This video is part of a series of guides for Europa Universalis 4. ... Eu4 … Let's talk about maintenance sliders in EU4. They have a bad economy, the way to fix this is military expansion. Unless you were to hire a merc company early game when they are still small stacks, and never disband them. Morale Morale [1] is an important factor in fighting battles. 26 June 2020 | By Matthew Ralphson. I don't like the new merc system so much but I am able to adapt the meta... Yeah that's true. Gold can be saved while at peace by decreasing pay when armies are not needed, while particularly rich countries can improve the quality of their armies by increasing pay. Church; Beliefs; Location; Calendar; Contact Us; eu4 combat width Estate interactions- 1)Burghers- Demand diplo. So letâ s take a look at arguably the best twenty one titles in the genre of all time. Advice on army maintenance and colonizing. Set 1 heavy to hunt pirates there. The only real, meaningful purpose that I can see for the maintenance slider is to represent the huge costs of waging war, but there are much better ways of doing that, I think. Type the name of an event or an event key into the text box below to instantly search our database 1,590 events. Send emissary. Portugal starts with an explorer even though you don’t have the exploration idea yet. Changed AI reasons for giving subsidies, AI will prioritize sending it to Allies in debt. This is also the month where you will be declaring the war. Advisors can be managed in the Court panel of theCountry interface. All rights reserved. Find below a list of all event IDs in EU4. Fixes to AI dev click. Each ship is classed as heavy, light, galley or transport.. Rule Britannia (Immersion Pack) British focus. Habitually, I turn off about 66%. Maintenance set at 100% provides a +2.00 moraleboost, while 50% provides no boost. Unless you're absolutely certain you don't have any rebels, it's too risky. Ships are grouped into fleets. But, it's a lot less tenable when I'm colonizing and need to put down native uprisings. Overall if you want it for the goofs, you can get in total almost 100% Cavalry combat ability, which means that for every Cavalry regiment you have you'll do almost double the damage! There is no penalty for less than 100% maintenance except for lowered morale of all land forces. As long as you dont position your forces on the border with someone that may potentially attack you, you might as well pull them all the way down. Even though it would make the game very unbalanced, I hate having to keep my entire army on maximum maintenance just because I have a conquistador exploring south America, or a few regiments protecting my colonies. I get a lot of those rebellions because I don't like to pay the 40 ducats in times of famine and try not to knuckle under to demands to lower taxes. That alone propelled me … At 0% funding, regiments will not reinforce, and maximum morale will be reduced by 100% (additive with other percentage modifiers) to a minimum of 0.51 (the minimum required for an army to move)" Bring army maintenance to zero. Reducing the maintenance slider can (multiplicatively) reduce maintenance cost by up to half, but also reduces reinforcement rates and morale. Deleted. For example, we could put troops "in reserve", which would work kinda like troops without maintenance now, except it would be a simple toggle, and on a per-army level. Next, destroy your fort in Morea. Prior to 1.30, the Aragonese missions gave claims on all Italian states north of Naples, plus Rome since Rome was in the same state as Naples. Regiment maintenance cost = 0.020 * regiment (recruitment) cost * (100% + sum of modifiers) Every mercenary regiment has 150% extra recruitment cost which directly impacts maintenance cost. Don't entirely follow that logic, but it seems like the devs have decided specifically to design the game that way. The cost translates into maintenance. Castile. This page includes help on how to use the command, argument explanation and examples. If maintenance is set to 50%, no reinforcements will be sent. And the gold. So if your regiment cost is -10%, the maintenance will be as well. Set army maintenance to zero. These cost can be influenced by the army maintenance slider of the economy interface. Up-to-date, detailed help for the Europa Universalis IV (EU4) command army_tradition. Note that the Decreased Pay option disables drilling for army experience and military experience. If an internal link led you here, you may wish to change the link to point directly to the intended article. It is very unviable to higher 20k stack of mercs to defend a colony where they will be taking attrition. From Europa Universalis 4 Wiki. The penalty is proportional to the ratio over force limit. This allows me to break siege detachment and still have enough infantry left to not incur the cavalry ratio penalty. eu4 combat ability. EU4 Cheats is a searchable list of all EU4 Console Commands for the lastest version on Steam (PC and Mac).. These are very easy to grab. An attached army cannot board transports. Any nation with a standing army or navy will pay maintenance upkeep, a cost deducted monthly from annual income. Europa Universalis is a video game that came out in 2013 and one of the most played games of the year. Innovativeness. Combat is not only determined by mere numbers such as modifiers and dice-rolls, but through a complex simulation in which units deployed into two rows of positions for each side, allowing units to fight the enemy units in front of them, the enemies at their flanks if possible (with high enough flanking range), and move between different positions if needed. At 50% maintenance, maintenance costs are half as much as at 100% maintenance. Some basic and quick strategies for your burgeoning empire. The only reason armies aren't mothballable is because the paradox devs would have to make changes to the AI that didn't just result in "A mechanic is broken? Lowering early game cannons ratio for AI. 0 Likes [1] As military technology advances, a country's combat width increases, allowing them to use more soldiers effectively at once. I dont know, its pretty handy when army and naval maintenance get pretty high. -50% Mercenary maintenance; Mercenary Captains 1 Leader(s) without upkeep; Different Troop Types 5% Mercenary discipline; Mercenary Tradition 1 mercenary_manpower; yes no_prof_loss_for_mercs; bonus -25% Mercenary maintenance Mothball all forts and delete the fort in evora; Set 4 light ships to protect trade in sevilla. You often hit the cap of sailors then though so they are wasted. Their traditions grant a bonus to Leader Shock and Discipline, and completing the tree grants a +10% to Infantry Combat Ability. Any nation that exceeds its force limit is penalized with a higher maintenance cost. Ally Aragon. EU4 Army Compositions - How does combat really work in Europa Universalis IV? The new merc system can do that. r/eu4: A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Europa Universalis IV by Paradox Development Studio. Well you get their sailors back when you started mothballing while their condition ticks down. That makes a lot of sense from economic standpoint, but it seems problematic to me. It's simple. AI should use guarantee less often. Maintenance set at 100% provides a +2.00 morale boost, while 50% provides no boost. After reaching Conscription Army (60%+ army professionalism) Streltsy can be used as free manpower refreshment by disbanding them immediately after recruiting. Select Page. * Quality 1. Similarly, your -100% gives a grand total of 150% maintenance modifier for mercenary units. eu4 army composition spreadsheet 2020. Mothball all forts. Mothball all forts and delete the fort in evora; Set 4 light ships to protect trade in sevilla. In one DD (don't ask I don't even remember which DLC it was for, I think maybe Emperor) one of the devs mentioned that being able to mothball armies would seem nice for the sake of symmetry but it would be unbalanced because navies have so many more uses than armies. Kirkland Lake Bible Chapel. Portugal starts with an explorer even though you don’t have the exploration idea yet. Keep in mind you have to save regularly to be able to do that, only the last few autosaves are kept, older ones are deleted automatically. example 2: cash -2000 (removes 2000 ducats). manchu army composition eu4. I have it at minimum in single player whilst in multiplayer I would like to have it around 66% so that in month it can come up to full strength and morale. Maintenance can be set anywhere from 100% down to 50%. A lot of people suggest reducing army maintenance in times of peace. But the mercenary stacks scale with your development and cannot be split. Entire Fleets can now be upgraded with one click, you can now mothball fleets to avoid paying maintenance, and your fleets can be set to automatically transport armies. Paradox Lunar Sale is now live - Up To 75% off. Early to mid game I turn mine down to about 20% unless I need reenforcements. There is no reason to keep them at above the minimum value during peacetime, as one or two more months of recovering morale will not cost you anything, but might save a lot of money in the long run. Really? For example, maintenance of a 10-regiment arm… Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. Organization []. However, the -10% regiment cost idea is added with the +150%. They are at full maintenance even if your regular army are not. Located in Kirkland Lake, Ontario. This is why it can be helpful, if not tedious, to build all your armies from an area that have treasuries. Español - Latinoamérica (Spanish - Latin America), There are several advisors for each of the three kinds ofmonarch power. Anadvisoris a person with deep knowledge in a specific area that offers advice to a country's leader. 2) Clergy- Recruit minister. February 22, 2021 No comments exist. Newly trained regiments at low land unit maintenance will often fall below this threshold. French Ideas also provide a safe balance of Military, Diplomatic Relations, and maintenance of native or rebel uprisings. by . As a result, nothing is ever as simple or one sided as it might appear, which is one reason the game has so much re-playability. An army needs a certain amount of money every month as maintenance. Modifies army maintenance cost in return for army morale. Maintenance. Type the name of a console command into the search box to instantly search 305 EU4 commands.Hover over a cheat code to view detailed argument explanation. Reducing the maintenance slider can (multiplicatively) reduce maintenance cost by up to half, but also reduces reinforcement rates and morale. Feature Status Europa Universalis 4 Directory: A path on your computer where Europa Universalis 4 is installed. Xsolla is an authorized global distributor of Paradox Interactive, EUIV: AAR's, Let's Plays, and Fan Fiction, EU IV: Alternate History Short Story Contest Contr. Specialized Infantry Training 10% Infantry combat ability; Cavalry Round Tactics 10% Cavalry combat ability The realm rejoices as Paradox Interactive announces the launch of Crusader Kings III, the latest entry in the publisher’s grand strategy role-playing game franchise. The basic unit of naval forces is predictably the ship. Any nation with a standing army or navy will pay maintenance upkeep, a cost deducted monthly from annual income. I want those small armies at max maintenance with my main armies at minimum. ... so you can't really cut maintenance if you want to maintain an optimal army. Set army maintenance to zero. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Reserve troops are better in a different stack then fed into combat as morale gets lower. That alone will save you 20% on maintenance. You beg for mercy and offer me gold, and I say no and take everything you ever loved. Ive had it double my income from 50 to 100 ducats a month. eu4 army composition. There can only be one original on the Mortal Kombat women's roster. Send merchant from Tunis to Sevilla. Increased AI budget fraction for missionary maintenance. You are using an out of date browser. eu4 army composition. Reducing the maintenance slider can (multiplicatively) reduce maintenance cost by up to half, but also reduces reinforcement rates and morale. EU4 is a sandbox game, and it's more fun when different outcomes happen in different campaigns. 2 seconds ago. First of all, army maintenance reduction doesn't affect mercenary maintenance at all. Posted on February 22, 2021 by February 22, 2021 by This page includes help on how to use the command, argument explanation and examples. First of all, army maintenance reduction doesn't affect mercenary maintenance at all. What makes you say that? Maintenance can refer to: Army maintenance; Naval maintenance; Colonial maintenance; This disambiguation page lists articles associated with the same title. All the while, the system retreats destroyed or low-morale units and deploys reinforcements and reserves as well. Turn your army maintenance down until you are 3 reasons away from getting Albania as an ally, then turn it up to 60%. This command will add the specified amount of army tradition to a specified country tag. Drilling is worth it because it gives army professionalism. You must log in or register to reply here. And set the other 2 heavy and 1 light ship to explore west africa. Save up to 75% on titles like Cities: Skylines, Crusader Kings, Stellaris, Hearts of Iron, Europa Universalis, Prison Architect and more. © Valve Corporation. The land maintenance level is a percentage, from 50% to 100%, of the "full" cost of maintenance that a country may choose to spend. Seek support. eu4 army composition 2019. EUIV Policy and Idea Group Planner 0.2.7 (for EUIV 1.30.0) Welcome to my simple policy planner for Europa Universalis IV by Paradox Interactive. 2.1 Trade power share; 2.2 Desirable trade nodes; 2.3 Embargoing; 3 Distributing merchants. well muslim tech group can support until 80% of … Let's play Europa Universalis 4. Tasks such asconducting warfare,promoting scientific advancementandmanaging an economyare three examples of areas an advisor can offer aid. Ottomans? A2A~ In EU4, a powerful army depends on quantity and quality. And set the other 2 heavy and 1 light ship to explore west africa. These cost can be influenced by the army maintenance slider of the economy interface. If there are more units in the second row than the first, then it will redeploy artillery to the first row until both rows are even. Castile is a strong Great Powers nation in EU4 that positions itself for expansion wherever desired. This is probably a noob question with an easy answer but how do I keep my large armies at minimum maintenance whilst keeping smaller ones at max? Europa Universalis IV is a game about numbers… lots of numbers and how they interact with lots of other numbers. ... Europa Universalis III was the first work of his that received a dedicated soundtrack release, if only as a bonus CD that came with the game's Collector's Edition. ... Another example would be keeping a standing army at full maintenance all the time in the event of an attack, and leaving the rest of my units as reserves with low maintenance. Usually I will start building new ships when the cap is reached though. by | Feb 24, 2021 | Uncategorized | 0 comments | Feb 24, 2021 | Uncategorized | 0 comments Improved naval combat and full army control means the course of victory rests solely on your shoulders. Europa Universalis 4 Wiki Active Wikis Empire of Sin AoW: Planetfall Cities: Skylines Crusader Kings 3 Europa Universalis 4 Hearts of Iron 4 Imperator: Rome Prison Architect Stellaris Surviving Mars Surviving the Aftermath Allies for start should be Saxony, Poland, Austria. Around 70% seems a good balance for me, but if I am feeling very safe, I might turn it down further. ". It's possible for navies though via mothballing - that is there though because you want to use Light Ships for protecting trade in peace-times and the rest of your navy for war-times. 10. Type the name of an event or an event key into the text box below to instantly search our database 1,590 events. Brandenburg is an elector inside of the Holy Roman Empire, HRE. Select Page. Europa Universalis 4 Wiki Active Wikis Empire of Sin AoW: Planetfall Cities: Skylines Crusader Kings 3 Europa Universalis 4 Hearts of Iron 4 Imperator: Rome Prison Architect Stellaris Surviving Mars … Unless you play a nation with very few ports (e.g Austria at the beginning) I rarely run out of sailors though. 陸軍組織者 / Army Organizer: 顧問死亡時に混乱するので登用はお勧めできない。生かせるとしたら同君連合や属国になり、一時的にFLが下がった場合か。 陸軍改革者 / Army Reformer: 非常に優秀な能力。 Make Enrique into a general. Each fleet can be led by an admiral or explorer.A fleet travels at the speed of its slowest ship class.. Building ships []. Improve relations with Austria. Posted on February 22, 2021 by February 22, 2021 by If they are in between 50 and 75% of their strength, they will fight at 75% flanking range. Then a military idea would be nice. OIRAT – YUAN GUIDE FOR 1.29 Opening Moves-Improve relations with mongoliaSet Chagatai and Uzbek as rivals and embargo themAlly Korchin (temporary, optional)Don’t choose syncretic religion yet… JavaScript is disabled. Demand admin. Why's such an option not implemented in the game? Paradox is ringing in the Lunar New Year with discounts on tons of games at the Paradox Store. eu4 army professionalism February 22, 2021 Uncategorized. Find below a list of all event IDs in EU4. Set 1 heavy to hunt pirates there. Maintenance can be set anywhere from 100% down to 50%. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. eu4 administrative ideas. "An army needs a certain amount of money every month as maintenance. Say for example I want to keep my main armies in my mainland while sending small armies off to suppress rebels. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Demand the 150 military points. Lowering AI transport ship ratio. by | Feb 22, 2021 | Uncategorized | 0 comments | Feb 22, 2021 | Uncategorized | 0 comments At 0% funding, regiments will not reinforce, and maximum morale will be reduced by 100% (additive with other percentage modifiers) to a minimum of 0.51 (the minimum required for an army to … 3) Nobility- Grant gen. It's pretty nice to have if you have a large empire and a lot of relations to keep track of, as it gives you extra diplomat and -10% Liberty Desire, -25% Claim Cost and +50% spy network construction. Your Army's Professionalism is a national value measuring how closely your army models a “modern” standing army versus heavy reliance on mercenaries. I'm inclined to believe their stated reasons. Add Comment. EU4 Cheats is a searchable list of all EU4 Console Commands for the lastest version on Steam (PC and Mac).. The country gets the modifier ‘Increased Defensive’ for 15 years, with the following effect: Enabled if: Tradition also improves the skill of military leaders. Advisors may now jockey for positions of influence and adversaries should save their schemes for another day, because on this day Crusader Kings III can be purchased on Steam, the Paradox Store, and other major online retailers. Type the name of a console command into the search box to instantly search 305 EU4 commands.Hover over a cheat code to view detailed argument explanation. Their traditions grant a bonus to Leader Shock and Discipline, and completing the tree grants a +10% to Infantry Combat Ability. Call diet. Demand mil. Otherwise, it will disable it. Drilling will cost a loss in morale until you cancel it, but it will slowly increase your unit’s effectiveness. Better AI army assignment logic. How do I accomplish this? If maintenance is set to 50%, no reinforcements will be sent. is it wrong to turn it completely down when you have no wars on the horizon due to your alliances and no rebels? You should still check both as there are exceptions. The real downside of low maintenance, apart from poor combat ability, is that it affects how strong you look like to the AI. Menú Inicio; Patronat; Projectes; Contacte Bring army maintenance to zero. Thread starter Teuton1c; Start date Jan 2, 2014; Menu Crusader Kings III Available Now! At 0% funding, regiments will not reinforce, and maximum morale will be reduced by 100% (additive with other percentage modifiers) to a minimum of 0.51 (the minimum required for an army to move)". Janissary Units. by completely i do mean all the way down. manchu army composition eu4. Posted at 15:42h in Uncategorized by . Set hostile trading. Fundació Joves, Educació i Societat. The combat system, while not being entirely obv…
When that happened, the coalition disbanded as you said, but then after the truce ended, no one entered, even those with over -50 aggressive expansion because they weren't strong enough without all the OPMs. You're new to this negotiating thing, aren't you? eu4 army composition 2019. So, I've found that keeping the army at zero maintenance is pretty useful for maximizing income in between wars. Thoughts?
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