yubel anime deck

LP Prevents battle damage Damages your … The link below is the duel between Marcel ( Yubel Possessed) Vs Jaden in season 3 of Yugioh Gx. A malevolent Duel Monster whose card was in Jaden Yuki 's possession when he was a child, Yubel was deranged and manipulative, exploiting various individuals to accomplish their machinations. It’s a deck built for trolling and making sure that the opponent is having a nightmare of a time. Yubel - Terror Incarnate by YugiohFreakster on DeviantArt In the anime, Samsara Lotus is used as a cost to get Yubel to stay on the field. Yubel (Deck) : http://bit.ly/2hJSDz9_____*All footage, music & images used belong to their respective companies. Her Deck largely focuses around monsters with 0 ATK, and boosts the Summoning speed of the Sacred Beasts by sending them to the Graveyard to take advantage of their effects and Special Summon them from the Graveyard. Fiend/Plant deck against Jaden in the anime. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCw2M3Js7O9pX-YmWtZU0J7A?view_as=subscriber. Yubel uses a Sacred Beast Deck after she acquires the Sacred Beasts. Yubel has 3 forms each stronger than the last and needing the previous to be summoned. Yubels full 40 card deck when using her sacred beast anime deck wasn't shown, so i took elements from Yubel's Anime Themed Plant deck and the new sacred beasts support cards to help fill the deck out. Use Creature Seizure to give Yubel one of your tokens. The concept behind this deck is actually quite old: Yubel synergizes very well with the “Fire King” archetype and its second form, Yubel - Terror Incarnate, together with Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys, can actually lock down the opponent completely. My anime themed character decks are NOT meant for Official Yugioh Tournaments. Yubel is the primary antagonist of the Dimension World arc of the Yu-Gi-Oh! Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. ] Appearances Links yugioh.com Add an image to this gallery Jesse Anderson Yubel Jaden Yuki Overview. Yugioh YUBEL vs WINGED DRAGON OF RA (Yu-gi-oh God Card Deck Duel!) ... Yubel's level 10 deck, since GameA doesn't list it: normal: 3x Embryonic Beast [500/750] 3x Fungi of the Musk [400/300] Fun play only.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pwT8b5nUu5s&t=141s, My name is Demetrius Shuler, I'm 23 years old and i've been a long time yugioh Anime Fan, i love yugioh the anime and i create Yugioh Anime Character decks for the fun & Nostalgic moments just like in the show. Community content is available under. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. 43 likes. I do not play yugioh competitively only for Anime Purposes. Yu-Gi-Oh! Yubel/Fire Kings/Knightmare Archetypes. While controlling Marcel, Yubel initially uses an Exodia Deck in her Duel against Adrian, based on quickly adding cards to her hand to assemble the pieces of "Exodia". Yubel Updated Anime Themed Character Deck ( New Support) This is my Yugioh Gx Updated Yubel Anime Themed Character Deck using cards Yubel used while possessing other characters such as Jesse Anderson and Marcel Bonaparte as well as the new Sacred Beast support she received in the upcoming Structure Deck The Sacred Beasts Of Chaos Structure Deck. Purchase on TCGplayer. Yubel also uses another Sacred Beast Deck, varying from the Deck she used while possessing Marcel. Quando questa carta viene distrutta, eccetto che per il proprio effetto: il suo proprietario può Evocare Specialmente 1 "Yubel - Terrore Incarnato" dalla sua mano, Deck o Cimitero. As a backup strategy, she uses the effect of "Spell Chronicle", which lets her remove key cards in her Deck from play, and later forces her opponent to add them to her hand. Yubel uses a number of Decks for a variety of purposes and by possessing different people. This is a video game depiction of Jaden Yuki, a character from the Yu-Gi-Oh! As a Duelist Construct, her appearance is based on the TCG/OCG Monster Card "Yubel" rather than the character as the monster's color scheme is different from the one shown in the Yu-Gi-Oh! video games adaptation of the anime character starts to use the monster's TCG/OCG color, instead of her original color scheme from the anime. Add "Yubel" to your hand. Her Duel Disk is an extension of her arm that grows out when she Duels. YGOPRODeck File Download. Yubel - The Ultimate Nightmare. This is my Yugioh Gx Jesse ( Yubel Possessed) Anime Themed Character Deck using cards Jesse used while possessed by Yubel. Toggle Deck List; Monster: Yubel x3. Smoke Grenade of the Thief was a flagship example of this trope, thanks to Vylon Cube and Infernoble plays. Can be used by returning 1 "Yubel-Terror-Incarnate" or "Yubel-The-Ultimate-Nightmare" from your hand to your Deck. Android Deck Building Application, Raviel, Lord of Phantasms - Heaven-Crushing Fist, Yugi Muto & Atem Mixed Ultimate Anime/movie Inspired Deck, Seto Kaiba Ultimate Anime Inspired Character Deck (Prismatic God Box), Antinomy/Bruno (Vizor) Anime Inspired Character Theme Deck, A HERO’s History Part 3: Joining Together. This card is used to fuse Duel Academy students with monster spirits creating, This card is mentioned by Yubel as she attempts to Summon it in. This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. Its Summoning requires one monster of each Level, from 1 to 12, by using "Super Polymerization". The best way to special summon the original Yubel is with Limit Reverse so that you can easily destroy it by switching battle position turning it into Yubel - Terror Incarnate which needs no cost to stay on the field. 1 Anime 1.1 Marcel 1.2 Jesse 1.3 Fiend/Plant 2 Video games 2.1 World Championship 2008 2.2 Stardust Accelerator 2.3 Tag Force 3 2.4 Duel Terminal 3 Notes While controlling Marcel, Yubel … Skelengel helps you draw into your deck quicker. Yubel Jesse (Deck) : http://bit.ly/2vgTxIY_____*All footage, music & images used belong to their respective companies. This Skill can only be used once per turn. GX anime. YDKe. Saved from deviantart.com. During your final turn activate Hey, Trunade!. How to unlock GX World . Yubel uses a number of Decks for a variety of purposes and by possessing different people. GX anime series. While possessing Jesse's body, she uses two Decks as well: She uses an "Advanced Crystal Beast" Deck, which she creates by tainting Jesse's true Deck, and it is similar to his in terms of tactics with a heightened focus on preventing battle damage. The only way to achieve this is the use of "Chain Material", which lets the controller to access the field, hand, Deck, and Graveyard for Fusion Material Monsters. Appearance []. Toggle Deck List; Monster: Yubel - The Ultimate Nightmare x1. Via the damage prevention effect of "Advanced Dark", she can boost the Summoning speed of "Rainbow Dark Dragon" thanks to the "Advanced Crystal Beasts" that the effect sends to the Graveyard. In response Yubel will activate all her set Limit Reverse which would fill up her monster zone. is a game that is certainly no stranger to giving us cards with odd effects. Text View. The other looks more masculine with a pectoral muscle, no breast, and a harder, less rounded hip. Though later Yu-Gi-Oh! *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. Você não recebe Dano de … My Name is Yubel notably increases the consistency of the deck: thanks to this Skill, you are essentially running 5 copies of Yubel instead of 3 and 2 cards that are completely useless when you draw them. Yubel - Terror Incarnate x2 Yubel - The Ultimate Nightmare x2 Mystic Tomato x3 Stygian Street Patrol x2 Dark Grepher x1 Armageddon Knight x1 Dark Armed Dragon: x1 Spells: Fires of Doomsday x3 Allure of Darkness x3 Terraforming x1 Savage Colosseum x2 Veil of Darkness x2 Called by the Grave x3 Dark Hole x1 Monster Reborn: x1 Traps: Call … Pagina su Yu-Gi-Oh! Se volete consigli su squadre di pokèmon o deck di yu gi oh chiedete pure, siamo esperti! Portuguese: Yubel: Esta carta não pode ser destruída em batalha. I figured posting it today would be befitting for Halloween. The link below is the duel between Marcel ( Yubel Possessed) Vs Jaden in season 3 of Yugioh … This website is not produced by, endorsed by, supported by, or affiliated with 4k Media or Konami Digital Entertainment. Main card page: "Yubel" This article is about the card. My favorite Characters are Jaden, Yugi & Atem, and Kite Tenjo from yugioh zexal. Read more. ... Special Summons from your Deck Special Summons from your Graveyard. The hidden machination of this Deck is the Summoning of "Super Fusion God", a monster which has the ability to combine or annihilate the twelve dimensions. •Amore profondo verso Yu gi oh e i Pokèmon•. Yubel (anime) From Yugipedia. Duel Links who appears in Duel World (GX). In addition, the \"masculine\" side is paired with Yubel's original hair and eye color in the past life. View in Online Deck Builder. The literal and graphical information presented on this site about Yu-Gi-Oh!, including card images, the attribute, level/rank and type symbols, and card text, is copyright 4K Media Inc, a subsidiary of Konami Digital Entertainment, Inc. One side is distinctly female, with a covered breast and a rounded hip. In her final Duel against Jaden, Yubel runs a Fiend/Plant Deck, focused on the Summoning of her own card and its upgraded forms, as well as monsters that are Summoned under her opponents' control so she can damage her opponent. She also has the option of fusing them to Summon "Chaos Phantasm Armityle", their fused form. Her appearance symbolizes her duality, although the English dub overlooks this. It's unknown which of the Decks each of these cards belong to, but she never played them in a Duel. Jump to: navigation, search. GX anime. Summon Golden Ladybug and special summon 2 tokens in attack position by using Worm Bait. DeckTin - Yu-Gi-Oh! This is my Yugioh Gx Updated Yubel Anime Themed Character Deck using cards Yubel used while possessing other characters such as Jesse Anderson and Marcel Bonaparte as well as the new Sacred Beast support she received in the upcoming Structure Deck The Sacred Beasts Of Chaos Structure Deck. The duel shows basically why the sacred beast cards belong to her and why i built the deck the way it is. Yu-Gi-Oh! Yubel used two decks while she controlled Jesse. October 31, 2020 ChaosUnrivaled Fire King, Knightmare, Yubel. Unlike the c… Yubel - Terror Incarnate x2 Yubel x3 Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys x2 Fire King Avatar Yaksha x2 Dark Grepher x1 Armageddon Knight x1 Mystic Tomato x1 Phantom of Chaos x2 Sangan x3 Fire King Avatar Garunix x3 Disciple of Nephthys x3 Sphere Kuriboh x2 Cerulean Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys: x2 Spells: Ante x3 Rebirth of Nephthys: x2 That bit of fluff aside, today we’ll be taking a look at Fiend Comedian! https://yugioh.fandom.com/wiki/Yubel%27s_Decks?oldid=4283710. GX anime, with his personality and appearance after fusing his soul with Yubel's, as depicted in Season 4 of the Yu-Gi-Oh! One deck was the Advanced Crystal Beasts Deck and the other one was a Sacred Beasts Deck very similar to the one … As a backup strategy in this Deck, she stalled for time until she could Summon "Yubel" and damage her opponent in combination with "Torch Golem". Attack categories Cannot be destroyed by battle. I also have my own yugioh you-tube channel where i put my character decks online. Some of these cards remain in obscurity, while a few have broken the mold and stuck out later down the line. Jaden/Yubel is a playable Legendary Duelist in Yu-Gi-Oh! This card cannot be Special Summoned except with the effect of " Yubel - Terror Incarnate ". e Pokèmon. This card cannot be destroyed by battle. This new Deck includes cards that can duplicate themselves and help her meet each condition for Summoning "Uria", "Hamon", and "Raviel" before fusing them to Summon "Chaos Phantasm Armityle" yet again, as opposed to ignoring their Summoning conditions.

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