it too, she shouldn't make his life and dreams as if it is hers. I do agree that it did that last episode quick wrap up thing that so many dramas do when pressed for time. It’s one more clue that makes me wonder if Min-joon’s father was somehow involved with Hae-sung’s death, because Hae-sung never got a chance to give the ribbon to Jung-won — he was killed before he saw her that night, so the ribbon would have still been on him when he died. They were such a fun pair, and I really felt the bond of their relationship. I feel for hae sung and the mystery man, trying to fit in a world that has long left them behind, trying to get through to loved ones who are in a different place than when they left. Reunited Worlds[1] (Korean: 다시 만난 세계; RR: Dashi Mannan Segye) is a South Korean television series starring Yeo Jin-goo, Ahn Jae-Hyun and Lee Yeon-hee. Those smiles were of people who are happy to see the person they like again after not seeing each other for awhile. But to his and everyone else’s surprise, he shows up 12 years later looking exactly the same! His physique, his hands, and his voice are those of a man. I’m guessing he has a major chip in my shoulder and I’m finding it really hard to drum up any sympathy for him. Finally a sweet first reaction :) She really brightens up the screen when she's with Yeo Jin Gu. But I'm loving Yeo Jin-gu and everything outside of the chef storyline. Could the current timeline be a "what if" scenario? Mr. Mystery is also at the hospital, listening in as the doctors discuss his son’s cancer. Min Joon is an endearing character who was able to be a very positive support for Jung Won. The smile JW gave HS after she told him to close his eyes, the disappointment on her face when he said he had to work, and the angry look on his face when he saw how JW's mom treated her. Ho-bang is probably my favorite character in this drama. She’s Hae Sung’s best friend, and they were just at the beginning stages of a blossoming romance when he died. Yes!! You will receive a link to create a new password via email. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. This website Does everyone just accept that he came back? Tae-hoon’s mother calls him to his father’s office, and it’s no surprise to see that he’s the man we met as Min-joon’s father. He still isn't a very good actor, in my opinion. That sealed the deal for me. Since I live for the high school scenes and there were none in this episode (9-10), I want to share my thoughts on the scenes that really showed me that they really liked each other. And it does probably help that I love everything about this writer’s style. Cute. I stopped crying two seconds in when it didn't develop into anything more. :´(. Though he himself is a handsome guy Min Joon kind of looks less manly in front of Yeo Jin Goo.. I need to stop spoiling myself. I really missed Jung Chaeyeon in this episode. Hae Sung's reaction for that sudden kiss attack was so hilarious! ( Log Out / This drama gives me emotional whiplash and I LOVE it. I really wish there could've been more to the reunion with his sisters than what was shown. So I do understand why a lot of people had issues, but luckily, they just weren’t there for me . I was as soon as she left the door open Ho Bang is surely going to come inside.???? Hae-sung’s return is having a profound effect on Jung-won, both in her relationship with Hae-sung himself and in her relationships with others. In Reunited Worlds, they felt like part of the story. As they stand in each other’s arms, giving and receiving comfort, Min-joon steps outside and sees them. (I mean they stole the scenes in W and Romantic Doctor Teacher Kim respectively!). Contrasted with Hae-sung's wonderful warmth, I'm going to be really hacked off if he turns out to be endgame. I'm not sure what breaks my heart more - a fledgling relationship interrupted, or a friendship that never had the chance to become more. That last scene between her and Yeo Jin-gu tugged at all my heartstrings. Also, a jealous Hae Sung is the cutest!! I certainly loved it It has a lot of issues that bothered other people more than it did me, but it really just warmed my heart in the best possible way. Connect with Facebook Ancak geçen onca yıla rağmen hâlâ 19 yaşındadır. It’s rare for me to love a drama like that, but I loved Reunited Worlds! I’m glad to hear you were able to still find some enjoyment in it despite its flaws Since it was pretty much all good for me, I was disappointed to see that so many fans found it so lacking especially in the second half. Reunited Worlds: Episodes 33-34 by LollyPip The clues are beginning to come together, forming a clear picture of the night that Hae-sung died. You’re still a minor! Min-joon comes inside and opens a bottle of wine. He tells Hae-sung not to be angry with his brother, so Hae-sung goes inside to convey his friend’s thanks. She tells Hae-sung that she wanted to fulfill his dream of becoming a chef and that it makes her happy, and he looks touched. I don't want JW & MJ together...there is something off about MJ, why does he have the hair ribbon? I do have to mention my favorite ahjussi Ahn Kil Kang. He was a beautiful character that I immensely enjoyed going on a journey with. Copyright © 2021 by Kdrama Kisses Those two are the number 1 scene stealers! Additionally, I would like to see stronger reactions to the reappearance of Hae-sung. A LITTLE OFF TOPIC We also had the nerdy Moon Shik (Shin Soo Ho) and the ever so kind Tae Hoon (Kim Jin Woo) to round out his group of friends. For HS, in episode 2, when he brought the bow for JW and called her to say he was coming over to her house just to, that showed me he wanted to spend the rest of his birthday with her. It seems pretty innocent for him to have one of her cartoons, and his story that she gave it to him accidentally seems plausible. Jin joo brought up something I've been wondering - did hae sung and Jung won ever confess, date, kiss or more? (function(d, s, id) { And of course Tae-hoon is Min-joon's brother cause this is a korean drama and everybody is connected somehow. He felt badly for running over someone and kept the hair clip in remembrance but of course doesn't know that it's Haesung. I still can't wrap my head around the fact that he's so young yet such a great actor. He is such a bright and cheerful ray of sunshine who is meant to bring healing to those around him. Catch. Of course, I noticed the last episode rushed a few storylines, but that happens a lot in kdramas. His smile is so bright and endearing. js = d.createElement(s); = id; They quickly escape and head to Min-joon’s restaurant, where Jung-won says they can stay until everyone shows up for work tomorrow. I mean wouldn't your mind be blown? Hobang and jinjoo ❤❤❤. "she only knows how to make one dish, and that she can barely even manage that" you just said my thoughts. I can accept that not telling Jung-won that he met her a day earlier than she thinks, when she was drunk, can be chalked up to Min-joon just wanting to be chivalrous. She asks Hae-sung how she looks, thinking that she looks old around him. Wow, what an ass. But while get there (probably) I want to watch a cute relationship between these two. Can anyone enlighten me in case I missed it from the previous eps?? Sorry for the rant. I was laughing so hard at his speech. ? But for our resurrected hero, his first priority is always his family, and he plans to reunite his scattered siblings, even if it means putting the mystery of his own death aside. What is this fellow’s obsession with watermelons and then dramatically dropping them? You will receive a link to create a new password via email. Really looking forward to this , It was such an amazing series for me. To be honest, I follow this drama only for the HoBang-JinJu shenanigans. Hae-sung repeats that he doesn’t care about that, he just wants to know why Young-joon abandoned their siblings. I would make it my mission to get to the bottom of this. Hae Sung is a healing character. Min-joon tells his father to set an example if he wants respect. Exactly what I think. Sisters were so welcoming than the brothers. ", This series has two adaptations in the US: the Returned and Resurreccion, This drama is killing me! Who's the adopted one? He reunites with Jung Won, his childhood friend and first love. Which is a sigh of relief because while I right now couldn't care less about Young-joon, I really didn't want poor Hae-sung to have to deal with that revelation in addition to everything else he's dealing with. I'm not a fan of Lee Yeon-hee's acting but this episode her interactions with Yeo Jin-gu did seem to improve and I'm starting to actually believe their relationship in the present time. He turns, and she looks at him sternly and asks, “How could you do this to me?” Then she quickly plants a kiss on his cheek, but Hae-sung reacts like she just slapped him. Jung-won waits nervously in Min-joon’s office until she’s called downstairs, where she learns that the vote was seven to five — for her not to be promoted. Nearby, Min-joon meets with a man who turns out to be his father, who’s annoyed to have been bothered by something so trivial as his own brother’s funeral. But she doesn’t show, and she doesn’t answer her phone when he calls, so he heads to the restaurant to look for her. I mean, where are the "hows" and the "whys"? His bright spirit and that amazing smile will be something I always remember. But yeah I doubt too that the writer plans to do that. He makes it back to his hiding place just as Min-joon comes back with a plate of cheese. I totally agree with you regarding min joon. Young Jun continues to be on my shit list. Then there’s the fact that just being near Min-joon’s father made Hae-sung collapse in excruciating pain, which makes me wonder if Min-joon’s father had something to do with Hae-sung’s death. I loved it so very much, all the moments were memorable and I didn't feel that jarring transition I felt in the previous episode. Now Now Eom Hyeon Soo is a 31-year-old woman but Sung Hae Sung is still a 18-year-old boy. I'm disappointed with how they skipped the reactions of the girls when they first learned Hae-sung was back (everyone else's reaction has ranged from hilarious to heartbreaking to heartwarming) . He thinks that it looks exactly like the ribbon he bought for Jung-won on the night he died, that he never got to give to her. But when it's a hot young boss who's in love with the heroine it's romantic??? She asks if Ho-bang means what he just said, and he repeats that he’s determined to prove Hae-sung’s innocence. But I did eventually adjust my expectations to fit with the drama since it was very consistent in how it handled the reactions to Hae Sung’s return. I'm still trying to catch up on father is strange. That’s a little creepy dude! Anyway, I'm happy to see cute drunk Haesung once more and my wish has been granted and got a little bit of Haesung-Minjoon bromance. Armed with this knowledge, Hae-sung prepares to set the record straight, hoping to make the truth known so that those he loves won’t be haunted by a … if (d.getElementById(id)) return; It just nailed the things I love the most in dramas like the wonderful characters and heartwarming story elements. Reunited Worlds Episode 2 9.0/10 from 6 users Jul 19, 2017 Hae Sung looks for ways to figure out what happened to him when he accidentally runs into his high school friend, Ho Bang. She says she has to stay until the wine is gone, so Hae-sung kills the remainder of the bottle. The pout is the most adorable. Reunited Worlds Episodio 2 9.0/10 from 6 users Jul 19, 2017 Hae Sung looks for ways to figure out what happened to him when he accidentally runs into his high school friend, Ho Bang. Tüm asya dizi, film ve yabancı dizileri full hd olarak izle.Asya dizileri izle, Kore dizileri izle, Japon Dizileri izle, Çin dizileri izle. A lot more emotion could have been mined from these situations, in my opinion. In the morning, Hae-sung wakes at Min-joon’s place, and he notices a small jar containing a blue hair ribbon. They really were a wonderful group of people in Hae Sung’s life. He was wonderful in this role, and my heart was overjoyed to get to see him interact with Yeo Jin Goo so much. Hae-sung tells him that Mr. Mystery came back from the dead like him, and that he’s the patient’s father. My theory is that Minjoon was at the scene of the accident. Jung-won is worried Hae-sung might let something slip while he’s drunk, but she doesn’t have a choice. It created such a wonderful and comfortable world that I was more than happy to just be spending time in it. More importantly can someone give Jin Gu and Chaeyeon their own drama please! She says that as an assistant chef, she’s not even allowed to use the frying pan, and that if anyone saw her right now, she’d be fired on the spot. He’s here to see his other sister Young-in, whom he must have already spoken to because she’s not shocked to see him. Hae-sung's death is at the very least a hit and run though, so someone's criminally responsible for it (seemingly Min-joon's dad at this point). Reunited Worlds: Episodes 17-18 by LollyPip Hae-sung has so much to do, and so little time to do it. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. No one is asking any questions. Tae-hoon recognizes him, but Young-joon introduces himself formally, and Tae-hoon takes the hint and doesn’t mention that they grew up together. I just want to say, rather than the supernatural tone this show draws me to the strong & sweet love. cookie : true, // enable cookies to allow the server to access It crafted a world of characters that I loved and couldn’t help but root for. HS you're the best and I will miss you when you leave again. HEHEHEHEHEHEH. Desperate, Hae-sung offers to stay away and pretend to be strangers if Young-joon performs the surgery. Confusing feelings are bubbling to the surface, causing Jung-won to behave in ways that are baffling even to her. [Spoiler] "Reunited Worlds" Yeo Jin-goo and Lee Yeon-hee kiss 2017/08/23, Source On the latest episode of the SBS drama "Reunited Worlds" , Seong Hae-seong ( Yeo Jin-goo ) questioned a culprit about the murder in the art room and afterwards went to see Jeong Jeong-won ( Lee Yeon-hee ). I also wanted to say that this episode had me in tears when the older man was finally able to hear his son call him "Dad" ? For now the second lead, his story and screentime are getting quite annoying I feel. ; - ; I'd prefer to see him with his family than the restaurant scenes, tbh. I just wished there was a bit more emotional weight to the reunions in this episode. Sung Hae-Sung (Yeo Jin-Goo) geçirdiği bir trafik kazasından sonra hayatını kaybeder ve 12 yıl sonra gizemli bir şekilde tekrar ortaya çıkar. I’ve seen many dramas build up the tension in the beginning and then after a physical act happens they continue to treat subsequent physical acts with innocence and embarrassment. I also really appreciated the friendship that develops between Hae Sung and Min Joon. It’s such an enjoyable drama! I think all the reasons you loved it are the things I liked about it too. He was either driving or was in the car. Hae-sung turns to get plates, and Jung-won suddenly gasps, “Chef-nim!” Hae-sung freezes, then turns to see… that she’s just punking him. Was it possibly just an accident (the statue fell off a shelf onto his head or something)? But there were also plenty of moments for him to showcase his incredible acting abilities. This episode, while there were some scenes with the brothers, but I want to see more of sisters and the youngest brother .. Maybe he alone would do, but now he's intruding hae sung and Jung won almost everywhere. They definitely had some issues to work through. window.fbAsyncInit = function() { And we don’t know how or why? Young-joon is summoned to Director Sohn’s office, clearly a ploy by Director Sohn to let him know that she disapproves of his engagement to Seo-won. Moon-shik worries that it will be difficult to find the real killer after twelve years, but Ho-bang tells him that he’s joining the Violent Crimes unit, vowing to find the killer and clear Hae-sung’s name. I like how he is around Jung-won in the kitchen, guiding her from the sidelines but never stepping in to solve her problems for her. I was really moved. I also loved how this friends to lovers relationship was handled with the pair being genuinely friendly with each other before moving on to the romance. I loved watching him bring his family back together after they were torn apart. Jin-ju asks Jung-won how things are going with the boss, and Jung-won insists that he’s her boss and nothing else. Excerpts may be used provided that Hae Sung and Hae Chul were one of my favorite relationships in the drama, and believe me, I had a lot of them that I loved! Just saying. Min-joon offers to explain, then he goes back to the kitchen. Also to add, the chef and his love for Jung won is just serving as a typical second lead trope, beyond that I don't see his usefulness for the story. // Load the SDK asynchronously He’s able to deliver so much emotion through his eyes and face. direct links to the original content. Min-joon simply gives her an encouraging smile and tells her she did well. I won't trust MJ especially his father was probably the car driver who killed HS ? But as I expected from this writer, there’s always a mystery in place with some big secrets between the characters. So many times in dramas the supporting characters feel like filler. Emotional First Trailer Released for Korean Drama Witch’s Court, Korean Drama Update for September 2017 | Kdrama Kisses, Best Korean Dramas of 2017 | Kdrama Kisses, 10 Korean Dramas You Need to Be Watching in January 2021, 10 Korean Dramas You Need to Be Watching in February 2021, Great Seducer (Tempted) Korean Drama Review, Bloody and Zombie-Filled New Trailer is Out for “Joseon Exorcist”, Hyeri Offered Lead Role in “Thinking of the Moon When the Flower Blooms”, Lee Young Ae Considering Lead Role in “Incredible Koo Kyung Yi”, Song Ji Hyo Accepts Lead Role in “Come to the Witch’s Restaurant”. This had lovely moments in it, great characters and a wonderful heartwarming message. For him, no time has passed at all, but for those close to him, life--with all of its ups and downs--has continued. When he goes to the kitchen again, Hae-sung staggers over to order Jung-won to make an excuse to leave. Age difference be damned but I'm really loving the chemistry between YJG and LYH. I would get annoyed too if I was her. I really like the scene with his little sister. His kitchen manager tells him that Jung-won isn’t ready, but Min-joon still considers giving her a chance. I like how the show is showing the relationship between HS and JW. He belatedly realizes that this is SOO-JI, his youngest sister that used to always kiss him on the cheek. And they have so many beautiful moments between them. XD. He had a smaller supporting role in the drama as a mysterious man who helps Hae Sung. This whole time I'e thought everyone took him coming back in too much stride. I think i replayed it 1000 times already! // Load the SDK asynchronously Though I suspect his mother is going to sink that, considering her plans for him. Young-joon spits that none of this is normal, and warns Hae-sung never to come back here. Connect with Facebook what is that blue hair ribbon that min joon has. She’d imagined he’d be a chef, so she’d entered cooking school. Please click the link in that email to complete the email change process. Then, five years ago, she wondered what Hae-sung would be doing if he were alive. xfbml : true, // parse social plugins on this page As Jung-won cooks, she explains that in order to be promoted to chef, she has to pass a surprise test that can happen at any time. With. But I felt particularly bad for Jung-won, who was pushed into a ridiculous test that everyone knew she wasn’t ready for (how can anyone pass a test to become a chef when they’ve been forbidden to even use a frying pan?). That was my one real complaint. Reunited Worlds (Hangul: 다시 만난 세계; RR: Dashi Mannan Segye, lit. And why he would keep it in a place of honor, when Hae-sung never even had a chance to give it to Jung-won? I love LYH too, in the moments when she's not painfully awkward that is. I feel bad for Haesung. Jung-won is shocked and confused as he collapses to the ground, writhing in agony. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. He orders Jung-won to stay after work, but Jung-won smells the clams and thinks they’re fine. if (d.getElementById(id)) return; She politely declines and he walks her out, and she sees Hae-sung after Min-joon walks away. Tae-hoon joins them, and Hae-sung thanks him for paying Young-in’s hospital bills. Please enter your username or email address. Min-joon tells her to do it again until she can make it taste like this by herself. Min-joon is perplexed when he finds Jung-won’s glass empty again, and she laughs nervously and says she just really likes wine. They both also needed a little healing, and their relationship served to help with that. It’s a marriage meeting, which is news to both Tae-hoon and the young lady, who happens to be Seo-won, Young-joon’s fiancee. She heads to the kitchen to make some pasta, enlisting Hae-sung’s help as a vegetable chopper and grinning that it’s nice to have an assistant chef. Finally Min-joon calls it a night and offers Jung-won a ride home. Their lives were turned upside down because of his death, and they still have to deal with the consequences many years later. It aired on SBS from July 19 to September 21, 2017 for They all taste the pasta, and Jung-won frowns when Min-joon gives no indication of whether it’s good or not. They meet again 12 years later when the woman is already 31 years old but the guy is still young at 19. As much as they care about him, a teenage boy can’t be re- integrated into their lives in the same place he occupied when he was alive. The sisters are so adorable. He’s a very sweet man that has had one sided feelings for Jung Won for a long time. Hae Sung experienced many touching moments with them himself, but he also orchestrated important healing moments between them. Me too. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. What's wrong with him? Hae-sung playfully puts on his disapproving oppa face, but Soo-ji quips that they’re the same age now and attack-kisses him again. I thought the drama just got better and better as it went and didn’t find anything bothersome. Most of his friends and family reacted understandably shocked and confused when first encountering him. She grabs an apron and ties it around his waist, practically hugging him, and catches sight of her reflection in a stainless steel fridge. Episode 9 was pretty funny.???? Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Their hug was the cutest. Young Jun’s relationship with his wife-to-be and in-laws-to-be was also glossed over. I’m at least glad people were able to see and enjoy the amazing heartwarming elements and the beautiful characters, especially Yeo Jin Goo’s performance as Hae Sung , Whoa: this is really a glowing review and was a joy to read from start to finish This sounds like an absolutely amazing series. p.s. The drama is filled to the brim with those heartwarming moments between characters and has plenty of feels. And, although I hate that sous chef, I do want Jung won to quit, or at least start making plans to get back to art and away from feeling like she has to live her life along hae sungs path. 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Oh my gosh, I did not read that part. Reunited Lyrics: I was a fool to ever leave your side / Me minus you is such a lonely ride / The breakup we had / Has made me lonesome and sad / … I'm torn here because I like both male characters, lead and second lead. Ho-bang runs out sobbing apologies as Jin-ju collapses dramatically. But Young-joon isn’t moved, and asks if Hae-sung wants to ruin his life. I think that he is a good guy. I wasn’t going to watch this but I might give it a go now. appId : '127538621120543', Reunited Worlds (OST) lyrics with translations: 아련한 마음, Waiting for You, 걱정 마, Kiss me, Oh! He's just so bland right now, I'm tempted to skip his scenes especially when he's with Jung-won who is her least interesting self when she's with Min-joon. Old. Stream SE O (임서영) - Kiss Me [Reunited Worlds - 다시 만난 세계 OST Part.7] by L2ShareOST13 from desktop or your mobile device SoundCloud SoundCloud Home
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